Monday, March 23, 2009


I love my scarves... I wear them all the time... usually with a pretty rhinestone pin on my lapel... I found a beautiful new blog at à la parisienne and it's proprietor is having a little "join in and post your scarves...", so I thought I'd take a photo of my favorite scarf and how I wear it... I wear it quite often you know... and so here I go... "join in..."
Here's the scarf.. it's 38" x 38" square... and it's silk... very soft, light weight silk... yummy..

So, besides the scarf... there's a brushed cotton jacket (that looks suede), a yellow open knit cardigan, a brown tank top, a tightly pleated skirt and 2 rhinestone pins...

I probably most often start the day like this... simple wrap around the jacket and softly tied in the front... but sometimes, it gets hot during the day (I am 54 you know!), so I lose the jacket and just throw one end of the scarf over my shoulder... see my little frog pin? and here's what it looks like from the back... pretty huh? of course some days, it starts out a little on the warm side... so instead of the jacket, I have a cute little Sigrid Olsen sweater that I love and wear instead ... and sometimes I tuck the scarf inside of the sweater for a different look... or, just throw it over my shoulders in a very casual way... but you can always go back to the simple casual tie the scarf in the front look... If I want to dress it up a little (and cooler weather permitting...) I do the front to back to front tie... it looks very sophisticated don't you think?... and very east coast... sometimes I wear more than one pin... if I'm feeling festive... Or... if it's a little warmer outside... I may just wrap the scarf from back to front and tuck inside the tank front, for a more professional look...

and then I can put my little yellow sweater back on when a client comes in... and if I'm feeling really casual... and it's really getting warm... I can do the west coast - tie the sweather around the neck... but for that "French look", I tie my scarf along with the sweater... pretty... right?
but, as is often the case... most of the warm days... my scarf often ends up as a very chic purse ornament... I always get a "I love that!" comment from some sweet lady... but on windy, drizzley days like today... I often actually wear my scarf the way that it was originally intended... Now how French is that!

So... there you have it... all I know about being a Diva down here in French Lique..


  1. Dixie,
    What a great post! You covered every possibility for scarves for every Texas climate change! Your scarf is so beautiful and it really pulls everything together. The hardest part for me now is choosing which pics to post! Thank you so much for participating!
    Have a blessed day.

  2. Dixie,I love scarves also. You really gave me some good ideas on how to place my scarves. I also love hats. Blessings to you and thanks for the post.

  3. Oh I am with you , I also really love scarves. They can dress up the most simple outfit and make it look special. I love yours and all the wonderful ways you wear it. Great job. Hugs, Marty

  4. Wow - You are making me love scarves! Thanks for all the great ideas! Linda

  5. You are so versatile and creative with your scarf! I'm taking notes.

  6. what a great scarf lesson, and we know how the weather changes in Texas...

  7. That IS a pretty one and so many ways...very Jackie-O there at the end. Maybe you will find a new/old one at Market Days soon.
    Ta-Ta, Candy

  8. Oh là là, Dixie...très français!!! I love all your tricks for wearing your scarf! It is French woman worth her salt leaves home w/o her scarf!!!...hugs...Debbie

  9. Such a stylish, fashionista you are....VERY fance for French Lique!

  10. Tres cool! I love to tie scarves on handbags too. I feel so Tippi Hedron with one on. Debbie

  11. The scarf is lovely, but this hopeless purse addict hearts your bag even more!

  12. :) :) :) :)
    I feel as if I have been to FASHION WEEK !!!!!

    ooooo la la!


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