Friday, May 1, 2009

There's No Place Like Home... The Poodles Return...

Lisa called... "the girls are ready!"... and I soon arrived to find a house full! On the bottom... from left to right... Mommy, Daddy and the 2-boys..all Shih Tzu-Poodle mixed... a neighbors pooches... and the top row.. a first-timer, the Doxie... and her adopted sister a Peek-a-Poo...
and of course the stars of the show... Precious and Roxy.
When I walked in... everybody started barking... except Lisa, who started laughing! yeow!
"Are we going home now?" My girls don't really care for all that noise!
"We made it back home all pretty & clean! Didn't know we were white did you?"
Precious is always a little suspicious of the camera. I don't know what she is thinking... but it's probably something like... "hey, where's my cookie!"... Roxy on the other hand is always ready, willing and able to pose... she's thinking... "If I'm really good and pose for mama's pictures I know I'll get a cookie!" and to answer Miss Scrappy Doo's question...
"of course we don't wear bows! We always get brand new kerchiefs from Miss Lisa... cause we're farm poodles! Ya know!"

Just livin' the life of a farm poodle... down here in French Lique!


  1. Two little Powder Puffs!! I have Yorkie-poos. Betsy & Winnie (sisters)

    Warm Wishes,
    Karen Eileen

  2. They look as white and fluffy as Spring lambs, too cute!

    The Raggedy Girl

  3. So cute! My mom has two girl sister poodles and I love them to death. They love to be groomed. I love the pink bows!

  4. What cuties! I'm so glad that you found a groomer who is so good with them. And her place is adorable! Kathy

  5. They are the stars and know it, don't they? Roxy looks like she would be the mischief maker not Precious. I have a white schnauzer and Jakie is always so beautiful when I pick him up from the beauty shop...that lasts for, Oh, about 15 minutes! But aren't they just our darlings? Debbie

  6. Oh how I wish my were clean and fluffy right now! They are a mess - they're always a mess!

    Believe it or not, you won a tube of No. 145 lotion! Send me your address and we'll get it right out to you!

  7. Awwww so pretty and clean and all dressed up*!!! It's good to be Precious and Roxy today*! (SMILE)
    Hugs to the pretty girls*! _Ashley*

  8. Now those are some pretty happy lookin ladies!


  9. Beautiful and huggable poodles! They look so clean...Christine

  10. yep.. they are very sweet and clean and snuggley right now... but tomorrow?...

    and Deb.. "looks" can be deceiving..;)

    Little Roxy is a pleaser... maybe because she was adopted from a shelter... Precious is fun and spoiled and very much a rascal... but we love her just like that!

  11. Your poochies are so sweet!! How lucky you are to have such a wonderful groomer so close. You're babies look like they love the outing!! They certainly look spiffy!


  12. My FARM dogs are pointing...(Max, Champ & Indy
    (They are boys~you know)....LOL

  13. Ahhhhhhhhhh............aren't your girls adorable?? I've heard that poodles are the smartest dogs and great watch dogs too! :-) Great pick.....and no shedding! Whoooppeee.....


  14. Brave girl...just brave...
    I mean it takes a certain inner strength to be out and about searching the junk sales for fab deals while still remaining ever watchful for renegade pork....LOL

    Have a most weekend!!!

  15. I doubt it's her puppy.i don't see much of her anymore.does she even have him anymore?i thought she tired of him along time ago.i found that little fellow on google.i don't know who he belongs too.he sure is cute,isn't he or she..ann

  16. The girls look gorgeous! Let's hope they stayed that way for a day or two before rolling in farm!

    PS: Like your new header too....very cute!


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