Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Porch Party in French Lique... and You're Invited!

Welcome to the porch party at French Lique... and when you finish partying here... drop over to Rhondi's and see all the other nice folks participating in Rhondi's 2nd Annual Porch Party... The flowers are all in bloom and inviting you in...  and here's a chair for you... I just painted it yesterday morning...
or maybe you'll like this seat better... you get to choose.
The table has been set with all the things you like... lots of vintage china, silver, and depression glass... and a pretty vase of pure white roses...
Don't these say Porch Party to you? How about a bowl full of strawberries or maybe a bowl of cherries? Go ahead... take one... they're delicious!
Here's that artsy shot you've been waiting for... a guest's eye view...
Yep... that porch furniture painted a nice cottage white.. just divine...
Would you like a glass of Saint Gen's White Zin? See a cake plate can also serve as a nice bar tray for some pretty wine glasses...
Then after lunch... we'll mozy on over to the shady end of the porch for a little afternoon tea...  Nice and shady and ready for us to while away the afternoon... chatting and drinking some lovely Raspberry tea... One lump or two? I love sitting here and listening to the wind chimes... or maybe even taking a summer afternoon nap...But today we're just too busy to sleep... Here... how 'bout a sip... Ricky got this pretty vintage china for me at an estate auction... it's called Coralbel...
  Well... I'm still waiting... but no body's here? I'm sure the invitations said 11:30 a.m. sharp for lunch! Oh no! The invitations! Did I forget to mail them? I've just been so busy painting?!
Oh well... I'll pour myself another glass of nice cool wine and sit here and daydream for a while... It's a good thing I forgot to cook too!
Guess I'll tuck my little pretties away... until next time...Maybe Candy and BJ will come over early and help me get organized for our next Porch Party...

I love a porch party... down here in French Lique...

Getting Ready for the Party... the hard way...

If I've ever procrastinated about anything... painting my porch furniture has been it... My friend David gave me a vintage patio table and chairs 5 years ago... it is chippy white and rusting... I love it... but it really needs to be painted...

So about 2 months ago... I bought the paint... but as of today... the paint was still in the can... yep here it is.. a beautiful creamy white... but it doesn't do a lot of good still in the can... and don't forget my trusty little paint trigger gun... that makes the job so much easier...

Sunday morning, bright and early... I decided to paint the porch furniture. It's a mix and match... some white, some black... some... whatever... all are a little rusty... I started... everything upside down first... then upright... spraying away... gosh this is exhausting! Wish Ricky was here... it's must be 1pm... and I'm getting hungry!
and as if on cue... Ricky arrives home... he's been at his Dad's house, working on the backhoe... Ricky's "the man" when farm equipment breaks down...He's also the man at reading my mind... just look what he brought home... If you're not from South Texas... you probably won't go....mmmmmmmmmmmmm...

but if you are... you'll know that Bill Miller's Bar-B-Q is the home of brisket and fried chicken with home fries... yummy... Ricky likes to smother his fries in ketchup... and being a good ole' Texas Boy...
He usually ops for the Brisket Po'Boy... he smothers it in BBQ sauce and adds pickles and onions... I on the other hand much prefer the chicken strips with fries and creamy gravy... I mean... what the heck... if you're going to go... go all the way right!
Me... I like my ketchup on the side so I can dip my fries...
and my gravy on the side so I can dip my chicken strips...
now that's yummy...
and of course... all this delicious South Texas food will be washed down by a great big tall glass of very-very sweet ice tea...
now that I've recharged my batteries... I'd better get back to paintin'...
Rhondi's porch party is tomorrow!
See ya'll then...
Down here in French Lique...

Sunday Favorites... Revisiting Lahoma...

This post was originally published on 03/19/09. This was such an adventure... and if you'd like to read the follow-up called "Finding Lahoma"... I've given the link to that post below... read "Looking for Lahoma" first... and enjoy...
Please visit Chari at Happy to Design for more Sunday Favorites... my new favorite Meme!

I did a little Goodwill shopping a couple of weeks ago when Ricky and I went to drop off a few items... I figured I'd donated at least 20 or so items.. I could stand to pick up a couple of treasures... if I found any.

Lo' and Behold! I found this little treasure... a delicate oil painting... beautifully framed in Paris...

Paris, Texas that is...

