Sunday, January 10, 2010

Blue Monday... and Lavender from Texas

I thought I'd share a little Blue from Texas today... well... okay... it's Lavender, but Lavender is a Blue... of sorts...
Have you ever met Debi the Lavender Chick from Hummingbird Farms? Hummingbird Farms is a real Texas Ranch/Farm where they raise Longhorn Cattle and ... you guessed it... Lavender...
They distill the Lavender and make wonderful Lavender scented products... my favorite being...

The Lavender Body Lotion...
For years I used Bath & Body Lavender Lotion... but then I was lucky enough, last May, to WIN a giveaway from Debi of Hummingbird Farms Lavender Lotion. I love it... and now... you can order online directly from Hummingbird Farms.. even if you don't live in Texas...
I wish my scratch and sniff button was working.. I'd love to share the divine fragrance of this Lavender... This is truly the best Lavender fragrance lotion I've ever used...

I like it so much, I got two of the bottled lotions... one for my nightstand and one for my office desk... and a tube of lotion for my purse...
When I find something truly special... I can't resist sharing it with you...

Happy Blue Monday... Drop by and see who else is participating at Smiling Sally's today, for Lavender Blue Monday...

Filled with the delightful fragrance of Lavender down here in French Lique...


  1. Thanks for the heads up Dixie, I'm on my way to check out her blog and site. I LOVE lavender. Hope you have a wonderful week! Kathy

  2. great post...I just found her blog this weekend...going to check our her products...

  3. Hi, Dixie I will have to check her out.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you have a great day

  4. Same here love the lavender scent too. And for the fact that it is made truly in USA ^_^ I hope I can afford it too hehehe! Happy weekdays!

    BlueMonday:Scuba Diving

  5. Thanks for the info Dixie! I am always on the lookout for good products!

  6. I love the smell of lavender too Dixie. Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. Happy Blue Monday.

  7. I adore Lavender - have a lavender glycerine soap in use at present and just love the smell it leaves on my hands!! Lovely post!
    PS> my post is up too.

    Inspired Living Spaces

  8. Hi Dixie. The lavender sounds devine. Ooooh, the silver candlesticks and s&p shakers are so beautiful. I'm like you - I gotta polish my silver. The phone lady is too cute!! What a fun blog you have here. Rosie

  9. I love any product that is lavender. I am glad you shared this with us. I live in Texas too but was not familiar with this product. I will it out.

  10. no fair, cheater, cheater...
    But I love it anyway!

    Ah, the lavender has calmed me :)

  11. The lavender in my garden is blooming profusely. Aren't those fields lovely when there's lots of plants! Glad you found something you love!

  12. Hi Dixie
    I wish you had a scratch and sniff button. Wouldn't that be cool.
    I love Lavender anything.
    Sound lovely & divine.
    My friend @ Lavender Dreams would love this product.
    Happy Blue Monday
    Love Claudie

  13. I wish your scratch and sniff button was working too. I think lavender is such a relaxing smell.


  14. Thanks, Dixie! I so much appreciate your kind words about our products. Also, honored to be featured on Blue Monday!

    Glad that you're loving our lotion and that we can save you all those long trips to Bath & Body! I have to say that with this cold, cold air that has blown into Texas, I have really been going thru the No. 145 Body Lotion...

    Thanks, again!!!

  15. Hi Dixie,
    Your word is good enough for me.
    I'm headin over there right now to check it out. I love lavender in all forms.


  16. I love Lavender and these products look amazing! I'm going to look at their site...again! Thanks!

  17. Love lavender and have used these products! I second your recommendation. ~ Sarah

  18. Just clicked on over from Lavender Chick's blog. I'm a big fan and now will have to start stalking yours as well!

    Any product from Hummingbird Farms is just fabulous ...


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