Tuesday, April 28, 2009

WORDLESS Wednesday... "PLATES"... keep it WORDLESS...

If you'd like to join Wordless Wednesday, link your WORDLESS post below.

If you find your link removed from Wordless Wednesday, please read the instructions here to post prior to reposting.

This week's Wordless subject...


1. Debbie @...Plate Addict
2. Marsha
3. Susan @ Between Naps on the Porch
5. fitty
6. Susan@thoughtsfromovertherainbow
7. Becky
8. dana of the stone rabbit
9. Nancy@MyCraftyLittlePage
10. Olive Rue
11. Marjorie Molly's country memories homeplace
12. Angela
13. Candy
14. Terry
15. Kathy
16. Laura
17. Libby Twirl&Taste
18. Christine
19. Carla
20. Chandy
21. The Bliss Journey
22. Linnea
23. The Raggedy Girl
24. Leah
25. ANN
26. Carol
27. Naomi- Sususeriffic
28. Joyce
29. Elena
30. Sofia@Expressive Creations
31. momma
32. Kathy - Mimi's Garden

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. Beautiful Blog! Music very therapuetic! Will come back!


  2. Oh Dixie...You are so funny! I am so single-minded when it comes to plates! Love yours! Dirty plates...continental plates...home plate!! lol Great post. And yes, I worked really hard to be wordless!!! Happy WW!...hugs...Debbie

  3. Ok, you got me with that second pic...what are those thingies?
    Very creative...all these different plates! Thanks goodness you didn't have any false teeth laying around somewhere. Hee,hee.

  4. I'm joining the fun for the first time! Not "talking" is hard! :) I love your different plates...not sure about the second one. My favorite is the dirty plates, something I know a lot about! Thanks for hosting!

  5. I have a sink full of dirty dishes if anyone wants to wash them let me know! lol

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* Wordless Wednesday~

  6. Hello, Scrappy Doo here
    I am so hooked on your blog.
    Love the sons truck! i AM A DUALLY driving woman myself and I think only Texans can understand the whole "Truck Thing" You have a wonderful style

    PS I am #100 follower
    Yea Me, Yea you!

    Scrappy Doo and Critter wish you a good night

  7. This was a fun theme this week, Dixie!! I LOVE your shares---but you also have ME stumped on the second one!!! You go girl. Keep us guessing!! L, Dana PS Happy WW!

  8. Talk (or not) about a full plate!

  9. It has been too long since I participated in a WW party. So I'm back! Love the stack of plates. Hope you are doing well.

  10. I can't believe I almost did the same thing you did! I have so many pictures of plates of food (go figure) I decided to go with that. The second picture? I think it's paper plate art. Very cool. I always love a visit to French Lique. xoxo Nancy who loves Wordless Wednesday!

  11. WOW! That last "plate" maketh me shiver! I think I live right on top of it! ;0

    m ^..^

  12. I love this week's theme!.. hehehehe.. thanks for hosting another fun WW week.. and dirty dishes.. *yikes* reminds me of my sink..

    have a good day & happy WW

  13. Hey Dixie
    You are awesome !
    Thank you for hosting Wordless Wednesdays .
    Fantastic pictures.
    Blessings & Hugs.

  14. Oh what a clever gal you are! Thanks for hosting this! Kathy

  15. If I could use words, my post would be titled:


    Thanks Miss Dixie,

  16. Oh the paper plates are so cool.

  17. Hello Ms. Dixie...

    Happy "Wordless Wednesday", Girlfriend!!! Just wanted to say how much I appreciate you for hosting this fabulously fun Wednesday event!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

    Girl, when I posted my "Wordless Wednesday" post...I had plates on the brain...you know, the dish kind! Hehe!!! Then I looked at all of your photos...you widened my horizon, Darlin'!!! Hehe!!! It never dawned on me that there were any other kind of plates...then dishes! OMG...I must be a plateaholic! Great photos!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  18. Too cool! Great prompt today:)

  19. Lovely choices of plates! I forgot how many items are referred to as plates. LOL Thanks for hosting!

  20. Great job of thinking outside the box for plate pictures! laurie

  21. Didn't think of home plate...good one. Did think of earth plates but couldn't find a great photo like you.

    No music practice today, everyone afraid of the S.flue, but have a show at Eden Home in New Braunfels on Thurs and Fri. for Hospice also in N.B.

    Enjoy Today,

  22. Your mind sure does hold more ideas than mine..lol..plate..I think of plates...you think world. Love all of your pictures.

  23. Love your creativeness! I didn't even think of other types of "plates". Great job. :)

  24. well are you doin the "smarty pants dance"?how did you think of all this?i only,of course, had one kind on the brain,ha.great job.you are pretty smart....ann

  25. Thanks for letting me join in. Love your blog.

  26. I love your "plates". Silly me I did a whole post using the word Dishes and then realized it was plates. It was sad because I had to send my favorite dish...Johnny Depp away.

    The Raggedy Girl

  27. What a clever post. Now I wouldn't have ever thought of all the different meanings of the word "plate". Great job, I loved it. Hugs, Marty

  28. What a fun theme. First I ran around taking photos of license plates but then I thought better of posting them for security. Then I searched for a hot plate but none could be found. All the switch plates were boring in my house and then my little GS refused to stand on home plate at the park for a photo and just the baseball plate was boring. I did not want to ask my neighbor for his dental plates:) I survived living on the fault line in CA but had no photos. So I had to cheat and copy these plate purses. I sure had fun this week putting on my thinking cap. I tried:)

  29. Those are great pictures! You are so creative!

  30. love your plates...great job

  31. Love the pic of the continental plates! Great pic, Dixie!

  32. Hello Ms. Dixie...

    I see that you removed my name off of the Mr. Linky list of participants...Hmmm...I must have done something wrong??? I didn't know that this was such serious business! I do apologize!!! I even looked for a note from you on my post to explain...but nothing.


  33. Chari... several posters were deleted for being too wordy... several others came very close. I've asked and nearly begged people to only do the link back to the host blog for WW and not other words... but still that instruction has been ignored. This week, I finally had enough folkls complain about it, I decided to enforce the rule.

    I know people won't like it... but it is Wordless Wednesday... and if it's too difficult to be wordless... maybe it's not the right meme for those folks.

    sorry for not leaving a comment. that was an oversight.

    The instructions at the beginning of this weeks post invite you to link and read the rules before reposting... so you can repost your link, once the words are gone.

    blessings. Dixie

  34. Kathy.. those are Tectonic Plates...

    and yes all... photo #2 is just plain old paper plates.

    thanks for joining WW... and for keeping it Wordless...


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...