Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Porch Party in French Lique... and You're Invited!

Welcome to the porch party at French Lique... and when you finish partying here... drop over to Rhondi's and see all the other nice folks participating in Rhondi's 2nd Annual Porch Party... The flowers are all in bloom and inviting you in...  and here's a chair for you... I just painted it yesterday morning...
or maybe you'll like this seat better... you get to choose.
The table has been set with all the things you like... lots of vintage china, silver, and depression glass... and a pretty vase of pure white roses...
Don't these say Porch Party to you? How about a bowl full of strawberries or maybe a bowl of cherries? Go ahead... take one... they're delicious!
Here's that artsy shot you've been waiting for... a guest's eye view...
Yep... that porch furniture painted a nice cottage white.. just divine...
Would you like a glass of Saint Gen's White Zin? See a cake plate can also serve as a nice bar tray for some pretty wine glasses...
Then after lunch... we'll mozy on over to the shady end of the porch for a little afternoon tea...  Nice and shady and ready for us to while away the afternoon... chatting and drinking some lovely Raspberry tea... One lump or two? I love sitting here and listening to the wind chimes... or maybe even taking a summer afternoon nap...But today we're just too busy to sleep... Here... how 'bout a sip... Ricky got this pretty vintage china for me at an estate auction... it's called Coralbel...
  Well... I'm still waiting... but no body's here? I'm sure the invitations said 11:30 a.m. sharp for lunch! Oh no! The invitations! Did I forget to mail them? I've just been so busy painting?!
Oh well... I'll pour myself another glass of nice cool wine and sit here and daydream for a while... It's a good thing I forgot to cook too!
Guess I'll tuck my little pretties away... until next time...Maybe Candy and BJ will come over early and help me get organized for our next Porch Party...

I love a porch party... down here in French Lique...


  1. Hi Dixie, Greetings from North Texas! I love your porch. Every little detail is lovely. Your tablescapes are so pretty and inviting. What a divine party. Thank you for such a nice time. So nice to meet you.
    Blessings, Celestina Marie

  2. Dixie, this is just pretty as a picture! Love what you did with your tablescape, and I love all the cute porch furnishings... that cute flower container, the little wooden bench.... all of it. Just darling! Lots of special touches. Thanks for sharing...


    Sheila :-)

  3. o, Dixie are without a doubt, the cutest thing!!
    I LOVED my time on your pretty porch...and, boy, it all looked organized REAL well, to me!! I love your dishes and I would be taking myself a nice, deep sleep on that pretty bench. WINE always makes me a little sleepy..relaxed, I guess you might say..Come over sometime and I'll give you a glass of my favorite Blackberry so good with....CHOCOLATE..:o)
    Your apron is so cute!!

    french lique, french lique, french lique !! i just can't say it enuf...
    See you on Monday, dear one...oh...wait a IS MONDAY !! Gosh, I am up waaay past my bedtime....night night
    xo bj

  4. Hi Dixie, it's lovely to meet you! Everything here is so beautifully arranged and pleasant ~ you have a lovely porch. Thank you for your warm hospitality!

  5. wow - Love your cozy porch, Dixie. I was going to head over there but since you're coming to MY porch this is just a reminder to bring all that yummy food you have that I don't! xoxo Nancy

  6. What a perfect place to while away a summer day with friends. I can hear the wind chimes! The table is just lovely and I love the way your patio set turned out. Thanks for the lovely day. Kathy

  7. What a lovely space you have here. I really like your benches with the pillows. It all looks so comfortable.

  8. Your porch is so inviting! I love the tablescapes. I feel so relaxed now. Can I stay till dusk and watch the lighting bugs and have a few sips of wine? Have a great day! Your chairs turned out wonderful

  9. Oh Miss Dixie! How beautiful! Your table and chairs look so fresh and I love your cushions and pillows, too! Beautiful dishes and tea set...good eye, Ricky! I smiled when I saw your lemons...cut the right way, of course! It all looks so inviting! Have a great week...hugs...Debbie

  10. Sorry I over slept this morning. Of all mornings!
    Everything turned out so dreamy. I noticed the white lacey plates you got at Market Days. And those pillows are devine. I had to enlarge the pic to have a closer look.
    I would rather cozy up and chat but now I have to run.
    (I feel so special with my name tag)

    Hope you get to rest today, you so deserve it.

    Fabulous job,

  11. ps. I didn't see your name on the list this morning.?. or if I missed it, my excuse is I haven't had my coffee yet.

  12. Everything is so lovely. You did a great job.


  13. What a beautiful porch you have! I love all of the soft colors. It is very cozy and welcoming.

    Come visit mine if you have time.

  14. Ooooo, I love your porch. I'm drooling over it all, especially the pink and green depression glass.

    Hope you have a good week, Dixie☺

  15. Dear Dixie,
    Everything is so very beautiful...I love your beautiful vase that is on the table...I couldn't tell but it looked like pink milk glass hob nob...everything just divine from start to finish.
    I was going to participate but I didn't get everything done...I have repainted chairs, pots, tables and today I have to plant.
    any way I enjoyed the party...the strawberries were delicious

  16. Texas gals do it up fancy! I love the verse on the apron.

  17. Ding Dong...I'm here! I hope the invite with "Deb" on it meant me otherwise I just crashed your porch party. And since I'm here, could I please have the zinfandel in my tea? Oh the wonders of a spray trigger! It all looks clean and fresh...makes me want to linger forever. I have to dash...can't linger long...there's a darling baby I just have to go visit, but I had a wonderful time. Thank you for your French Lique hospitality!

