Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Fallen Angels... Second Time Around...

While looking for vintage Holt Howard figurines on eBay... I came across these two sweet little girls...

They're candle holders... which suits me just fine...I purchased the pair for just under $10... a bargain!... because each little angel is a fallen angel... one with a left... and one with a right...broken wing... I'll probably try to do a little better repair job than what was done here... But in any event... I think they're beautiful... and I'm happy to have them join the family... down here in French Lique... Want more 2nd Time around?

Hop over and visit Diane at A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words... and see who else is playing this Tuesday...


  1. Thanks for stopping by and visiting. Great blog, loved you ebay finds and your Mother's silver. Stop by agin soon, you will be hearing from me again, I will be following.

  2. They are so cute! I would give little angels like them a home also.

  3. They are precious angels. Don't you love what you can find on ebay?

  4. Oh Dixie sweetie...
    Thanks for sharing today. I so love these little angels, and aren't they just they sweetest things ever? I love the detail. My gosh the little ruffled effect on their dresses is just beautiful. I love their little downward gazing eyes and the little hand muff. So precious.

    Thank you for sharing with me today. Have a beautiful day sweetie. Country hugs and so much love, Sherry

  5. oh wow, Dixie they are lovely..I would proudly display these little fallen Angels with pride and I do believe you got a real bargain.

  6. How sweet. You know they look familiar...maybe my grandmother had something similiar, or my piano teacher. I wonder how old they are?


  7. How cute, Dixie. I would have ordered 'as is' too!!


  8. Oh they are truly beautiful, Dixie! Poor angels, I hope you can fix them better too. Happy New Year!..Christine

  9. Don't know exactly where you are but we are neighbors sort of. I am in DFW. Actually close to Texas Motor Speedway and today it is freezing here! I love the little angels how sweet. Thanks for sharing them today. I enjoyed my visit.
    Have a Blessed week,

  10. Oh, I love the book with the 2 dogs on front.

  11. Loving your new blog header - beautful and interesting. Your new, vintage angels are cuties:-)

  12. Those are so sweet, Dixie! They remind me of ones I had as a child. I'm glad you adopted them. They are precious!


    Sheila :-)

  13. OMGOSH...I love these girls. So close to the ones I shared in December. They steal my heart away girly.

    Now...my hubby SMILED BIG on the comment you left on my Post about Giving "Hubby Lessons". I think it is GREAT that your guy would pick up something and carry it into the house for you. Some men do NOTHING. That is something I just don't understand.

    Love to you~


  14. Hi Dixie!

    Oh how sweet those little gals are.....In the old days I wouldn't buy ANYTHING with any imperfections........and as I age I've come to LOVE them....especially repairs. It's fun to see that these little girls meant enough to someone to try to give them a new life. I LOVE 'em.

    Happy, happy New Year!


  15. Good for you for rescuing this sweet pair. If true be told, we all have a bit of glue here and there were we have taken a tumble down the hill ;-)
    Adds to the charm.
    A junkin' trip would be great for next week, do you have a day in mind? Haven't been to Ger. in several months. And a Dallas trip would be a fun thang too!
    Staying indoors since the cold wind came to town. Buurrr!

  16. OMG...these look a lot like a pair we had when I was a child. Thanks for bringing out some sweet memories.

    I love them!

  17. Awww, they are so sweet! Just the sort of little pretties that I have a hard time letting go of when it's time to sell.

    And how sweetly poetic that they each have one broken wing. Sort of like all of us, eh? ;-)

    Happy New Year!

  18. We have those little angels too! They are so cute. I'm glad you gave them a good home even though they had broken wings. I'm always checking out at the flea market with something and they'll ask, 'Did you know this was cracked or chipped or whatever?' I always say yes. If it's beautiful, it's still beautiful with a slight imperfection and it doesn't bother me. In many cases I can aford the chipped one where I couldn't the perfect one. Have a nice day! Twyla

  19. Hi Dixie, thanks for your visit and comment. Your little angels are adorable. I have always admired them and agree that they are a wonderful treasure. My mother had a pair and one of my sisters gave them a home. With 4 sisters we had to share. Smile!

    Keep on looking and finding those treasures.

    Hugs, Jeanne

  20. What beautiful angels. I'm a believer that chips and breaks give a piece character. They would have found a home here too. Thank you for visiting junkblossoms. Please visit again soon. Pat.

  21. oh goodness, i have one of these from my nanny. i treasure that little beauty!

    your pair is so sweet :)

  22. Aren't those the sweetest, my mom made some similar in her ceramic clubs... Christmas Caroling Angels.

    Are you staying warm down there in French Lique Texas, Miss Dixie?


  23. Love those angels
    I recall growing up with some similar ones Thanks you for the memory and congrats on the purchase


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