Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Still Life and/or April Fool(s)

Today's Wordless Wednesday subject is.... "Still life" and/or "April Fool's"... I just couldn't make up my mind!

Like to join Wordless Wednesday? Publish a WW photo on your blog, and include Dixie's WW logo in your post with a link back here, then link to your post with Mr. Linky, below... that's it... now visit other WW posters! Oh... and don't forget to leave a comment for Dixie too!

Keep in mind that it's Wordless Wednesday... so post a photo... let the viewer add their own words... come on! you can do it! i know you can!

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Monday, March 30, 2009

My French DNA or How Dixie dresses French...

I've been doing some catch-up reading on a blog I really enjoy. Corey's Tongue in Cheek blog... Corey, a California gal who married a Frenchman, writes and photographs a beautiful journal of her life in the South of France. I just love reading her every word...

Today I read something she had written back in August 2006, titled French Dressing , and how to dress like a French woman... to my surprise... I realized my French heritage is alive and well within me...

How Dixie dresses like a French woman... based upon Corey's post... down here in French Lique...

1. Own one of everything in black... and have the fashion color of the season in your wardrobe... Okay.. this one was entirely too easy.. I wear black nearly every day.. black slacks, black tops, black sweaters, black stockings, black shoes... well, you get the photo... and the color of the season... I have a scarf in just about every color and combination of pattern to cover this one...

2. Dare to wear red gloves... well... here are my gloves... the same gloves I've worn for 7 or 8 years... soft red leather...
3. Smoke without shame... hehehe... I failed this one miserably... unless you count smoking a Texas brisket... 4. Wear matching sexy basic white undergarments... let's just say that I've passed this one with uh... flying colorlessness..
5. Ditch tennis shoes & socks... ah-haaaa... well, most of the time, in the summer, I wear leather sandals that are about 20 years old... in the winter... boots... I do have tennis shoes.. but I seldom wear them except on the treadmill... or if Ricky makes me walk a really long way... 6. Have a day & evening perfume and make it your calling card... I love this one... and have done it for years... my "day" use to be Cristalle by Chanel, but for the past 12-years it's been Dazzling Silver by Estee Lauder... now, "evening" use to be Tuscany per donna by Estee Lauder... but for the past year, I choose Mademoiselle by Coco Chanel... (see how those flipped-flopped?)

7. Dress for the occasion... Corey recommends wearing leather pants to the grocery store... but Corey doesn't live in south Texas!... however, I did wear a hot pink sweater and a beautiful pink silk scarf with my jeans to the grocery store this weekend... and always keep a bottle of champange in your refrigerator... yep... got that one...
8. Celebrate your feminity... show off your assets... I'm not so good at this one... I like to keep my assets for home shows...
9. Add a twist to ordinary jeans... add a lacy top or leopard skin high heels... don't be afraid of yourself... passed this one with flying colors too... I hate hum-drum every day clothing items...though I usually have to wear them for work. I love jeans, but I do love wearing them with the unexpected... lacy tops, scarves... and lots of vintage rhinestone pins... and how about a pair of snakeskin high heels... I'm fresh out of leopard...
10. The scarf thing... I wear them all the time... I did an entire post about scarves here... so.. nuff said about that one...
and then my favorite..
11. Sit straight, hold your head up, guard your tongue and admire other women.. how easy is that! Have you picked up your Cowgirl Up! award?

Having a sweet little French great-grandmother who taught me all things French... I guess French is in my DNA... some things you cannot learn... some things you just know.

This is my great-grandmother, Evie Lena, on her 89th birthday in 1970. She passed away just a month short of her 90th birthday in March, 1971. Please notice her little pink scarf... I adored this sweet lady...

I hope you will visit Corey's wonderful blog... if you're French (or half French), if you love France... if you love things French... or if you just want to read some beautiful writing and see some beautiful photos... you will love visiting Tongue in Cheek...

En désirant ardemment pour visiter la campagne française, mais en appréciant ma vie ici, en français léchez.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What's to love about going to the grocery store?

Welcome to HEB... just about the only real grocery store in the San Antonio area... we don't have a lot of choices... HEB is a local company... We don't have Kroger or Albertson's... but as grocery stores go... I think HEB is pretty good... so here I go... though I hate to... it's probably my least favorite chore...

There really isn't much that I love about going to the grocery store. In fact, at our house, Ricky does most of the grocery shopping. So today, when I had to be the one to go (because Ricky went to a farm equipment auction and I needed stuff for the church celebration tomorrow)... I decided to make it a little field trip for myself... blogging field trip that is... So off to our local HEB Grocery Store I went... little pink digital camera in hand...

During the spring and summer... our HEB greets us with a floral fantasia... I guess to get us into the festive mood...

I like that HEB has big grocery buggies... and I always try to remember to bring my Eco-Friendly grocery bags... the blue one is for cold stuff... the green for everything else...

Hey look! I actually remembered the list...

The produce isle greets me first... HEB always has great produce...

and they have this great little gadget that weighs your produce and prints the label with the price... makes it a lot easier to scan if you do the self check out thingy... from the looks of all the labels stuck on the machine... I guess some people are just too stupid to use modern technology correctly?!

I always put the produce in the little upper basket in front so it doesn't get smushed...

and just past the produce is... wine... this is one of three isles of wine... this isle holds my favorite...

Saint Genevieve White Zinfandel... my favorite for a few reasons... This giant size bottle... 1.5L (twice the size of a regular 750 ml bottle) is only $6.99, a wine made in southwest Texas... and it's really delicious... (and $5 cheaper that the same size of Beringer's White Zin). I think I'll take two!

HEB also has a great meat department... very fresh and mostly from Texas farmers and ranchers...

