Sunday, January 3, 2010

Silver Sunday... Mother's Silver

Joining in the first Silver Sunday at the Gypsy Fish Journal hosted by the fabulous Betty... Jump over to visit Betty and check out the list on her sidebar for other participants... perhaps you'll join in yourself!

In November, my sister decided to send me my half of Mother's Silver. Sister doesn't use silver... she's a more practical kinda girl... but I made her keep half because of the sentiment... That's the kinda girl I am...

It came a little tarnished... not having been used in many years... Mother lived in a nursing home the last year of her life and passed away in February of 2007. Sister has been trying to get me to take the silver ever since...

So, as I do with all my silver... I polished away... and as I did... I began to feel the love for this precious gift grow within my heart...

The silver was marked Reed & Barton... but I didn't know what the pattern was... Thankfully, my blogging friend Mimi at In the Middle of Nowhere, did. This is a 1954 Reed & Barton pattern... Classic Rose... and this was my mother's wedding silver...

Then, as it should be, I used Mother's silver on New Year's Day for a simple meal of Black-Eyed Peas, Pork and Potatoes...

and perhaps, Mother was looking down and smiling on us...

Happy New Year to one and all... and Happy 1st Silver Sunday...
from down here in French Lique...


  1. O, I love your mother's silverware. It is a beautiful and classic design...I remember someone in our family having this same pattern.
    Have a beautiful day...
    xo bj

  2. Your mother's silver is such a unique and beautiful style. Love the roses...and as it should be black-eyed peas, pork and potatoes.
    See you next week.....
    Thanks for participating
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  3. Very pretty, Dixie! I'm so glad you have those pieces to remember your mother. I feel that way about mine, too. Mama and I had the same pattern. And I smile every time I use her china pattern. Doesn't it make you happy? I remember so many happy family times when I use things that belonged to Mama. So glad you have these beautiful remembrances, too.


    Sheila :-)

  4. Your silver is so beautiful, I just love to polish silver, it gives you a chance to sit and dream..... bring back memories. The candlesticks are stunning, love those!!!
    Margaret B

  5. silver is beautiful...amazing what a little elbow grease will do...

  6. What a precious treasure to have your mother's silver. I love the pretty rose pattern and I love to use silver. Seems like so many are getting rid of it, but that does make for some great finds at GW and thrift stores. I am so glad that you are using yours. Hugs, Marty

  7. Dixie, isn't it wonderful to have your Mother's silver? I posted on Silver Sunday my parents wedding silver also. I just love it and used it at my Christmas dinner with my children. Such memories. My Mom is still alive but my Dad has passed on. Your sister is right to want to share with you!


  8. How special Dixie to have you parents wedding Silver...May you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  9. Beautiful and oh so precious....
    Happy New Year!

  10. Such precious treasures to remember your Mother by!! The roses really are unique!!
    Happy Silver Sunday, xOxO Nerina

  11. My husband got out his parents wedding silver this year. It means so much sharing a meal using it. Thank you for sharing your story.

  12. G'morn Dixie ~ What gorgeous rose silver ... Mother is smiling for sure. So lovely sister shared with you.

    Have a beautiful day.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  13. It's so pretty with the rose on it! And you're a wonderful sister to "make" her keep her half *smiles*

    Happy Silver Sunday! Blessings... Polly (Counting Your Blessings & French Cupboard)

  14. Love your mother's silver pieces! Isn't fun to use- whether eating filet mignon or one of my favorites- black eyed peas! Happy Silver Sunday. Miss Bloomers/Sonia

  15. I loved this post Dixie. New Year, new memories to replace some old memories. I do love this pattern, but I love the sentiment behind your sisters gift more. Kathy

  16. Not that it matters, but Reed and Barton is such a stellar brand. So sweet to have these treasures. My Mom died when I was seventeen, and I got nothing of hers. I would love to have her silver.

  17. your mother's silverware is so pretty, isn't it great to own a little piece of her. When I use my Mom's silverware I can feel her sitting there smiling...she worked so hard to get these pieces.
    Thanks for sharing.

  18. Beautiful silverware! What a treasure!

    I was given my aunt's when she passed away but it was stolen in a house burglary :(

    I'm loving Silver Sunday, seeing everyone's silver treasures!


  19. Your mother's silver is beautiful. I love the pattern. I thinks it's very special that you and your sister split the set so that you both could share the sentiment.

  20. Dixie, I remember when you got this from your sister. It's beautiful, and I love that using it brings you sweet memories. Have a wonderful 2010! laurie

  21. That silver is so beautiful! It makes it much more special that it belonged to your mother. Thank you for sharing it. I hope you have a wonderful week! Twyla

  22. I love family treasures, and yours is especially beautiful.

    I hope you are having a wonderful beginning of the New Year.

    You are a very special lady, Miss Dixie.


  23. Hey Sweet Dixie!
    You must have been reading my blgo as I read yours! Ha! Thank you for your comment! I appreciate your input. Another issue I am having is with blogger itself, It is not sending comment verification through email and it does not show up in my blog dashboard when I have comments. I have saved a very old comment and click on that "moderate" to see new ones. Its fustrating, thus I do not have direct email addresses. I am certain that this is much more infor that you needed or wanted. HA! I am just appreciative of your input!
    I love visiting your blog and hope next week to join Gypsey Fish in Silver Sunday. I already know what I am going to post. I love it when that happens. Smile.
    Have a wonderful week and wonderful 20101

  24. Dixie, your mothers silver is so sweet. It's wonderful that you and your sister have it.

  25. Love the pattern on the Silver. How special to use it on New Years Day...TFS on SS

  26. HEy Dixie darlin'
    HAppy New Year, if I haven't told you that already. Love that pattern on your mother's silver! the articulated roses are spectacular! I love heirlooms like that, and it's wonderful to use them. I always feel like my great grandmother is with me on the holidays cuz I have her potato masher and I mash away with it just like she used to. Oh and I always keep a little Christmas around all year a few things tucked here and there. LOL HAve an amazing day!
    p.s.The picture of your granddaughters tiny hand is just precious!

  27. OMG, that is some really gorgeous silver! What a treasure to have! Happy New Year Dixie!

  28. It would have been a treasure to have found this in any Junk shop but the fact that it is your mothers...priceless. Lve the simple rose pattern...thanks for sharing!

  29. Your pieces are just gorgeous...I am sure you are proud of them, and treasure them deeply...thus the sharing of them with all of us, is all the more special.

    Thanks Ms Dixie!

  30. Hi Dixie
    Thank you so much for visiting over at my place and for entering my giveaway.
    happy New year :D
    ~ Tina

  31. beautiful silver... even more beautiful post

  32. It was sweet of your sister to share... and for you to have her keep half. She may come to love ti.

  33. I've yet to collect my Grandmother's silver, my Father, an only child is too sentimental to part with it and that's just fine with me, I want him to be around for a very long time!

  34. Such beautiful silverware. It's neat to see you using it too! Happy New Year!

  35. Beautiful words for a beautiful gift. I love the idea of your mother looking down and smiling...I hope mine is on me.
    P.S. I meant to tell you...I loved your office redo...kept forgetting to tell you that!

  36. Ahhh a classic indeed ... very pretty !

  37. Dixie, your cherished silver polished up is such a pretty pattern.


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