Friday, May 1, 2009

The Poodles Take a Roadtrip!

The first Friday of every month is grooming day for Precious and Roxy. Both my little fuzzy girls love to go get pretty...

I walked out the door this morning where Roxy greeted me... I think she knew it was First Friday at Fuzzy Friends...

Both Precious and Roxy run to the car when they know we're going to visit Lisa at her shop. They practically run over me to beat me into the car... good thing they're so little! Imagine if they were Great Danes!

Lisa's shop is only a mile away down this little country road... This is my drive to work everyday... down into the dry creek bed and then up the hill... It's cloudy today... wonder if we'll get rain?

This is Lisa's house... It's the perfect Texas farmhouse...

As soon as we get on the gravel drive to Lisa's shop, the girls start jumping around and whining... they can't wait to see Lisa...

Here's her little shop... which sits next door to her house... she has a short stroll across the yard to work... wouldn't that be great! Inside Lisa's shop, Fuzzy Friends, is always spotlessly clean and neat as a pin!

I'd love to show you photos of getting the girls into Lisa's... but with one poodle under each arm, it's a little difficult to take pictures! Lisa always lets the girls stay in the same kennel because they cry for each other if they are separated... actually, Roxy cries for Precious... Precious could care less...

This is Lisa... who loves her work... loves her shop... and loves the animals that she grooms each month...

and they love her... Maybe one day I'll stick around and take some photos of the grooming process... but today... I'll let Lisa handle this all on her own...
I did take some photos to Lisa of Precious and her muddy excursion... Lisa loved them and hung them on her bulletin board...
Come back later and I'll show you the "after" photos of today's Poodle Roadtrip... down here in French Lique...


  1. Ah, it's so good that they love Lisa, my Chi-chi tries to hide when she knows she's going to the groomers, she's such a drama
    You sure have a beautiful drive every day.

  2. they are little cutie pies! My husband grooms our 2 schnauzers, I have had people stop and ask me who cuts our dogs, told him he could start another business cutting schnauzers...not interested LOL

  3. Well, You have a couple of little cuties on your hands.
    Do they get the bows in their hair when they are done?

  4. It does my heart good to hear that your dogs like the groomer. That shows she's gentle with them.

  5. What cuties they are! And I'm so glad they are excited about their monthly grooming trip!

    My dog Carson got a bit muddy (all over..LOL) several months back and I blogged about it. He's a white schnauzer and is ALL boy. He knows to stop at the door after he's gone out when it's wet or rainy....He ALWAYS has to have his paws wiped. ;)

  6. How puppy sweet and wouldn't that be a fun job?

    The Raggedy Girl

  7. Road trip, what fun! No wonder they like Lisa, she is so cute and what a great set up she has. Country livin' at it's finest.
    You solved the rock mystery!!! so after I see how much it will cost to ship I will be off to get your finders fee gift. I already have a few things in mind. Shipping rocks...only in Texas;-}
    Are you still heading this way for M.D.? Not sure how the weather is going to be.
    Looking forward to seeing the girls new do!
    Thanks again for your great memory.

  8. Where in the world have I been. I am running as fast as I can.
    Those little sweeties of yours are adorable! Mel seems to know when we are going to the groomer. Doggies...ya gotta love 'em! I LOVE poodles. The last two have been Pom's but the sweetest little dog in the world was Princess..a tiny black poodle. I miss her.


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