Wednesday, February 3, 2010

White Wednesday... what is it?

What is it? Do you know already?

found at Blue Hills Antique Mall in Geronimo...

one of my favorite vintage glass patterns...

It's called "Silver Crest" because of the clear rimmed edge...

is it Penton or Fenton? I'm thinking Fenton Silver Crest... (I think the dealer was a little confused....) either way... it's lovely... but a little pricey for me... which is why I came away with just the photos... Down Here in French Lique...

I'm joining Kathleen for White Wednesday at Faded Charm... drop by and see who else is playing today...


  1. It's just beautiful. And,....sigh...a bit pricey. But one must keep their eyes open. You can always find such treasures in thrifting if you WAIT FOR IT!!! Just keep lookin.... It is so feminine. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very pretty and funny that you thank Rush:) lolol
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Oh, I love the combination of the white, the silver, and the ruffled edge of that piece. So pretty!
    Cindy at Lakewood

  4. Beautiful and yes too pricey for my pocketbook also. Nice photos though!

  5. I think it's! There was a time when that wasn't pricey at all for Silver how times have changed!

  6. very pretty...I have several pieces of milkware I just love...

  7. I thought it was a clam shell in the first picture.


  8. You really should have taken that beautifull piece home with you.
    It's Fenton glass and it's a rare piece. The original price on that piece would be at least $50.

    I used to live near the Fenton factory so that was a good deal.

    Go back and get it right now and do without groceries the rest of the week! lol


  9. Pretty, but I like Precious and Roxy better.

  10. Lovely but know what you mean. I just don't know why we can't owe everything beautiful...
    Keeping busy indoors on this rainy day. Spring is going to be just fabulous! I hope each and every wild flower sleeping under ground is soaking it up.
    Loves coming your way ;-)

  11. Very pretty! I like the silver and white combo. Have a nice day~ Lisa

  12. It is extremely beautiful, but also a little pricey for me too. So, I will do like you and enjoy the pictures of it.

  13. It's a really nice piece..
    I am sooo running out of room to put ONE MORE THING..well, unless I really..REALLY love it, I mean! :)

  14. A gorgeous piece....can you believe I have almost an entire set of dinnerware like this (from my grandmother). It is one of my favorite things!
    Happy WW!
    xojanis is FENTON

  15. Dixie, thank you for stopping by. When I was a lurker yours was one of the first blogs I was attracted to. Love it. The gentlemans chest does not have a mirror. It is Fenton and you might want to come this way and do some serious shopping. Blessings, Marta.

  16. Very pretty! Thanks for playing alonf and sharing with us today.

    Take care,


  17. It's gorgeous!
    But I thought it was a clam, too! :-)


  18. Hi Dixie,
    I agree, that's a beautiful plate, but not in my price range either! Oh well, that's why it's so exciting when we find a great bargain, isn't it?
    I read your comment over at Cindy's Romantic Home, and invite you to join Wednesday Gratitude at Heart and Home next week! I'd love to see more of what you're thankful for.
    Heidi - Heart and Home


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