They even have a little Sushi kitchen... where Sushi is prepared all day long by real Sushi Chefs... see her standing behind the display... I like the California Rolls the best... with wasabi... I think they're right... here..
Now I'll leave out all the boring beans, Borax and condiment isles... let's just move on to the good stuff... ahhh here they are...

yep... a huge display of Peeps! Wow! only 99-cents each.. but alas.. no sugar free to be found... guess I'll just force myself to eat the regular sugary version...

yep... got everything on the list... and look what sneaked into my cart... the second annual Cottage Style magazine... only once at year... at a cost of $9.99 that's about how often I could afford it... but then I save all that money on the wine... hummmmm... makes sense to me...

I hate the checkout process so we'll skip that too... but as we leave... there are those flowers again... do you think I should buy some?

Good thing I cleaned all my work stuff and cases from the trunk before leaving the house... I'm gonna need the room... and I do drive one of those litty-bitty cars ya know...

Well thank goodness... everything fits just perfectly... except... that one little thing I forgot to tell you about...

Tulips... a pot of pretty pink Tulips that are just about to bloom... I'll keep them here in the front passenger seat beside me... had to lose the denim jacket too... it warmed up quite a bit while I was in the store...
and now back home... all the groceries have been put in their place... the green eco-friendly bags stored in the blue one... along with those two brown bags for wine... waiting by the back door - ready for another trip to HEB one day soon...

It's a 15-mile drive to the grocery store... then back again... loading and unloading the groceries from the car... putting them up... I really don't care much for grocery shopping... unless you can blog about it with your blogging buddies... thanks for taking this little trip with me... and for making it fun to go to the grocery store, down here in French Lique...

Friday, March 27, 2009

Foodie Friday... or Sugar Free Peeps...

Amongst Yahoo's most emailed photos was this... So... does this qualify for Foodie Friday... ? well... it's food... and it's Friday... Now jump over to Gollum's blog and see other, more traditional foodies... "Now PEEPS(R) fans can enjoy a sweet treat with PEEPS(R) Sugar-Free Marshmallow Chicks! This delicious dessert is a bright delight that's sure to make you smile." (PRNewsFoto/Just Born, Inc.)

Lovin' peeps... especially now that they're sugar free... down here in French Lique...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday... SURVEY SAYS!

Well... my Wordless Wednesday Survey/Poll is complete... one-third of voters liked having a blogger's choice Wednesday... but two-thirds want to continue having a WW subject word... okay.. I have heard and will oblige... beginning in May (because I already have April listed), once a month Wordless Wednesday will be "Blogger's Choice"...

I'd also like to know what you'd like to post about on Wordless Wednesday... Leave a comment for me telling me what subject word or words you'd like to see on the list...

and now a note about my Wordless Wednesday post yesterday... The vintage tins were a Blogger giveaway that I won... you had to leave Corey, at Tongue in Cheek, a comment telling her what you would do with the tins if you won... I told her I'd make a wind chime for my porch... and I won along with 3 other blogger's ideas... So while in Wimberley, I'll be looking for a few items to help with my project (I already have some items in mind)... and in a few weeks I'll post a photo of my new (old) wind chime...

Thanks for participating in WW down here in French Lique... See you soon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Rusty French Baking Tins from Corey...

Today's Wordless Wednesday subject is.... "Blogger's Choice"... so have some fun, but before you leave... vote on the WW pole to the right!

Like to join Wordless Wednesday? Post a WW photo on your blog, and include Dixie's WW logo in your post with a link back here, then link to your post with Mr. Linky, below... that's it... now visit other WW posters! Oh... and don't forget to leave a comment for Dixie too!

Keep in mind that it's Wordless Wednesday... so post a photo... let the viewer add their own words... come on! you can do it! i know you can!

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Monday, March 23, 2009


I love my scarves... I wear them all the time... usually with a pretty rhinestone pin on my lapel... I found a beautiful new blog at à la parisienne and it's proprietor is having a little "join in and post your scarves...", so I thought I'd take a photo of my favorite scarf and how I wear it... I wear it quite often you know... and so here I go... "join in..."
Here's the scarf.. it's 38" x 38" square... and it's silk... very soft, light weight silk... yummy..

So, besides the scarf... there's a brushed cotton jacket (that looks suede), a yellow open knit cardigan, a brown tank top, a tightly pleated skirt and 2 rhinestone pins...

I probably most often start the day like this... simple wrap around the jacket and softly tied in the front... but sometimes, it gets hot during the day (I am 54 you know!), so I lose the jacket and just throw one end of the scarf over my shoulder... see my little frog pin? and here's what it looks like from the back... pretty huh? of course some days, it starts out a little on the warm side... so instead of the jacket, I have a cute little Sigrid Olsen sweater that I love and wear instead ... and sometimes I tuck the scarf inside of the sweater for a different look... or, just throw it over my shoulders in a very casual way... but you can always go back to the simple casual tie the scarf in the front look... If I want to dress it up a little (and cooler weather permitting...) I do the front to back to front tie... it looks very sophisticated don't you think?... and very east coast... sometimes I wear more than one pin... if I'm feeling festive... Or... if it's a little warmer outside... I may just wrap the scarf from back to front and tuck inside the tank front, for a more professional look...

and then I can put my little yellow sweater back on when a client comes in... and if I'm feeling really casual... and it's really getting warm... I can do the west coast - tie the sweather around the neck... but for that "French look", I tie my scarf along with the sweater... pretty... right?
but, as is often the case... most of the warm days... my scarf often ends up as a very chic purse ornament... I always get a "I love that!" comment from some sweet lady... but on windy, drizzley days like today... I often actually wear my scarf the way that it was originally intended... Now how French is that!

So... there you have it... all I know about being a Diva down here in French Lique..