Monday, January 11, 2010

Fairies at the Eiffel...

Someone once told me that fairies live at the Eiffel Tower...
Being a believer in fairies... I thought this certainly possible... So I set out to see what I could find...
I looked high and low... inside and out... but alas...

not a single fairy did I find...

I think it is entirely possible that someone was pulling my leg... What do you think? Have you seen any fairies at the Eiffel? I'm still looking for scientific evidence... down here in French Lique...


  1. Dixie, I'm sure I see fairies at the Eiffel Tower. You should have seen this big ole fairy fall down the stairs at the ET while taking pics (I missed a step). I wince to think of it. Oh well, I never said I was a gymnast.

  2. magic flutters all about us...sometimes we have to close our eyes to see :)

  3. Oh, without a doubt. Any place as magical as the Eiffel Tower is sure to have a fairy or two fluttering about!

  4. O, yes...I, too, have been told fairies LOVE the tower...and any place that is as magical !!
    You must do as THE MUSE says and close your will hear and feel the sound of the fluttering of their little wings.
    (OMGosh, I do love this land of Blog) to the REAL world..*sigh......

  5. Fairies are all around us, all you have to do to find one, is close your eyes and listen for the soft fluttering of their wings and the tiny whispers of their laughing...sigh, alas not everything can be proven with Scientific evidence, sometimes you just have to go with the magic in your heart....
    Hope you have a fairy day down in French Lique

  6. Oh! Just beautiful. I saw fairies!

    In response to my RTR post...I have to congratulate Texas on the class they brought to the field. Way to go!!! Well played. My heart broke in half for Colt -speaking of class act-what a guy! He will go very far in life!

  7. Leigh.. I couldn't agree with you more!

  8. Cute post, Dixie! And no, I did not see any fairies at the Eiffel Tower when I was there but it sure felt magical enough just being there...Christine

  9. What a sweet made me smile this chilly day!


  10. Darling it!!!


  11. where else would a fairy go????

  12. Dixie, what whimsical and precious creations! After seeing this post, I believe fairies do live at the Eiffel Tower, and what magic they create! laurie

  13. Fabulous post and art. I am sure they are at the tower. They are everywhere.


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