Saturday, June 12, 2010

knees and cowgirls...

Knee replacement surgery is just no fun.... on Monday, I will be post surgery 4-weeks. I don't know what I expected... but I'm pretty sure that it was something like... "I'll be almost mended and ready to take on the world...get back to work..." Well, that's not happening. I had a bit of a setback last week... a minor infection where the staples came out... taking antibiotics... mending slowly... Still not much in the mood for blogging...

I normally burn the proverbial candle at both ends... I'm finding that my personality type was not made to sit around and nurse oneself slowly back to good health... Beyond bored, I've found myself somewhat depressed... and sometimes even wallowing in self pity... that is just not me... but there is some light at the end of this long-long tunnel...

My sweet sister, Lili, and I are going to Waxahatchie in just under two weeks for Paper Cowgirl Art Retreat 2010! I'll still be hobbling along on my walker... I may have trouble sitting through the classes, so I'll probably be disruptive and have to get up and move around... but I'm determined to be there.... I need to get the creative juices going again...
Be with people... laugh... glue... cut paper... laugh... and so a plug for Paper Cowgirl... registration closes on the 13th at midnight... you still have time! Sign up, and I promise... I'll see you there... Just click on the link on my sidebar and be transported to registration. If you're already coming, let me know.. I'd love to meet you in person... I'll be the old broad with a bandaged knee and a walker...

sending out hugs... from down here in French Lique...


  1. Hi Dixie! I'm so sorry your recovery is going slowly! It's no fun when our bodies aren't cooperative, is it? Sounds like you will be ready to be out and about! Take pics at Paper Cowgirl! I'd love to see what you ladies create! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

  2. Hi Dixie! What a bummer that your recouping is a bit on the slow and hurtful side! I hope P Cowgirls will rejuvenate your spirits. . .and your knees! I'm certain you'll have a ball with those gals and all of their creativity! I hear from a little Crafty Birdie that LaVerne is in charge of the Mojitos, so you're certain to have a little zip added to your time there!

    Looking forward to seeing photos of your projects at P Cowgirls! L, Dana

  3. You just go right ahead ane be as disruptive as you wanna be! Maybe I'll raise a little hell, too. ;-)

  4. Dixie, I am so sorry that this infection is slowing down your recuperation period...but, just think how good you will feel once it is all behind you!

  5. Hi Dixie! So sorry to hear about your setback. The Paper Cowgirl convention sounds like just the cure for your down mood. Have fun and be sure to take lots of pictures so that we can see what all you creative people come up with :) Kathy

  6. I'm glad to see you're on the mend. I've missed reading your blog!

  7. Hey, there, Dixie! I'm back from Ireland and ready to catch up with my bloggy friends. I may be joining you in the knee thing. One of mine isn't working quite right and the other one is annoyed for having to do all the work. Getting old. Sucks.
    Have fun at the paper cowgirl event!

  8. Dixie - I know exactly how you feel. I think if you knew beforehand about the recovery...well you know! I always bounce right back after anything and figured I'd be home in a couple of days - hah - who knew getting in the car would be such an ordeal. Hey - come to Paper Cowgirl with whatever you need - heck we can get you a wheelchair and prop your leg up. Do you have a temp handicap parking deal? Get one. You aren't that far out from surgery and it might be easy to go IN somewhere and then am I gonna get OUT of here! Can't wait to see you. xoxo Nancy who's sympathizing!

  9. Hi Dixie, I'm sorry your recovery is slow in coming. I so know what you mean about having a personality where we don't sit well. I'll continue saying lots of prayers for you. Maybe a slower recovery a better mend.... many many hugs ~lynne~

  10. Hi Dixie, Sorry to hear your recovery is moving along so slow. I hope you are feeling much better by the time you are ready to go on your adventure. I bet it will be the best medicine for you. Have lots of fun, wish I was going.

  11. I heard Hugh Down's say after a double knee replacement, that he was depressed. Heck, I'm depressed just thinking about one. At least it is behind you. I do hope you start feeling significantly better asap.

  12. I was so excited to see you peeking in when I checked my blog just now. As you can see I have been on somewhat of a break. I'm sure it's cause of you. Watched 'Calendar Girls' and so much want so fun! I'm....oh heck...I'll call you....

  13. sympathies on the surgery/ is the easy part, right? my sweet hubby had ankle surgery May 4th to repair old football/basketball damage...back in the 60's when he played ball the coaches called you a mullet and gave you extra laps for "whining like a girl" so those hairline fractures went untreated...but 40 years later it was time to get it fixed...6 weeks off it the cute young doctor said...but Mr.Invincible thought he'd be back to fishing and mowing the lawn in half that time...NOT! His cast comes off the on June 21...right before we leave for Paper Cowgirl...he thinks then he will be mowing and getting around just fine...I have mentioned the nasty word "rehab" a couple of times, but he is not hearing me...fine, I'll be out of here and having fun times in Waxahachie...I'll bring you your first glass of wine or stop in to visit Nancy and me...the Mojitos will be chillin'. Leave room in your trunk for all the loot you'll want to pick up at Vendor's Night. I hear Mendy is doing a wonderful Make-and-Take. Looking forward to seeing you up and be careful with that knee.

  14. Dear Dixie, I am so sorry to hear that it has been a long haul to getting this new knee working. I understand because knees and hips are what I see come in each day at our rehab center. It is a long haul.

    My mom just had a colon resection and she is feeling the same. Wants to be up and around, but it also is a long recovery. Prayers for you. It will get better!

  15. Dixie, I am so very sorry you are not healing at the rate you'd wish and that you have an infection. Neither is fun, nor is taking antibiotics. So sorry.

    I'm glad, though, that you will have a fun time with your sister! That's always great to have something to which to look forward.

    I have lost your address. I had something I wanted to send you. If you get a chance and see this, please send it to me via email.



    Sheila :-)

  16. Poor baby, you may be surprised that in two weeks how well you are doing. I'm sorry to hear about that infection--no little thing, either.

    Have you read all of your books, Dixie? Let me know. I'll send another if you'd like.

  17. Oh, I do hope your knee will be better soon. My dad just had that same surgery yesterday.

  18. I'm so sorry your having a long recovery but I had to laugh at your words.. "Old broad with the walker"... I so know your pain.. I had back surgery, in a body cast for three months, and a walker.. was not fun.. I cried on several occasions, self pity mostly...
    Good luck on your trip to the "Paper Cowgirl"... I'd love to go with you... nice blog!

  19. Oh Dixie, please take care and do what ever the Dr tells you. That was my problem after my knee replacement, did great and Dr released me in 5 weeks, walking and doing what ever I wanted, the next week I was back in hospital having emergency surgery for staph infection and spent 3 months in bed taking drips 3 times a day of very strong antibiotics. Then had to take meds by mouth for 2 more mos. 9 yrs later still have minor flare ups and have to take meds for a few weeks. Didn't know if I was going to live or die the first 2 weeks and was so sick I didn't really care which. I ended up having 3 surgeries on that knee before it was well.
    So please please take it easy take your meds and don't do anything unless he tells you too.
    I will be praying for you.


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