Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wimberley Market Days shopping... No Swine Flu Detected!

I always take a list when I go to any kind of flea market... because I have a tendency to let my eyes wander through all the uniquely beautiful items, and forget what the heck I was actually there looking for... This weekend, my list consisted of only 3-things...
Chair for Office
Wind Chime
people wearing masks (photos to take)
Here's what I came home with...
I think I did pretty good!

Pretty Pink Glass Candle Sticks...
not depression glass but...
a fantastic bargain at $3 for the pair...

I'm always on the lookout for depression glass. I knew the candlesticks were not, but I didn't care because, I knew they'd fit in just fine with my real depression glass...

I always look for one of 3-colors... Pink..Green..Yellow.
I have some of each...
This pretty sherbet which I thought was Pillar Optic pattern by Federal Glass...
a bargain at $4... probably worth about $12...
Turned out to be the more rare Paneled Optic by Federal Glass...
worth about $30! wooo-hoo!

Some of you know I collect Lladro Angels and Nuns...
Bought this piece from a fellow selling his deceased mothers collection...
He wanted $100, but said he'd take $75.. (I was ok with the $100)...
I said... "$75! Deal!"...
Current Value $245.
Now that was a major bargain!

Oh, and how about things on the list you say... well, got my wind chimes which will be donated to the Baby Bella raffle, and I will put a photo of them in a different post...

and the chair... finally found one... I've been looking for just the right chair, a reading chair in my new office renovation... only $20!
The perfect office chair... Low cane back, on casters, with a perfectly cushioned seat. After recovering the seat in French Toile, I'll decide whether to paint, or leave the finish the golden oak... what do you think?

The last thing on my list was to take photos of people wearing masks to protect themselves from the dreaded Swine Flu... We didn't see a single person wearing one! I was feeling disappointed, because I so wanted to share that with you... and then my sweet stepdaughter, Jen, ran across this little fellow...
Yep, he's from Mexico, so of course he was wearing his mask... Not sure if it will do this little piggy much good, but he was certainly gathering attention from passers-by for his vendors booth!
So there ya go... another successful day at Wimberley Market Days...
way down here in French Lique...


  1. Sounds like you had a successful day. Your piggy photo reminds me of the photos I just posted on my blog.

  2. You found some great bargains! I love the sherbet dish. And the masked piggy - what a hoot. I did see someone at Walgreens the other day wearing a mask. I'm going to assume she was immune compromised and her Dr. told her to do so... I'm going to check out our market days next Saturday. They are supposed to be much better than previous years, so we'll see. Kathy

  3. the piggy is adorable...glad the swine flu did not interupt your day...we've had some rain and drizzle up here...nasty day

  4. Well I know you had fun and I do wish I could have been arm in arm looking at all the yummy stuff.
    Chores filled my day. I do like to mow and got a lot done. Wish I could be in two places at one time.
    Love the glass piece and such a deal.
    How was the attendance?
    Your girls look so fresh and pretty, if we have rain tomorrow, hope they don't find the mud.
    Wine Time,

  5. You found some wonderful things. I love the pink candlesticks. They are just lovely. Also the green bowl, beautiful. What a great office chair. I know you will enjoy that, and finally your LLardo is stunning. Great day and wonderful finds. Hugs, Marty

  6. I enjoyed your recounting of your day at the flea market. Love the piggie!

  7. Lovely items, Dixie. Love the Lladro cause I collect them too. I am glad you got some that were on your list too....Christine

  8. That is hilarious Miss dixie-

    I am still laughing.


  9. WOW! You are a brilliant shopper. Your fins are beautiful, and what fabulous buys. laurie

  10. ...and you are so methodical...following that list religiously...sounds like you're the perfect shopper (all over the map)...that's what makes it so much fun...thanks for including us...since here in Tennessee we're about to drown with all the rain...piggy says it all...

  11. Dixie,
    That piggies color is a little concerning. Looks like he might have the flu. How would one check a piggies temp? No, strike that I don't want to know.

    Love the candlesticks!

  12. The pink candlesticks are beautiful. They do look like depression glass.

  13. I'd go shopping with you any day ~ looks like you find great stuff at great prices and the little piggy at then end is a sure sign that there would be lots of fun and laughter mixed in. Enjoy your treasures and keep well!

  14. LOL That final picture!

    I love your Lladro bargain!

  15. You got some great items. I don't know if you want to darken the cane or not on the chair. I guess it depends on your choice of fabric for the seat. Looks like good chair. The piggy makes me laugh.

  16. Great bargains! Also, the pig is hilarious! Linda

  17. I'm back again. I stopped by right now and almost fell out of my chair laughing now that that crazy pig is your blog banner.


    Stop! You are making me crazy!

  18. Great bargains, Dixie! And that Lladro piece is beautiful!

    Funny pig!

  19. My favorite is the green sherbet. That was some find!


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