Monday, May 25, 2009

Susan Boyle, A British National Treasure

Susan Boyle performing "Memory" from the musical "Cats" on "Britian's Got Talent", May 24th. She was a little nervous in the beginning... but that smile... when she knows she has the audience with her... Priceless...

What an absolute delight this sweet Scottish lady is... enjoy...

We're rooting for Susan... down here in French Lique...

ps... God, if there IS reincarnation... please let me come back as a little Scottish woman with a voice like Susan Boyle's...


  1. She really is something and I love how she shut up Simon after that first performance.

  2. Woman you are a nut! just what is that in the right top hand corner of your blog??HMMMMMMMM???

  3. Do you not just adore her?!
    What a voice!

  4. Tingels down your spine good, what an amazing voice, Kathy.

  5. She really is an amazing talent. And I just love her personality, very humble, but with a lot of spunk! I'll never forget the first time I heard her sing. What a gorgeous voice. God has truly gifted her. Kathy

  6. Thanks for sharing another performance of such an amazing talent. I listened to "I dreamed a dream" 3 times, and now "Memories" - wow! God has gifted this woman immensely. (Love it that even Simon stood and applauded - which he did NOT do for Kris Allen last week - shame on him.) Linda

  7. Dixie:
    I usually pass by videos due to the time issue but I so wanted to hear her sing this and I watched the whole thing. I am at a point that I am questioning how much time I spend on the computer and trying to find a perfect balance with having a blog, visiting blogs but still giving my home and my Lord the bulk of my time and I want you to know it is visiting blogs like yours that makes me not just want to walk away. I love coming here each day, I adore Wordless Wednesday. You are an exceptional lady.

    The Raggedy Girl

  8. Hi Dixie
    I am so glad that you're going to join in the porch party and I'll add you to my list. Please eamil me(my email is in my profile) so I can send a you some instructions the day before.
    I thought Susan Boyle was delightful also. OH and I love the refernec to Rio Linda in your title :)
    Hugs, Rhondi

  9. I agree. She is WONDERFUL! And I wanna come back as someone with a Scottish accent too... : )

  10. She has such a wonderful voice! I hope she wins!


  11. She is truly a bright shining soul. I hope she will soon feel her worth as a creation of God.

    Lovely flower on your header today.


  12. I just knew that you'd have her up ;D I need to get her up too. Read a comment somewhere that it looked like she'd been dieting, etc. Um, no. Darker dress that fit properly, slimming. Someone did her makeup, but she's still our Susan!

    And we had the brisket rub on chicken yesterday...died and went to heaven...I don't usually eat the skin...but I was fighting College Dude for it (he doesn't need to eat that!)

  13. she has hutzpah!
    and i like it (and her)!

  14. Just LOVE this lady!!!!Inspiration to us all!

    Dixie~~please stop by my blog, I have an award for you!



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