Sunday, May 23, 2010

no super powers yet.... but I'm working on it... or.... she made it!

I'm alive! Home! and I've a got a brand new knee... sounds great right? Well, my new knee doesn't work too well yet... it hurts and I've got a lot of work to do to get it up to speed... I won't be blogging much in the next few weeks... reading or writing... but you are all in my thoughts and prayers. I see each of your warm, smiling faces in my minds eye as I concentrate, groan, moan and screach my way to good knee agility.... hugs to you all... see ya soon... from down here in French Lique.... Dixie


  1. Glad to hear that your surgery went well Dixie. As much torture as it is, listen to your PT person. They will have you out and about in no time! Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Kathy

  2. Welcome back, bionic woman! :-)


  3. Oh Dixie, I wish I were there to help you! I just know you'll be up and at em' real soon. Take care and remember, don't do too much too soon.



  4. Hi Dixie! So glad that all went well! Ouch! I am avoiding PT myself...maybe I need to follow your example! Continued good thoughts and prayers heading your way...hugs...Debbie

  5. I'm glad the surgery went well! Do what the PT says. My husband tore his rotator cuff...not enough for surgery, but the therapy had horrible pain and the PT says pain always comes first!

  6. We're behind you cheering your on...when you feel down...remember all us Texas Gals are cheering you on....

  7. Well Dixie sweetie, you will be up to speed and back to normal before you know it. Just do what the therapist tells you to and it will be find, just don't do like me and hit her when she forces your knee her heart, I didn't mean to, it was just a reflex when she shoved the knee back farther than I could stand. I did apology and she excepted and picked at me from then on.
    Will be thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers.

  8. Oh Dixie, I am glad the surgery is behind you. I'm sure they know exactly what things to do to help you through it all. Hope to hear you're all better soon. Love, Donna

  9. Hi Dixie,
    My husband has had two knee replacements, one just done 2 months ago. He is running circles around me! You will be up and around in no time!

  10. Hi Dixie! Welcome back. I'm glad that all went well and you'll be up and at-em in no time.
    Be a good girl and do what the doctors say!

    hugs and squeezes,


  11. Dixie!

    I'm so glad you checked in, and I hope and pray that you feel better each day.


    Sheila :-)

  12. You have been 'gentle on my mind' and I am thrilled to know you are home. It won't be easy, but I know you are up to the task of re-habbing your knee! Remember ... cowgirl up at all times.

  13. Get on that CPM machine and go to town getting that knee in motion! Good luck and here's hoping for a speedy recovery. hugs,Sue

  14. Well I'm jumping on the Welcome-Home-Band-Wagon! Wish I was there with ya to do a little wine-ing with ya!
    And like the Magpie...I need your address too!
    Love and prayers coming from my neck of the woods ;-)

  15. Can't wait for you to get all better. Glad the surgery went well.


  16. Hey Dixie!

    Get Well Soon!


  17. Good news! Glad to hear you are on the mend.
    I loved Find Me - I've read read it 3 times. I can't wait for her next one.

  18. I'm sending lots of Good Mojo your way, Dixie!! I've heard the physical therapy part isn't fun, but it's so worth it to do what they tell you to do! I know you will be a GOOOOOOD patient!!!

    Hang in there!!! L, Dana

  19. I've been feels like you'll never lift your leg again but you're past that point by now. Anyway, you won't believe how great it is a year from now. Take your pain meds....and save some for when you're feeling better...haha.
    xoxo Nancy

  20. I visited our favorite vintage store in Geronimo today and Beverly is doing well!! I picked up some really great stuff - but she had plenty left for you when you get better!!

  21. Hope you're back to your old self real soon. Great time of year to kick back and heal.

  22. Dixie, I was just thinking about you and your surgery and decided to check in to see how you were! I see that you have received the new knee .... are you getting physical therapy?

    Hoping you are up and running soon! Take care of yourself girl.


  23. Oh Dixie get better soon! Do you have the machine at home for your therapy? I helped my grandma February thru march strap in and out (cuz she's so short) Haha Hoe you have a quick recovery and out and about very soon! Thanks for stopping by, Sorry I haven't been over here in awhile, i'll do better :)

    luvs and glitter

  24. Still thinking and wondering how you're getting along. Each day is bringing you closer to recovery and a little more of those super powers charging up.
    Lots of folks thinking about ya, I just wish we could share the pain to lighten your load.
    Blessings ;-)

  25. Praying for a super speedy recovery sweet Dixie...


  26. Just checking in-
    thinking of you.
    Don't overdo-



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