There they were those sweet little birds.. sitting on a shelf behind some larger, cheaper looking pictures... mass produced... not original water colors... had someone tried to hide this little treasure? Too late... I found it and it is mine... and only $1.99...

An original to be sure... signed right here by the artist... Lahoma Herron... Herron like the bird? Perhaps, Lahoma was or is a bird lover... and an accomplished painter to be sure... But who is Lahoma?

There are a few clues hidden back here... on the reverse of this lovely treasure... Let's see what they are...

Framed by Vernon Daniel in... look... Paris... Texas...

and signed again on the back by Lahoma... obviously a gift to someone special... and Lahoma... a Christian by all accounts... as she has asked God to bless the receiver of this treasure... and they were a special recipient.. because she signed with "Love"...

But where is Lahoma... and how did such a lovely treasure come to be in the picture bin at Goodwill?

I'm doing my research... and I think I've found a relative of Miss Lahoma's... I've sent them an email inquiry and am awaiting their response...

Until then... The beautiful treasure, painted by Miss Lahoma Herron, has found a place of honor...

on my freshly painted walls, in my newly redecorated home office...
down here in French Lique...

Want more info about Lahoma?... read Here to find out what happened next...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Happy One Year Anniversary Pink Saturday!

Today is the one year anniversary of Pink Saturday at Miss Beverly's How Sweet the Sound Blog. I thought I'd take a stroll down Memory Lane and repost a few of my Pink Saturday Photos in Celebration. Happy Pink Saturday Anniversary Beverly... a job very well done!

So join me in the Celebration!

Pink Cowgirl Boots

Pink Vintage Advertisement

Pink Hello Kitty Fire Extinguishers

Pink Champagne
Pink Framed keyholes and key

Pink Cowgirl Up cap
Pink Cotton Candy at the Rodeo
Pink Satin Ballet Slippers
Hooray for you Miss Beverly!
Today we celebrate YOU!
oops! I think Barbie forgot something!
Celebrating all things PINK down here in French Lique...

Shopping for Mid-Centruy Modern... At Grandpa's House...

Jen dropped by today, on her way to Goodwill... she'd called and offered to pick up a few things that I'd set aside for a donation... but she had an alteria motive...

She really wanted my artsy opinion on a couple of things... Those things.. this pair of Mid-Century Modern Chairs that her Grandpa, my Father-in-law, was giving to Goodwill...

"Whoa!" says I... "Grandpa's giving those to Goodwill?"
"Yes..." says she... "Unless you think they're as cool as I think they are..."

"Oh yes, totally cool..." says I...

So I helped her unload them and we sat them in the front yard, in the shade by the driveway...

These will look really-really cool in Jen's living room, right next to her dining room of mid-century modern furniture... I think she is going to recover the cushions with some Vintage "Atomic" Barkcloth. That will tip the coolness odometer won't it!

She'll be pickin' them up on her way back from her Goodwill run...

Now that's what I call a bargain... down here in French Lique!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wordy Thursday... the rest of the story...

i thought we'd take another look at these birdies... cause there is a little story to tell... sorry... i love this photo and had to figure out a way to post it...

i have always loved birds... but when many of you were posting the white bird shakers at Target... i just had to have them... and heck... i think they were only $6.

Then one day, i was shopping in an antique shoppe that i frequent in Geronimo, Texas... and ran across some Luray and the little blue bird shakers (which are not Luray)... $8.

Then one day, shopping for a wedding gift at Marshall's... i found the Sparrow's on pedestal shakers... which i actually display as an art item in my office... but they are shakers... on sale at Marshall's for $3. But the little shakers that i really love... and apparently you do too... were the little vintage birdie shakers... they are sooooo adorable...

While shopping in Wimberley, Texas with my sweet stepdaughter Jen last month... Jen wanted me to point out a few things that i really liked... she was looking for a Mom's Day gift for me...

we found these little birdies... $14 at one of the booth vendors... but marked 50% off... So for Mom's Day, i got these little sweet birdies from Jen..

and they are truly my favorites! and that's the rest of the story... down here in French Lique...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I wish Wednesday... a thank you...

I wish that I could give each one of you a great big Texas hug and a big bundle of wild flowers... Women... we are special people. There I sat in the wee hours of the morning writing about menopause and old friends... posting my life on this thing we call a blog...

