Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday... SURVEY SAYS!

Well... my Wordless Wednesday Survey/Poll is complete... one-third of voters liked having a blogger's choice Wednesday... but two-thirds want to continue having a WW subject word... okay.. I have heard and will oblige... beginning in May (because I already have April listed), once a month Wordless Wednesday will be "Blogger's Choice"...

I'd also like to know what you'd like to post about on Wordless Wednesday... Leave a comment for me telling me what subject word or words you'd like to see on the list...

and now a note about my Wordless Wednesday post yesterday... The vintage tins were a Blogger giveaway that I won... you had to leave Corey, at Tongue in Cheek, a comment telling her what you would do with the tins if you won... I told her I'd make a wind chime for my porch... and I won along with 3 other blogger's ideas... So while in Wimberley, I'll be looking for a few items to help with my project (I already have some items in mind)... and in a few weeks I'll post a photo of my new (old) wind chime...

Thanks for participating in WW down here in French Lique... See you soon!


  1. Wooo Hooo
    Ching a ling.... CHIMES...!

  2. Dixie

    Can't wait to see what you do with them, I'm sure we will be amazed

  3. If you are in need of suggestions for Wordless Wednesdays. I know you do upcoming holidays so I imagine you will continue that, such as Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Father's Day, Fourth of July and so on. April 22 is Earth Day. Don't know if you are planning on using that. Others can be colors, maybe different than the Blue Monday, Pink Saturday and so on. Objects in the home like you did with "books". Have you look at National Day of " ". There is all kinds of different ones. Some of those might be fun. Hope that helps.

  4. collections, pets, outdoors, water (as in beach, stream, river, etc.), hmmmm, I'll let you know when more come to mind! Thanks!

  5. Can't wait to see your windchimes, Dixie! Good luck on the project...Christine

  6. I love Wordless Wednesday and would like to see it be totally Wordless but I know it is hard. Thank you for hosting.

    Have a Thankful Thursday
    from Roberta Anne

  7. the thoughts i had for ww have already been given

  8. I've missed the last couple of WW's. Hoping I can get back in the swing of things next week!

  9. Hi Dixie...Can't wait to se your wind chimes! Nice idea for the WW subjects! I didn't win the plate. :-( Thanks for telling me about it though!! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie


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