I've been trying to decide whether or not to blog about this upcoming event in my life... 'cause I don't want anybody freaking out over it or anything... Candy would probably tell you that I don't care much for whimpering and whining about my ailments... I just pick myself up by the bootstraps and keep going... so here goes...

Candy would also tell you that I have significant trouble getting around when we take our little thrifting excursions... and I have to "take a break" quite often... which is why I haven't been to Canton or to Round Top in recent years... I've even had to cut back on my Wimberley Market Days trips this past year... So... I'm biting the bullet (as it were), and getting the surgery... Don't worry.... I'll be back in the proverbial saddle soon! So if I'm missing in blogger action for a while... don't worry... as the Terminator says... "I'll be back"...
racing to the finish line... figuratively speaking... Down Here in French Lique...
I've got some news for you, Dixie-- both of my knees have been replaced-- during two separate surgeries. Both are working FINE today because I did the rehab. That's the most important part: do the exercises.
I'll be praying for you.
Good luck Dixie,
You will be running everyone ragged once you get that new knee!
I hear ya, sister! I've got bad knees, too.
I'll be sending up prayers that you're outpacing me at Warrenton this time next year!
Best wishes for a successful replacement with minimal recovery time!
Hi Dixie!
It's a tribute to you (all that running around / living life) that you have used up your knee and will have a new one to use for the next 50 years! Good luck ~ sending tons of positive energy. Use it to get better ~ fast! Sally is right .... do your rehab stuff on a consistent basis.
Good Luck and my prayers for a speedy recovery are with you.
after surgery you will be sprinting to get all the treasure whill flea marketing!!! stay positive
Wishing you much good luck and a speedy recovery. You will be up and running in no time. Take care,
Oh wonderful you! I have body parts starting to give out and It is frustrating not to be able to walk like I want too. I know it will go well and have a speedy recovery and back to the big events soon!
Dixie, I work where we have "knees" come in and out of our rehab dept.
They heal fast and I know you will be fine. I will send up a prayer for ya.
I guess you can change your name to the Bionic Woman after the surgery. I need to have one, but I'm such a sissy. You can talk me into it after yours...'kay?
I'll be keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery and a speedier you at Zapp next fall!
Best of luck in this surgery ... you'll feel like a new person after you heal.
Have a beautiful week.
TTFN ~Hugs in love, Marydon
Hi Dixie, congrats on the decision for the surgery. I know you'll be so glad you did. Slowing down because of health issues can be a real bummer. You'll be in my prayers for a speedy recovery!
your a Texas gal...nothing gets us down...you will do great!!! keep us posted every now and then on your recouperation...
Oh good luck! I'm sure you will be fine and do great with the replacement!
Dixie, I can't believe it. I have needed a replacement for 18 years due to knee surgery I had as a teenager. Needless to say, I have been putting it off and limping around. Please let me know all the details. God speed...
Hey Dixie!
I'm sure that you will be glad that you did it! There have been a few ladies from church that have had it done and they said they feel like a new person.
Prayers for a speedy recovery and no complications are heading your way!
Good luck on the surgery. I know you will feel like new in no time and be able to race all over the place. I will say a prayer. Hugs, Marty
Prain' and cheerin' that you'll be good as new. You are trooper...one tough gal. COWGIRL UP!
Is sister going to be there to wait on you hand and foot?
If you want company just holler, I'll be there in two shakes!
Blessings ;-)
DUH! P*R*A*Y*I*N!!!
Hey Dixie,
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I just know you will feel so much better after your knee surgery.
hugs and best of luck.
We will be here when you get back.
Hi there, Miss Dixie! So sorry to hear that you have surgery in your future, but I am so impressed by your attitude! You will be in my thoughts and prayers! Keep us posted on your progress as you feel like it, my friend!...hugs...Debbie
Well, bless your little heart and good for you! I pray everything goes smoothly and you're up and "runnin'" ASAP...
Hey Friend, You need to get this done and get back on the road. Sharon is slowly getting back to her old self, and even though it will still be a while, we have been talking about things we will do and seeing you and Candy at Wimberly are high on our list.
Praying for you, but I know you will come thru with flying colors.
Hi there,
I just found your blog via the "Plate Addict's" blog!! It's nice to find a blogger in Texas!!
Take care of yourself, and don't try to do to much!
Blessings to you,
"on the banks of the Brazos River in central Texas"
Oh Dixie, you will do fine! You are a fighter and will be back in no time at all, you'll be skipping around the antique markets!
Hugs to you sweetie.
As my brother says,
the warranty was up a long time ago-
now I get to go in and get things fixed.
I also predict that you will enjoy having a reason that requires you to stay close to home.
Now, go make your list of everything you want to have on hand and go to crazy WalMart.
You are loved,
Isn't there a fine for whining in Texas anyway? We won't fuss, just wish you a speedy recovery so you can get back on the junk trail!
Best Wishes,
Hi Dixie - Sending healing prayers to you for your knee surgery. I had one two years ago and it's wonderful now - yea I can do Round Top again!!! Word of advice - do the therapy but don't let them bully you. Some of the hospital and rehab PTs were the most arrogant aholes I've ever met. I think they are used to dealing with much older people and....oh well - I won't go off on a rant - haha to late - so let me know how you do. I'm just so happy that you'll be at Paper Cowgirl. What classes are you taking? xoxo Nancy
You sweet baby!!! I know that you will be sooooo happy after you've had that surgery and done all of the grueling, but necessary PT! I will say lots of "knee replacement prayers" just for YOU!!! We want you back to trekking around those huge sales!!! L, Dana
Good luck! I'll be anxious to hear about it. Hub needs one, too.
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