Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Giveaway Gift Received and Adored...

Marie at Spun By Me had a wonderful giveaway just before Christmas. I was so lucky to have won, and today, I received a package in the mail...

Inside I found a sweet note...
and a beautiful little bear, dressed in doilies and lace by Marie, to add to my collection... A darling altered art photo and frame saying "Home is where the Heart is"... and a little Feed Sack pillow filled with Lavender... "I want my Fairy Godmother"... with vintage tatting across the back.. Each will find a special place here in the farmhouse... My sweet Doily Dressed Teddy now resides on the living room coffee table with Vintage Christmas and Mercury Glass Candlesticks... My darling Altered Art Baby and Frame has found a home in the entryway, with other treasured objects and art... and the Feed Sack Pillow filled with Lavender you might be surprised to see... has found it's home in the china cabinet amongst the Green Depression Glass and Vintage China... so I can smell the Lavender every time I open the doors...

Thank you Marie, for these lovely gifts... and brightening our New Year...

Down Here in French Lique...


  1. I'm so glad you received your package and I so happy that you enjoyed it. I think the lavender sachet has found a perfect home. Good smells belong anywhere!!

    Have a joy-filled new year!!

  2. So lovely. Congratulations, I know you will treasure them.

  3. O my...I do love these treasures of yours. That little pillow...if I lived close, I'd come over and arm wrestle you for it!! LOVE IT !:o)
    XO bj

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congrats on the win of such lovely items.


  6. What a lovely giveaway gifts you have received. Congrats.

    Happy New Year! May your year bring beauty, joy & blessings ...
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  7. Lovely gifts. Congrats to you on your win.. Happy New Year darling..hugs ~lynne~

  8. Really cute "stuff" and I LOVE what you've done with them!

  9. Congrats on winning the giveaway and thank you for sharing with us. It looks like everything found a lovely place to be.

  10. Congrats on your win
    I Love that photo and frame If you wanna regift it to me I wont tell LOL!!

  11. Geez, all of that stuff you won looks perfect with your decor! Pretty!

  12. You must have been an awfully good girl during 2009 'cause December sure was your month for winning!
    Lovely, thoughtful gifts and I love where you placed everything.
    Debbie the new header. What a beautiful serene tablescape.

  13. Congrats! That little bear is adorable! Lavender is one of my favorite scents...right after rosemary.

  14. Congratulations on winning that great giveaway. Such generous gifts!

    Happy New Year! Hope you'll get a chance to visit Brynwood, too!


  15. Congratulations...such wonderful gifts!


  16. Sweet box of goodies, fun to win!
    Loved looking through your Year in Review. We did have some fun and hope to do even more this year. Let's get started!!!

  17. Cute! Cute! CUTE! I'm so glad you won this fun drawing, Dixie!


    Sheila :-)

  18. Congrats!! What a lovely gifts you have here!!!! Thank you for your words of encouragement. They mean the world to me!!!


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