Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A New Wrinkle in time... and not very photogenic either...

My husband thinks it's funny.... that it bothers me so much...
 I noticed a new line in my forehead yesterday morning...
A new wrinkle... a SCOWL line... yep... one like this one here...
It's bad enough that I don't find myself  very photogenic...
(We're having head shots done at work tomorrow...)
Now I have to find a new wrinkle in my timeworn face...
just two days before the photographer comes!

I don't think that anyone would ever describe me as vain...
More likely "self-deprecating"...
but I'll be 57 years old next month...
and it seems that each year...
I'm finding more and more wrinkles and lines...
will there come a time that I don't even recognize the face in the mirror...
"hello... who are you and what did you do with Dixie?!"...
does that face really tell the story of the woman that I am...
is that a road map of life that I see there?

and does the younger generation... our daughters and our sons...
do they realize that although that face is nearing 60...
the woman that owns it...
still thinks of herself as 35...

a pondering of perplexity...
down here in French Lique...


  1. No, they probably don't realize you're 35, but some of us who are the same age do! :-)

    You are beautiful, and even if your face took on the look of a roadmap of wrinkles (which it hasn't), you would still be beautiful to ME.


    Sheila... who has decided to embrace the coming of age!

  2. Dixie, you and I are the SAME AGE! (I like to think of myself as 35 too!)

    Just because my twin brother celebrated his 70th birthday this past May, doesn't mean I'm joining him.

  3. We are just young at heart!!

    I have decided to grow old with grace, a little shugah and a tad of vinegar! Tee hee!

    Thanks so much for popping by my Blog for a visit!!


  4. I have bags, folds, creases and a whole bunch of issues at 44!!! I feel somewhere between 20 and 75!!

    I wish I looked half as good as you!
    My "kids don't care what I look like as long as I have feed or cat food in my hands :-)

    Have a great evening

  5. Dixie, You're beautiful. Don't be so hard on yourself. Ours is the generation that has no one to show us how to age. Face it (pun hoped for) Barbara Walters and Joan Rivers probably babysat the baby Jesus and they look younger than they did when they first got into t.v. With 'everything' available at a price and used by so many famous folks, how will the next generation know how to age? Clever girls like us will show them wrinkles are o.k., and a little (or a lot of) gray hair won't stop a good time.

  6. It is painful to grow old. I tried Restylane once, at the corners of my mouth which go down like a frown. It hurt like a mother. I couldn't believe how much it hurt and not just a quick pinprick mind you. It took her minutes for each side of the mouth. I'm afraid to try botox since there is no expression afterward. Maybe robotic looking is best, what do I know.

  7. I have had wrinkles since I was in college.....really! I watched them envelop my face and neck over the years to the point that, I too, don't always recognize the face I see staring back at me. I come from a long line of wrinkle faced people...so I didn't really have a chance. Then add sun worshiping and smoking (which I quit nearly 30 years ago)...well, the damage was done.

    I, too, feel lots younger....til I get ready for a race and realize I'm one of the oldest gals participating. Then it hits me how really ancient I am. On the other hand, I may be 64 and wrinkled, but at least I can do something that not a lot of gals my age can (or want! :) to do! So with that being said, even though I'm as wrinkled as a prune, I'm in better physical shape than I was years ago. Guess in the end...that's what it's about.....how you feel....and your health. Ya can't buy either one of those...heck you can't even buy a non wrinkled face without everyone knowing what you did.....it looks smooth, but very odd!!! :)

    Just smile for your photo, Dixie, and hold your head high....the wrinkles aren't as apparent that way!! :) PLUS, you are beautiful....I don't know why you worry about a new line or two!

    L, Dana

  8. Can I join the 35 party? Let's get together soon and I'll kiss that wrinkle away.
    Wish I could have been with ya on your thrifting, I swear I wouldn't have grabbed those skates first...really.
    Blessings girlfriend ;-)

  9. Wow Dixie, you just wrote what I feel sometimes when I gaze back at MOI in the mirror~ I'll be 56 in March..so we are in the same boat; or should I say wrinkle cream? lol Anyhoo, I try to remember that age is truly just a state of mind...now the wrinkles...that's another IRONING story to tell. I just had a facial...and I had what they call Microdermabrasion done with it...I felt like she was IRONING my wrinkles away...and afterwards I felt like I'd been waxed...the lady was so pleased with herself... :) But a few days later I noticed those little buggers popping back up and out again...it was trick photography I think. One minute they were gone, and the next minute they were there AGAIN! lol Oh well, God meant for wrinkles to define us...it's to show the wisdom of our yesteryears, right? That's what I'm stickin to anyhow. :) Hugs~ CC Catherine


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