...and then there you were... my sisters in blogland... picking me up... dusting me off... sharing your stories and words of encouragement...

I can't tell you how much I smiled, sighed, got teary-eyed and all choked-up... reading each word that you wrote... You guys are the best... and I cherish each and every one of you...

Blessings to you all... and lots of hugs... from down here in French Lique...

Menopause and other annoyances...

What a title huh? Well, it's 2 a.m. and I can't sleep... So there I am, laying in bed... Ricky next to me sawing down a forest... and I start thinking about ...


I'll be 55 this year... in December... and I've been wishing, waiting... even praying for... the onset of menopause... Well... here it is.. it has reared it's ugly head... restless sleep; hot flashes; cold flashes; dry hair; dry skin; mood swings... Welcome to the beginning of old age... Be careful what you wish, wait and pray for.
side note: Don't worry... I'm on the natural harmone balancing therapy with my wonderful doctor... and I rarely have a "flash" anymore... and sleeping pretty well when grand-dog is at home with her mommy...

Barking Dogs...

Yes, that is what woke me up this morning at 1 a.m. We're dog sitting 2-dogs for Ricky's #2 while she is in California this week... So since last Friday morning... I have been awakened no later than 6 a.m. by "Butter" barking-barking-barking... Gosh! I'm glad I'm on vacation... otherwise I'd be sleepwalking at work... Those that know me know I hate waking up before the sun... and I really don't like barking dogs.. (but I have to admit that "Butter" is beginning to grow on me... )

Refusing to look in the mirror...

About 17-years ago, after a morning of volunteering at the elementary school where my daughters attended... my friend Lynne invited me to her house for lunch. Lynne was a teacher that had quit working to stay home with her two children. She volunteered at school on occasion... but mostly took care of her home and family... that was about it.

I, on the other hand, had taken a 2-year sabbatical from work when my youngest, KJ, was born... so I volunteered.. I volunteered at school, at church... I was a Girl Scout Leader, I was a Girl Scout Trainer... I was on the Board of Directors of the Girl Scout Council... I volunteered time to the gym where my oldest two daughters took tumbling and cheer leading... I drove around delivering Meals-on-Wheels every Friday...I hosted fundraiser and dinner parties... If someone was sick, I took them food, or offered to run errands... I volunteered to watch their house if they were out of town... I worked very hard to please everyone I knew...

So, while Lynne and I sat at her kitchen table... discussing all my volunteering... she gently put her hand on mine and asked... "What emptiness in your life are you trying to fill with all these things that you're doing?"... Never had anyone seen through me so clearly and cut right to my core... Of course I denied and justified... and Lynne let it go... telling me... "if you ever need a friend to talk to.. I am here".. and she was.

I've been thinking about Lynne a lot lately... wondering how she's doing... She went back to teaching after her children were both in high school. I haven't seen Lynne in many years... our kids grew up and we each went our separate ways. I'd like to see her again, to tell her "thank you" for making me look in the mirror that day. It changed my life...

So, I have to ask... "What are you filling your life up with?"

Well, that's what was keeping me awake... and now that I've gotten it off my chest... I'm sleepy... so, back to bed I go... where Ricky has probably finished sawing those trees...and maybe I'll fall back to sleep, down here in French Lique...

ps... sorry for messing up the sanctity of Wordless Wednesday... sometimes the words just can't wait..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday*Salt and Pepper*Keep it WordLess

If you'd like to join Wordless Wednesday, link your WORDLESS post below. Mister Linky is up and running! Yippeee!!!

If you find your link removed from Wordless Wednesday, please read the instructions Here, prior to reposting.

This week's Wordless subject...



Wordless Wednesday at French Lique, Texas Participants
1. dana of the stone rabbit
2. Debbie
3. Kathy
4. Dixie's World
5. Lazy Mom Leslie
6. Candy
7. Nancy@MyCraftyLittlePage
8. Cathy
9. Marjorie.mollys country memories
10. annefannie
11. Debbie@Delightfully Wed
12. LdyDy
13. Ann-Maire
14. Leah
15. The Raggedy Girl
16. KayC
17. Christine (xinex)
18. The Bliss Journey
19. Aimee
20. Esther
21. Terry
22. Linda @ Seasons of Life
23. ButterYum
24. momma

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