Monday, February 1, 2010

The Fairies of French Lique...

The little band of French Lique Fairies arrived bright and early... and quickly went to work moving treasure from the back to the front...

Faster than you could say "Tinker Belle"... the old booth was empty and the new booth filled to the brim!

Other than a quick "frappuccino" coffee break... and a timely shopping trip though the Blue Hills Antique Mall... my little fairies worked tirelessly...

Fairy Lili flew in all the way from Mississippi to lend a hand...

and tackled one project after another...

Fairy Terry and Fairy Candy worked together to hang the fairy lights... (I mean, what would a fairy land be without fairy lights!) and hang pictures and frames...

and lend their artistic eyes to the placement of each treasure...

Fairy Lili paused to admire their work...

Little by little... just like magic... the New French Lique Booth was transformed... The sweet fairies wouldn't leave until everything was in it's place...

...and turned into a beautiful little place of white and pink....

...of flowers and angels and clocks that "tic-toc"...

Yes, all is well, thanks to my little band of Fairies... down here in French Lique...

ps... wasn't it nice of the Blue Hills folks to leave me just a splash of red in my booth... pun intended...


  1. Pretty pretty pretty! Thank you for sharing! I would like to invite everyone to my blog phamilyblog because I am involved in helping a family trying to adopt a baby Sofia with Down's Syndrome from Eastern Europe. Just please read my blog post or check my Face Book page Anne Kocman Robinson.

    Thank you so much for sharing and please stop by. I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. Oh looks just wonderful..and to have such lovely helpers...why goodness, how could it turn out to be anything less?

  3. It turned out gorgeous!!!!! sooooo much better, and what amazing friends!

  4. What great fun and great friends.

    Good luck and great sales with your new booth.


  5. This looks wonderful Dixie! I'd love to come see this in person if my schedule ever lets up. If I sprinkle enough pixie dust, do you think your band of fairies would come visit and organize my closet?? Good luck in your new location! Kathy

  6. I love that pink hook thingy. Is it ship-able?

  7. what wonderful all looks fabulous.good luck with it....anniepoo

  8. It does look good if I say so my self!

  9. Looks great! How did you get all that help? Great friends.

  10. have great looks great...gonna have to venture to your neck of the woods sometimes and ck out your booth...

  11. I have my baby shoes that are made into bookends too. I also had each of my kids baby shoes bronzed and they are attached to photo frames. What a nice booth, hope you do well with it! Have a blessed week!

  12. those are Dad's shoes... circa 1929... they're not for sale... just on display... and thanks..

  13. It turned out beautifully! It is great you had all your fairies around to help.


  14. What lovely friends.....they did such a beautiful job and I'll bet you girlies had a wonderful day visiting and laughing together.....


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hi Swiste! I love the Blog. You sure have a flair. The booth really looks wonderful. Love you!

  17. I need some of those angels to come help me! Happy belated Pink Saturday.


  18. How fun! I'm so glad it all came together, Dixie, and that you had such good fairies helping :-)

  19. Dixie, your fairies did a super duper job! Your shop looks great!


    Sheila :-)


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

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I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...