Wednesday, December 30, 2009

French Lique, Texas... 2009 A year in Review

This year, I am again joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for her "Year in Review" Party... so come on in and join the party... look at the pretty pictures and travel down memory lane... then drop back by Cindy's and see who else has joined the party!
I began the new year with a renovation of my home office...
the before...

and the after

celebrated my 100th post

(sorry about the cigarette; the photo was too irresistable not to use!) I did a little sunny winter tablescaping with Susan... and decluttered the china cabinet...

In February I gave a tutorial on covering and organizing your books... mine still look great!

Did a little Pink Rodeo posting on Beverly's Pink Saturday...

I visited with my daughter KJ, on a sunny porch coffee-scape ... In March, I looked for and found Mrs. Lahoma Herron...

I met and became fast friends with Candy of Rock Candy and her best friend Terry...

I invited you to join me
on a marvelous shopping trip through our local grocery store... HEB...

In April, Candy and I invited you along with us to Wimberley Market Days and our very first thirfting trip together...

and we were all introduced to the sweet little Bella... baby granddaughter of Trash Talkin' Deb... born a little early... but celebrated her first Christmas this year surrounded by wonderful loving family and friends...

In May, the Swine Flu fear overtook us all... but it didn't keep Candy and me from shopping Wimberly Market Days again!

Ricky's spring garden produced in abundance!

Then I ended the month celebrating at Rhondi's Porch Party...

In June... I started painting everything on the porch creamy white!

Then joined Marty for one of her fun Cloche Parties!

In July, though I started a little Bloggy Break... I still had time for "junkin" with Candy and Terry... this time in Geronimo, Texas...
and following Spencer's instructions for her Easy Peasy Teacup Candlesticks...I made this...

In August, I rented a booth... at Blue Hills Antique Mall in Geronimo, Texas...

and traveled to California... for a wedding, a winery and a wharf...

In September... I posted 9 times... none of them very interesting or noteworthy... I must have been continuing my Bloggy Break...

Then in October.. yep.. you guessed it... more junkin' with Candy in Wimberley... this is getting to be a habit!

In November, my sister sent me "my share" of mother's silver... we didn't know the pattern name, but Mimi did... Classic Rose by Reed & Barton... thank you again Mimi...

and I finally got around to decorating my booth for Christmas... about a month late... but better late than never!

and I celebrated my 55th birthday... thrifting with Candy and Terry...

and celebrating the Lord's birthday on Christmas day... with a wish for joy and happiness to all of you... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Dixie and Ricky...

Down here in French Lique..


  1. Thank for the year in review. I am just outside of Lick Skillet, Ga...yes really so stop laughing. I look forward to 2010. Happy New Year.

  2. I love this! Happy New Year Auntie J! Hugs!

  3. Awe that was a very nice review, Dixie... I must take a look back as well. I hope your New Year is a great one to remember!

  4. What a great look back over ole '09I didn't join until July so it was nice to see what I had missed..Thanks for this great review.

  5. You had a busy year! Great pics. I hope 2010 is wonderful for you and your family!

  6. Wow a busy year for you indeed!!

    Praying your 2010 brings many more pretty memories!


    (love the pig picture!)

  7. ohh Dixie, I miss your WW meme.. but nonetheless this post today really captured the fun & precious memories you had in 2009.. happy new year!

  8. This was way fun looking through your 'year in review'. Your office makeover is beautiful.

    Robin's Egg Blues

  9. What a fun recap of the year. The swine flu made me laugh out loud! Really cute! It's been fun following your blog this year and I look forward to reading more in 2010! And thanks for following my blog as well. I appreciate that! Happy New Year!

  10. Hello Dixie...

    Ohhh...what fun to visit 2009 at your place! You had a great year, my friend!!! It's so hard to believe that we're about to embark upon 2010...I'm still wondering where all of 2009 went to! Hehe!

    Thank you so much for stopping in for a visit today! Blessings to you and yours for a very Happy New Year, my friend!!!

    Chari @Happy To Design

  11. Thanks so much for sharing those absolutely awesome pictures. Have a wonderful New Year.


  12. What a fun overview! It sounds like you had a lot of fun with Candy! Lucky you!
    Happy New Year!

  13. Hey Dixie!

    What a great post! And what a great year you had! I wish you another wonderful year for 2010!

    Happy New Year!

  14. What a nice review! I hope you have a great New Year!


  15. I'll never forget your swine flu was so great!!! Happy New Year!!!

  16. Hi Dixie! I LOVED reading your Year in Review! I remember many of those times you shared with us....thanks for that fabulous recap of your 09!

    I wish you and Ricky a wonderful New Year...we're staying in and enjoying NOT having to go any place tonight. We met with our son and his family today for lunch...what a divine way to end the year on an up note!

    Tonight, I'm cooking goodies to take to a friend's tomorrow. Three couples are going to see "It's Complicated", then to one of their homes for some grillin' in the chillin' weather, watching football and hoisting a few toasts to 2010!

    Stay safe,

    L, Dana

  17. Hi! Enjoyed the review - your office makeover was fantastic - it looks gorgeous!

    Have a Blessed New Year...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  18. Wonderful year in review!!!!! thanks for sharing... HERE IS TO MANY MORE!!!

  19. Wonderful recap of a fun year! Happy New Year!

  20. With each sun that rises...
    With each moon that fades...
    May you find blessings~
    Along life's way.
    Love The Muse

    CHEERS this New Year!

    So glad to be among blogland friends once more...
    Thanks for the wonderful post...I have missed so much!

  21. And in December, I received that box of goodies that overwhelmed both Mr. Magpie and little old Magpie me with your generosity! You have no idea how much I'm enjoying my treasures, Dixie! I read Martha all night long! LOL! I'm just thoroughly enjoying that blog win. Thank you SO much!

    And I have enjoyed getting to know you this year and look forward to blogging with you in the next. All best wishes for a bountifully blessed 2010. May the joy you bring to others (including magpies) wash over you a thousand fold. Love to you and Happy New Year!


    Sheila :-)

  22. Thanks for sharing your year with a fellow Texan!

  23. Happy New Year! May 2010 be full of great junk! Hugs

  24. Happy New Years to you dear friend....

  25. What a wonderful recap in pics that you've shared!

    May 2010 bring you much happiness and everything you are dreaming of!

    Big TX Hugs from a fellow TEXAN,
    Angelic Accents

  26. What a wonderfulpost. It looks like you had a wonderful and full year! It's always fun to see another blogger from Texas! Thanks so much for sharing your highlights from last year! Happy New Year! -April

  27. What a wonderful year you had!

  28. I remember all of these posts...I started blogging in were on of the 1st ones I started following...

  29. Dixie, I would love to have a tenth of your joy for life and energy! were a busy little bee.
    One of the highlights of my year was the opportunity of getting to meet you and be allowed the honor of your friendship. You'll never know how much it has impacted me...there just aren't enough words. I look forward to your posts, but more than that I look forward to your comments. You have lifted me up so many times over the past months. I might not have been around the first part of 2009, but it's for dern tootin' Skippy, I'm in for the duration now! God bless you for being such a beautiful woman inside and out.


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...