Thursday, June 17, 2010

Cowgirls Don't Cry....

but I am....

My doctor has grounded me due to my knee surgery infection.... no Paper Cowgirls this year... I am not a happy Cowgirl...

down here in French Lique!


  1. Oh no, so sorry! Hope you are well soon! You must get that cleared up!

  2. Hey Dixie!

    I'm so sorry to hear that! I'll say a prayer for your infection to go away and that you will be healed.

    Hugs & Prayers!

  3. Well, Bless Your Heart -- and your knee! It does sound painful. I know you are very disappointed about missing the art retreat. Hang in there and keep up the medication. I will pray for super quick healing and recovery - so let's expect good things to happen and that knee be fully functionally SOON!

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  4. O, darlin'
    So sorry to hear you are having touble with the knee. I am praying for a quick and full recovery, dear one.
    love, bj

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I hate you're having this setback...just don't get too frustrated. You'll be the bee's knees before you know it. Sending love from Dallas.

  7. Hey that cowgirl doesn't even have any knees!
    Just sent you an e-mail with a question...
    Hope those are cap guns ;-)

  8. Can you read my mind?????

    I was just sitting here scanning through blogs and I thought, "I haven't been to French Lique in AGES."

    Next thing I know - - - I find this post.

    Hope you recover quickly. Funny thing, I just did a post Monday evening over at MY place about my latest surgery experience - - - hopefully a funny post.

  9. Oh Dixie, so sorry you're having problems with the new knee. I'm sure they are telling you how rare it is. You sound just like me. If something is going to go wrong, call me... Love to you. I'm sure you are chomping at the bit.

  10. Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Dixie. Sending you hugs to sustain you. I pray that you will be better soon.



  11. Dixie,
    I feel so bad for ya I hope this clears up ASAP!

  12. Aw Dixie, I'm so sorry you're going through this terrible time.

  13. Ah, Dixie....I'm so sorry!!! I sure will say a knee prayer for YOU....that's such a disappointment!!

    NOW....just put those guns down. . . unless, of course, they are water pistols and in that away!! :)

    LOVE your family photo!!! Who is it?

    L, Dana


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