Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jefferson Davis' Beauvoir in Biloxi....

 The newly restored Beauvoir...
 What she looked like after Katrina...

 porch shadows...

picket fences to the ocean side... 

Front porch rockers... 

artsy shadow shot for my daughter... 

and ancient oaks...
we don't see this... down here in French Lique...


  1. Thanks for your Beauvoir post. I procrastinated stopping to visit Jeff. Davis' house before Katrina. I thought Katrina destroyed the home beyond restorable. I am definitely making a stop in Mississippi mandatory during my trek back to Texas for a visit.

  2. I saw this as a child many, MANY years ago, and I saw the pics after Katrina. I'm so relieved to see the restoration. I know so much of the Miss. Gulf Coast was destroyed, and it was such a beautiful place. This makes me feel better knowing that one of the older structures has been brought back, due to the generosity of donors.



  3. Hew Girl welcome back. I've missed ya! Been chasing my tale as usual. Tomorrow is our Open House for the Bastrop ladies to come 'shop' through our donations. I'll be glad when THAT fire is out.
    Love the hope that can come after a storm, baby girl's BD and love your sweet tribute to....ME!!!
    Let's meet soon.

  4. Beautiful, Dixie! And a fabulous restoration! For some reason I hadn't realized it was right by the ocean! Hope you are having a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  5. Hey!

    I'm up late with insomnia and just wanted to drop by and thank you for your visit. Have missed you! Hope all is well in the world of French Lique!

    We've been dealing with squirrels who have decided they like our eave for their new home. But I think we have got the problem solved all except for all the new molding that has to be milled to match the antique. This should be fun!

    Okay, bopping off but wanted to leave you with a big hug...




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