Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Helping Hand for Baby Bella...

Baby Bella... precious new grandbaby girl of Miss Debbie at Talkin' Trash Blog... was born premature. Bella was born at 23 weeks and 5 days on March 12. She weighed 15 ounces and was not quite 11" tall. You can follow Bella's progress on Jenn's blog called The Apiary.

The wonderful members of the Junk Sistas have put together a fundraiser to help Bella's family... They have some donated fantastic prizes (they are, after all, the divas of junk), and all you have to do is link here on May 1st and buy a raffle ticket... that's it! Hey, buy more than one... there's some really good stuff here! The tickets are $10. You'll also be able to take a look and the prizes on Friday too!

French Lique, Texas is sending along some of those beautiful vintage silverware wind chimes for the raffle... In fact, they'll be purchased from my favorite wind chime craftswoman Saturday when I go to Wimberley... they'll look a lot like these... except brand new... I'll post the actual photo Saturday evening. Sharing the joy of a new baby girl, down here in French Lique...


  1. Oh, what a tiny precious life. Hope you have a successful shopping Saturday.
    My prayers will be with the family.
    Stay safe,

  2. Dixie, you are a true Southern lady and a great Texan to boot!

  3. Hello, fellow Junk Sista! I love the chimes. Here's hoping we raise lots of money for Bella. Nice to discover you! ~Mindy

  4. We used to live at Seguin! I am a plate junkie so I need to do this one. I already posted today though, come by and take the "Lipstick Personality Test" at grannymountain.
    joy c.

  5. Oh what a precious tiny baby! I will offer some prayers for her and her mom..Christine

  6. What a wonderful idea! That precious tiny baby has no idea what a stir she has caused in Blogville. What kind-hearted bloggers you are. laurie

  7. Just prayed for the little one...

    Love all the magnolia photos...makes me REALLY miss the south!

  8. Oh Goodness me....!
    How miraculous! and How kind of you all to care for this blessing!
    Please tell me more about the price of the raffle tickets! :)

  9. Thanks Muse for waking me up. I suppose the price would have been helpful. I've added it to the post now. Tickets will be $10 and there will also be a list of raffle prizes with pictures posted.

  10. How wonderful for this tiny baby and her family to know that so many strangers will be thinking about, supporting, and praying for her.


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...