Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday*Salt and Pepper*Keep it WordLess

If you'd like to join Wordless Wednesday, link your WORDLESS post below. Mister Linky is up and running! Yippeee!!!

If you find your link removed from Wordless Wednesday, please read the instructions Here, prior to reposting.

This week's Wordless subject...



Wordless Wednesday at French Lique, Texas Participants
1. dana of the stone rabbit
2. Debbie
3. Kathy
4. Dixie's World
5. Lazy Mom Leslie
6. Candy
7. Nancy@MyCraftyLittlePage
8. Cathy
9. Marjorie.mollys country memories
10. annefannie
11. Debbie@Delightfully Wed
12. LdyDy
13. Ann-Maire
14. Leah
15. The Raggedy Girl
16. KayC
17. Christine (xinex)
18. The Bliss Journey
19. Aimee
20. Esther
21. Terry
22. Linda @ Seasons of Life
23. ButterYum
24. momma

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


  1. What a fun little dance those birdies are having!!!

  2. The ones with the BIG eyes are just to cute

  3. Sweet birdie shakers!!! Happy WW!!!

  4. Those are really sweet!
    How do you have the patience to change your header every day??
    Have a great WW!

  5. Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment! I have the first set of white "tweets" too! The others are really cute also. Salt and Pepper reminds me that we are to be salt in this world!

  6. What a "tweet" collection.


  7. Hi Dixie! Love all of your birdies!! So cute! Is it me? I don't see Mr. Linky! Thanks!...Debbie

  8. I love your taste in birdies---sadly, mine met with a wee disaster!!

    Happy WW!! L, Dana

  9. Cute! I really like the blue ones!

  10. Dixie,
    Mr. Linky is not showing up for me.

  11. What great salt and peppers. I love them all. Hugs, Marty

  12. Dance with the one that brung ya!
    Need a good old fashion square dance to mix things up.


  13. Love your salt n pepper collection*! _Ashley*

  14. I love those robin egg blue little birdies!! Hope all is well with you... take care!

  15. I love the birds! So sweet! Please link me in. Thanks! Mr. Linky hasn't been feeling well for awhile!

  16. What darling little birdie salt and peppers. Are you having trouble with IE doing that fatal thunk sound and then says it can't display the page? Everything is goofy right now! Anyway, I have my salt and pepper posted and let me know if I'm disqualified for my little extra. I just had to share it! Wonderful wordless wishes wending your way! :)Nancy

  17. These are the cutest! I especially love that last set - they just look like they are going to say something - oops, that would be bad on Wordless Wednesday, wouldn't it? Thanks for hosting Dixie! Kathy

  18. Cute s&p collection..I have quite a few but none as cute as yours....down there in French Lique....
    xo bj

  19. I'm all atwitter at your cute post. Somebody loves birds!!!

  20. Love your bird shakers, Dixie!...Christine

  21. Love your little birdie salt and peppers!

  22. Hi Dixie, what sweet looking little bird salt and pepper shakers! What a fun thing to collect!

  23. I am loving anything birds right now! Really cute salt shakers. Check out my little hummingbird nest photo I posted on my Memorial Day post. I have been so excited about it since I spotted it! So bird is the word! Or rather Wordless Wednesday!! LOL!

  24. I love birds!!! Those are some sweet looking little salt and pepper shakers! My kitchen is decorated in birds but I don't have any salt and pepper shakers. My boy would probably break them playing with them or even take them to his room. hehehe It doesn't matter what it is, if he thinks it is a toy he IS going to play with it! Boys!!!!!

    I couldn't come up with anything for this week's Wordless Wednesday.


  25. Miss Dixie, I have to say that I love Wordless Wednesday! It is so much fun to do! Love all your salt and pepper shakers...have a great "WW" ;-)

  26. What sweet birdies and I am glad Mr. Linkey is over his snit. Thank you for hosting this fun meme and I am still in shock that I own a dozen salt and pepper shakers and I usually just use the can and the box.

    The Raggedy Girl

  27. honey------i'm home.i adore your s and p's........fabulous.and the ones in your header are great.i'll be on here next wk.i hope you got along ok without my help...ann

  28. Hi Dixie
    Thank you sweet lady for hosting this wonderful Wordless Wednesday event.
    I love your sweet little birds all a twittering about their fan club out here in blogland.Of course they are so adorable who can resist them ? I know I can't I had to scroll up and down to gaze at them twice they are so cute .
    Thanks for sharing your sweet little featherd friends. .
    Blessings to you .

  29. Sorry didn't get to join you this week, but I will next week. Glad to see you had a great turnout.

    Love your birdies s&p shaker collection.

  30. what cute little birdies!! i have a friend who will love this ww!!

  31. Dixie, you have been busy in the last 24 hours! I came over to see your Wordless Wed. post, and there are 3 new posts! Your little bird s/p shakers are so pretty. Did they just fly in and land on your table? If they did, you are so lucky that they are all such pretty little birds. laurie

  32. Field rats...not that's a good reason to let Mr. Snake slither right by.

    My hubby has a friend (who is quite a large man), who just runs and screams when he spots a snake...doesn't even go for the gun! He is terrified! LOL We really laugh at him. He is afraid of live, dead or fake snakes. They have a great time with him!

    My Son-in-law screams like a girl and runs from wasps! Now that is a hoot...especially in AR in the summer! They seem to radar in on him and don't bother anyone else. LOL Wish I had a picture of that for WW.


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

I hope that you'll leave a little comment (I love comments) so I know that you have visited... I'd like to visit you too!

I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...