  18. where to start?! love the the the eiffel tower piece. what a great porch.
    thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day.

  19. What a lovely porch and your table was beautiful. Makes me want to find a softly flowered tablecloth and make a porch table too. I am inspired!

    The Raggedy Girl

  20. HEY DIXIE, I will be right there ( in about 4-5 hours), but it would be worth the drive to sit on your porch and enjoy LUNCH!

    Been having trouble getting to your blog, internet explore keeps shutting me down when I come here.
    Didn't today, thank goodness.

    Hope things are good at your house.

    Happy Porch Party .

  21. What a wonderful porch! I could spend hours there.

  22. How fun it would be to sip a glass of wine on your fabulous porch. It is such a lovely place to linger.

  23. I miss Texas!!!I just love your porch. I love your chairs and the cushians. The birdie salt shakers are cute. Im in love. Thanks

  24. Gorgeous!! Oh, so relaxing, you make me want to live in Texas! You know, the stuff is beautiful and nice and I love it, but what makes it better, is that it doesn't seem untouchable. Does that make sense?

  25. You know how to make others feel right at home. Everything looks just lovely. The pinks, creams and greens. pretty.


  26. This is too pretty for words!


  27. No need for an invitation. Next time I'm in the area, I think I'll just drop by. And if you're not in, I'll just sit on your porch and prop my feet up.

  28. Hi Dixie
    Everything is so beautiful, the chairs, the pillows, the china, the refreshments... I just want to stay all day. thanks for being such a wonderful hostess. I'm coming right over!
    Hugs, Rhondi

  29. Dixie,

    what fun...wished I lived close enough to pop the table cloth...what a fun morning you out did yourself as usual...well you are a Texas gal...the glass of wine looks great...


  30. Now, Miss Dixie. I must tell you that I love every single thing. I mean it, I love it all.

    And, don't feel bad that you forgot to cook because I brought you some homemade cheese straws. We'll just sip, nibble and chat.

    You must might have to run me away.

  31. Hi Dixie :)

    How fabulous are you? I love the whole thing from the chairs to the beautiful china. You did a beautiful job and if you had mailed out the invitations I would have been there in a jiffy ;)

    Thank you for such a sweet comment.


  32. Dixie, you have inspired paint envy in me -- I didn't get my porch furniture painted in time ... or yet, for that matter!
    Yours looks so fresh and lovely! Sweet and happy post -- very pretty. Love it... Cass

  33. Dear Dixie, thank you for the invite...your porch and pretties are just BEAUTIFUL!!! It so reminded me of the porch parties I used to have in California!!! So shabby cottage!!! Pink and green!

    Speaking of CA, I just got back from a three day jaunt there to meet up with my I am jet lagged and needing to settle back in and visit my blogging friends. You were the first!

  34. Texas women sure know how to throw a party*!!! Loved it*! Thanks for the invite ~ _Ashley ~

  35. Hi Dixie!! I'm so late visiting your wonderful porch!! I was side tracked from the really important part of the day----cyber porching!! Well, I have sooooo loved "crashing" in your place for a bit. Everything looks so relaxing and cozy and tempting---one of these days, I will make it to Texas and enjoy a glass of your famous St. Gen's White Zin!!!

    I love your comfy furniture and sweet dishes---you certainly know how to entertain!!

    L, Dana

  36. Hi Dixie, greetings from Belgium.Your poch is beatifully dressed.Every detail is perfect and so elegant.I would love a visit from you too.

  37. I love your porch. Soooo cozy!! Love all those fabrics!

    I enjoyed your Porch Party!

  38. Dixie, your porch party is delightful! All of those soft colors, that beautiful china and your fancy silver. Absolutely stunning! I think I could fall asleep in all of that wonderful softness on your porch. You have outdone yourself with this lovely party. laurie

  39. Thank you, Dixie, for letting me ogle the beauty of your porch and its inviting table setting. Every thing looks so perfect and cozy for your "guests." :-) Sue

  40. Well, I don't know what happened, but my darn message just disappeared. How can that be?

    I wasn't finished yet!

    I'm still droooooling.

    I think your pillows look like they were made by Lynn Bussa or that adorable little Rebecca at A Gathering Place.....were they?? They just couldn't be prettier.

    Your porch is just delicious! Love it to bits! LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!!!!! Wish it were mine.


  41. Just wanted to let you know I had a fabulous time at your virtual porch party! Everything was just beautiful~ such a feast for the eyes that I did not mind a bit that you only served wine and berries. I hope you host another one soon.


  42. Howdy Dixie
    Oh my goodness you have the prettiest porch !
    Darlin you just amaze me with all the gorgeous details .
    You never overlook anything when you host a party.
    I must admit I have been having a little bit of green envy over that cute little pink hobnail vase in your header :)
    Than I think No No that is your sista's and all is well again.
    I really do love all the delightful colors and treasures you have pulled together for your porch party.Thank you for including me .It is such a beautiful and delightful party.
    God Bless you sweetie.

  43. Hi Dixie,
    I am sorry I am late, this is just gorgeous! what a great job with all the cottage white, the lovely pillows and that tables setting is one of the prettiest I have ever seen. Thanks for sharing, I love it! Cindy

  44. So very pretty Dixie! I am always happy around soft pinks and green. Your porch is very lovely. Hugs.

  45. Dixie, I'm just catching up some. I missed this one. I love, love, love you porch, but I tried the pillow thingie on my swing, I found them in the yard behind the shop where Levi and Katie girl like to take their naps. I guess they needed a pillow to sleep


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Welcome to French Lique, Texas...