Friday, May 29, 2009

Shopping for Mid-Centruy Modern... At Grandpa's House...

Jen dropped by today, on her way to Goodwill... she'd called and offered to pick up a few things that I'd set aside for a donation... but she had an alteria motive...

She really wanted my artsy opinion on a couple of things... Those things.. this pair of Mid-Century Modern Chairs that her Grandpa, my Father-in-law, was giving to Goodwill...

"Whoa!" says I... "Grandpa's giving those to Goodwill?"
"Yes..." says she... "Unless you think they're as cool as I think they are..."

"Oh yes, totally cool..." says I...

So I helped her unload them and we sat them in the front yard, in the shade by the driveway...

These will look really-really cool in Jen's living room, right next to her dining room of mid-century modern furniture... I think she is going to recover the cushions with some Vintage "Atomic" Barkcloth. That will tip the coolness odometer won't it!

She'll be pickin' them up on her way back from her Goodwill run...

Now that's what I call a bargain... down here in French Lique!


  1. Man, why can't I find great stuff like that?

  2. The are classic and will never not go because the wood can be wood, the wood can be painted and the covers can be redone over and over. They will always go no matter what the decor is...what a great find!

    The Raggedy Girl

  3. oh I love getting family treasures that they no longer want...I could hear your wheels turning...can't wait to find out what happens to the chairs...

  4. When I was a newly wed here was my definition of really cool furniture:

    1) In relatively good shape

    2) Free.

    Hey- - - who am I fooling??? That's STILL my definition.

  5. Those look super comfy! :)

  6. Oh my, I LOVE those chairs! Aren't they just gorgeous, and they look to be in immaculate shape. What a deal! Kathy

  7. Super great chairs. They will look great with her other Mid-century furniture. Also I think it is really special to have family heirlooms. Great treasures. Hugs, Marty

  8. So glad they are staying in the family. Love them.


  9. Good save Jen!
    Hope you and Ricky enjoyed the shade while she was gone.
    Now you know we are going to want to see the redo. Those beauties won't have lasted 5 minutes at GW.


  10. U go girl! Doesn't this just make your day!! Love em'! Thanks for stopping by to see me.. come anytime.

  11. Hey Dixie!

    Way Cool!!! I would have snagged them up also! Who wouldn't! Those are some great looking chairs. You can't buy quality like that anymore. I just bought a new tv cabinet that I thought was made in the USA ~ I ordered it from a catalog at the furniture store ~ When they delivered it I seen the big ole stamp on the back and I almost sent it back! China! Seriously, the company was based in North Carolina for many many years and they are selling furniture made in China.

    Have a great weekend!

    I also wanted to tell you that I have an award for you on my blog!


  12. Such a great pair of chairs! And so glad to hear they are staying in the family. I agree, the barkcloth will take them over the top.

  13. How much fun! That's my favorite scenario: someone to back me up and say YES that's cool.


  14. Fabulous post, love the cake photo.

    Have a great Pink saturday.


  15. i love em.get ya paintb vbrush out.haha...ann

  16. I sure do hope that you can show us a shot of the finished work as well, Ms Dixie :)


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