Saturday, January 9, 2010

Silver Sunday... Thrifty Silver Finds...

I'm joining sweet Beth for Silver Sunday again this week... If you love silver and want to see more... visit Beth at Gypsy Fish Journal... the participants are on her sidebar... you'll love what you see...

As those of you who read my blog with any regularity know, I love to thrift shop... and one of my favorite thrifting buddies is Candy at Rock Candy... A few months ago Candy and I made our last trip to Wimberley Market Days for 2009... and that's where I came upon these...
A pretty set of candlesticks... the pair for $5... I couldn't pass them up! So, I brought them hope and will some silver polish and a little elbow grease...

Yep... they turned into these... a beautiful pair of SILVER candle holders... I knew they were quite heavy... but who could have known?!

I've seen other similar candlesticks...

but I haven't found any...

that I like better, or for a better price...

They adorned my Christmas table... and are sitting there still...
Then last week, after seeing all the pretty silver S&P's on the 1st Silver Sunday, I ran across this pretty pair at Beverly's Glory B's Cottage in Geronimo... (only $7)
though they were tarnished...
but I took care of that without delay... (sorry all you "love the tarnish" gals... I just have to polish...)

They have a simple little scrolling decoration around the tops...

and I think they are just perfect sitting next to my bargain candle holders...

Here they are... about the cost of a lunch at Chili's... A pretty shiny reminder of two of my favorite thrifting places and two of my favorite thrifting people...
Down here in French Lique...


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous, Dixie! What fabulous silver for an amazing price.

    Have a beautiful Sunday...Kathy

  2. beautiful...and what a great buy....

  3. I am convinced that everyone is holding on to the "good stuff" where I live :) You got a deal and worth every bit of the elbow grease!

  4. Wow! What bargains! I love to polish too, it's so much fun to see it shiny! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh I love those candlesticks-what a bargain. I love Wimberley too, the shopping is so great there. I used to live in Austin. Your little salt and peppers are sweet. Happy Silver Sunday. Sonia

  6. Dixie, all I can say is WOW! Well, of course, that's not all I can say. Those are gorgeous. Can't believe how beautiful they looked after you polished them, and what great deals you got. You know I love a good bargain! laurie

  7. Hmmmf.....what a steal! So beautiful and ornate. Love all of it.

  8. So pretty and a beautiful shine! They look so at home on your table.

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! Those candlesticks are so pretty!!!

    I'm telling you here in CA there are no BARGAINS, even in thrift stores, LOL

    I'll be posting my Silver Sunday post soon!

    Have a wonderful evening and Silver Sunday!


  10. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your pieces! They are gorgous!!

    Happy Silver Sunday!

  11. Your candle holders are really lovely. And you know I like tarnished and I like nice and shiny to...julie

  12. gorgeous..i love a good find...and those are the best..have a great weeekend

  13. Way to go Dixie you did awesome on these wonderful silver pieces...and girl can I ship my silver to Texas and have you clean it for me ha ha!! just levely my friend...May you have a great weekend....Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  14. Hold on to those...I mean seriously, check the guests luggage when they leave!

    Lovely bargain! oooo Treasure!

  15. Goodness, they are stunning silver pieces! And what a super bargain! Don't ya love how they shine, silver is so timeless.


  16. Those are pretty fabulous. I have a thing lately for pretty silver S&P shakers. Hide those in the china cabinet! :) Happy weekend

  17. Jealous, jealous, jealous....what an amazing find! $ fair..tee hee. So glad you joined the party!
    See You Next Sunday......
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  18. Wow, what a super deal on the beautiful candle holders and the salt and pepper shakers! You did a great job polishing, the pieces look really awesome now!

    Happy Silver Sunday!


  19. Psst! Just a little secret between the two of us..don't tell anyone...I prefer my silver polished too!
    I can tell by the ornate engraving(?)...those are hefty! Love the largeness of the S&P!

  20. What finds ... I'm diggin' those s&p shakers ... pretty!

  21. I love both...but I need the S & P!! sooooooo pretty!

  22. Fabulous thrift finds! I'm one to polish my silver too.
    Thanks for sharing. Happy Silver Sunday! ~ Sarah

  23. All of this is absolutely STUNNING, Dixie...great buys.

    I love mine polished, too. Love it shiny and bright.
    xo bj

  24. What a great collection you have...I cant wait to see more. Happy Silver Sunday...

  25. Tarnished is nice.... polished is gorgeous!!!!

  26. Dixie,
    What a great find...They're just beautiful. Had a great SS, see you next week

  27. Okay - that is, by all accounts, the deal of the decade thus far!! They couldn't go better together! I'm a silver nut, too. Love it, will have to post some pics of some of my finds some day. So thanks for letting me know about Beth.

    I have still never been to Wimberly Market Days and I'm so close! Shame on me; will plan to be at the next one. Maybe I'll see you there?!

  28. Wow, Dixie! You hit the jackpot...twice! I LOVE those candlesticks...gorgeous! What is it with people to give away somehting so wonderful? Oh well...more for us! Fabulous finds! Happy Sunday...hugs...Debbie
    PS I also loved your little frenchy girl in your last post...cute!

  29. Hey Dixie!
    I'm so glad you commented on my Silver Saturday post because now I know where you are. I'm loving your blog, it's great. And, when I saw your header with the Rush quote, I knew I had to become a follower.
    I also love your silver candlesticks and the price is unbelieveable. Silver is definitely making a comeback and, I'm like you, I like it polished.
    I'll be back to see you often.
    I'm gonna go look around.


  30. Well, Dixie, dear...You've inspired me to get a little silver polish. I am in love with your new silver pieces. Beautifully ornate. Yum!

  31. The candlestick are gorgeous! And you can't beat that price! :) ~Rhonda

  32. I adore silver candlesticks. Yours are so special. Thanks for a look at French Lique...shelia

  33. what great deals! both sets are lovely with such beautiful detailing.

  34. Dixie those are some gorgeous candlesticks! I also love the shakers. I'm starting to really appreciate silver and will keep my eyes open for more. What is your secret for polishing??

  35. Simply Shimmering!
    And it makes me smile to think about our good it the 21st yet!

  36. Just beautiful! The prices were perfect too. I have to polish also ~ can't do the tarnished look. :-)

  37. WHAT A BUY... I would have grabbed it up in a second. The salt and pepper are perfect with the candle sticks! TFS Happy Silver Sunday!

  38. Such beautiful detail! Thanks for sharing. ~ Angela


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