Sunday, May 3, 2009

Met Monday... White, Mocha or Oak?

When I started my office renovation in January... this pillow was my inspiration. Purchased on Ebay, it has sat in my office, on a shelf, as I have worked little by little to create the perfect home office for myself...

I'd been looking for just the right side chair, to sit and read or watch television... This weekend I found this great chair at Wimberley Market Days for only $20. Photos of two chairs that have inspired this purchase... first a pretty creamy white chair, antiqued to perfection, wearing white leather... though I'm not into the leather... I do love the creamy antiqued white frame... and this one... a toile covered chair with wood stained dark mocha brown.So Sunday, I pulled out the dozens of staples holding on the old tattered chair seat cover... and "rough" fitted my toile... then gave my inspiration pillow a new home... no longer sequestered on a shelf...But what to do with that wood? Should I paint it in a creamy white and antique it just so...? Or, should I paint it a dark mocha brown... almost black? Or perhaps, just leave it as is?
I would love to know what YOU think... to paint or not to paint... that is the question... and if to paint... which color to choose?

Here's a picture of where the chair, when finished, will reside in my office. Right next to my little mirror table... a steal from Target last year.. on close out at $50.
I have other furniture in the room in the mocha brown and also, in the color that the chair is now... There are lots of white antiqued accessories in the room, so I think any of the colors would fit... but which fits the chair the best?

Just pondering Paint, down here in French Lique...

Now, Susan, having just awakened from a cozy nap on her porch, is waiting for you to visit. The Mint Juleps are ready... so drop on by and see who else is sharing their handiwork today on Metamorphosis Monday...


  1. I really love this chair. I think I would like the dark mocha brown/black, particularly next to the mirrored table (which is a great piece by the way). Oh, and I love the new "mascot" on your header lol. Kathy

  2. How did you know I was napping?!
    :-) I'm afraid I'm going to be useless because I'm not sure which way to go. I lean toward black 'cause it seems like white would be sort of bland with your pretty toile fabric. But you could paint it black, do the white on top of it and then distress it a bit so the black shows through in some spots. Now, keep in mind, I never painted a piece of furniture other than my little green don't just go on my advice. We'll have to see what everyone else suggest. :-) I love your Napolean Bee pillow! :-) Susan

  3. I love how the chair turned out with the new fabric and pillow. I think maybe I would paint it the really dark mocha/black color. But then any of the colors would be gorgeous, and it's also pretty like it is. Great job on selecting fabric. Hugs, Marty

  4. I'm not sure what color the chair should be. Either way it will be beautiful because you have such a great start.

    I love your new blog header!!

  5. I like it the way it is now... love the new fitting for the times...

  6. Great pillow, and love the fabric on the chair. I would probably go with the dark mocha/black as although I like white, I think the fabric would look great with the darker colour. Yes, very cute

  7. I'm thinking a cream antiques with black...kinda goes with that little table beside it (wow that little mirrored table is fabulous)...but a few cans of spray paint can transform it into anything You Like...

    Mexican Pig header is timely and cute too...


  8. With your drapes and that Fab U Lous table, I would have to go with a distressed black. Question is, do you love black? I do, so it's kinda of easy for me to say. But for instant drama, it just can't be beat! BTW, that's my office chair (the white one)! How funny.

  9. I like Debbie's idea of distressed black. I think that would look great. The island in my kitchen is distressed black, and I just love it.

  10. I love what you did with the chair. I think I'd like it painted brown/black and the fabric would really stand out. Linda

  11. If you like the wicker back then I would tend to leave the pretty finish it has but if you want the wicker to blend in then I think the white paint would be better. It is a lovely chair.

    The Raggedy Girl

  12. It already looks great with the new fabric and pillow. I vote for black paint...definitely black!

  13. I was leaning toward the dark mocha/black and after reading all the others looks like that is the popular one.
    Love the pillow. She is happy to bee off the shelf!

    Worked in the garden almost all day. And this evening we (MIL, me, hubby, and son)started practicing for a 'Family band'...Mamaw is so happy.


  14. Well, I'm in much the same delema as you. To paint or not to think I'd be leaning towards the Brown Mocha paint.

  15. Love your inspiration pillow. For the chair I would go with black but that's me.
    Thank you for sharing this :0)

  16. I love the chair and the toile you picked out. I would paint it black. Maybe rub off the edges and distress so it looks old and worn.

    How did you ever think to put the mask on the pig?! LOL!!!

  17. I love the pillow, so pretty. It's hard to decide without seeign the whole room but you said you have furniture in that existing color and you have others in dark mocha also and antique white accessories so any one of them will look ok. Why don't you just leave it as is and then when you get tired of it, change it to the other color and then to the other one when you get tired again? That will give you 3 looks in one....Christine

  18. I just love your new chair and what a deal...WOW!

    Can't wait to see the entire office finished.

  19. Dixie, I love the idea of the chair being a little darker (as in your inspiration picture of the darker wood chair). Your fabric and the pillow look great on it. I heart that pretty mirrored table. laurie

  20. Hi Dixie...I love love your "new" chair. The pillow looks great with it. I am leaning towards the darker color or black. I think it would look good next to your mirrored table. P.S. I giggled at your Banner photo!! Hugs!

  21. I always lean toward lighter colours myself! I would go for the antiqued white! We certainly are a differing bunch!

  22. I can't possibly help- I am too busy eating chocolate covered strawberries and having a glass of wine...

    But I am right here cheering you on!

    (It's all lovely by the way. I think I beed to visit Ebay and buy some pillows.)


  23. Laughing out loud at your banner. Thanks!

  24. I love that pillow and it is great for a home office (busy bee and all that). Wonderful!

  25. Pretty pillow and chair!! I believe I would go with black!! I think it will look great with the cushion and the pillow, and give a nice contrast to the light colors you say are in there!

    Have a great day!!

  26. I notice that your woodwork is a brown wood, so I'd say leave it the color that it is. Good job.

  27. What a great find! And the bee pillow... so cute!

    ~Really Rainey~

  28. My first reaction is to paint it the pretty, dark mocha brown. I think it would make the toile and the pillow pop. but I don't think you could go wrong painting it a creamy white and doing light mocha glaze to soften up the brightness of the white. Either way....great chair to work with

  29. "BAIL" ???? "BAIL"???
    Oh no now Ms Dixie...I never ever ~ ever...thought I would see the day!

    (*HUGS*) It has taken on a life of its own, that rhyme, hasn't it? :)

    Well, now, I have stopped by to visit and what is awaiting me? A most cozy and simply chic looking redo! Applause~Applause

    If you feel compelled to paint, how about a very faded, antique mix of cream white and gold? Love that Bee!

  30. oh my, what a delemma. Both colors would good on the chair, but what about when its mixed in with all the other furniture. That should help you decide. Debbie

  31. Okay, now that I have stopped laughing at your new header....have to go with the mocha brown crowd..

    Had the oddest dream the other night...I was telling someone how to get to French Lique....

  32. Either color would be great and each would give it a totally different feel. If you go creamy white w/toile, it will feel light/airy with a touch of romance. If you go with the mocha, it will be dramatic, sassy and dare I say it...a tad sexy :0). Toile with dark finishes just seems a very good way :0)
    I'm anxious to see what you decide and how it comes out. I know it will be fab!

  33. First of all, I love the Target table. I remember seeing those and trying not to drool on them. Love the lamp on the table as well.

    The chair? I could see a dark mocha on it, however the wood isn't bad at all.


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