Friday, March 27, 2009

Foodie Friday... or Sugar Free Peeps...

Amongst Yahoo's most emailed photos was this... So... does this qualify for Foodie Friday... ? well... it's food... and it's Friday... Now jump over to Gollum's blog and see other, more traditional foodies... "Now PEEPS(R) fans can enjoy a sweet treat with PEEPS(R) Sugar-Free Marshmallow Chicks! This delicious dessert is a bright delight that's sure to make you smile." (PRNewsFoto/Just Born, Inc.)

Lovin' peeps... especially now that they're sugar free... down here in French Lique...


  1. Happy Foodie Friday!!!! I love the peeps, only to look at though not to eat, I am too old for the sugar!!! I remember them from when I was little and always thought they were so sweet. I see 'em now in flavors and for other Holidays too!
    Have a Blessed weekend!

  2. Hi Dixie...Well...this is a new one on me...sugar-free peeps! I'll have to look for them! Have a wonderful weekend...hugs...Debbie

  3. yum....those things are good. never tried the sugar free though. :)

  4. Oh, I love, love, love them, but I don't buy them because I'll eat too much. And now you say they're sugar free? I'm going shopping!

  5. Very pretty! Looks good to eat too!...Christine

  6. Hey, I'll have to look for those...I love those Peeps - especially when they are a bit stale. ~ Robyn

  7. Sugar free Peeps...if you take away all the sugar aren't you left with...AIR?

    Have A Fabulous Friday
    from Roberta Ann--the Raggedy Girl

  8. Sugar free, huh? I love the pretty.

  9. GM Dixie, How cute are those girl!! I so remember alway getting them at Easter in my basket..Moons ago...Thanks for sharing and may you have a Great day...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  10. Wow, sugar-free. I will have to look for those. I love the little peeps on top of the sundaes. Very cute. Hugs, Marty

  11. Sugar free peeps! I will hunt to the ends of the earth for them. What a delicious post.

  12. They're beautiful...Ann

  13. Those are the one easter candy that I do not like. I stress the word "one". I will devour all others. But that is a very creative use for them!

  14. Sugar-free Peeps? Where? Oh my goodness! I just bought a box of those pink cuties for one of the presents I included in my Giveaway box for my winner and I swear I didn't see any sugar-free Peeps! Does eating the entire box count as having absolutely no sugar? LOL!

    Deanna :D

  15. Happy Foodie Friday! Have a great weekend ~ Susan

  16. i love peeps, too. they remind me of my grandfather (who passed away 13 years ago this summer). he used to always have those at his house around easter and he always has some just for ME!!!

  17. Absolutely fantastic post! Good job!

  18. Hi, Mizz glad you stopped by. I know your cakes will be loved and if you throw in a cherry pie, someone MIGHT just bring Ice cream...;>)
    and....I luv peeps !!
    Hope you have a wonderful turnout at the church...and hope your weekend is fabulous.....down there in FRENCH LIQUE TEXAS..(i just LOOOVE sayin' that!!)
    xo bj

  19. Dixie... have you something on my blog.. pop over and play along..

  20. Oohh, that does look yummy! Maybe I can get into them again. Oooh, you just gave me a great idea for our Easter dessert!

    Dixie you're a genius!

  21. Works for me! Life's too short to not eat dessert first. One of this days I want to post my family's favorite chicken recipe...but next week is full. Terry and I are going to Round Top on Thursday and then Wimberley Market Days on Sat. Looking so forward to it all.
    Have a great, restful weekend, Candy

  22. Those look so good and makes my taste buds wake up, have a nice weekend.

  23. Dixie, I'll have to go get some Peeps just so I can read the ingredients. I didn't know there was anything besides sugar in them! laurie

  24. Wow, Dixie! I didn't know they made these! I love Peeps, but I confess to liking the sugar which I shouldn't. LOL!


    Sheila :-)


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