Sunday, January 17, 2010

Before and After...Silver Sunday Favorites

Today I'm combining Silver Sunday with Sunday Favorites (thank you Beth and Chari for hosting! Chari I noticed you're doing the same thing.. feel free to steal my new Meme Mosaic!) and revisiting a tablescape from
New Year 2009... A friend was reading some of my old posts and brought this one to my attention... she was most interested in the "Mercury Glass Christmas Tree"... (no Liz.. you can't HAVE it.. but you can BORROW it anytime!)
So here ya go... Revisiting Liz's favorite tablescape post... full of Silver Sunday...


the original post...

I use this table cloth everyday... it was my grandmothers and is a little tattered in places, but, I love it and I think it's very romantic...
The place mats double as chargers with a vintage crystal Anchor dinner plate and a Fire King opal white with platinum rim salad plate... I also like to put freshly ground sea salt in the little individual vintage "salts"(lower center of picture below). See my little "LOVE letters"?
I decided to use vintage Wilendur Pink Dogwood napkins and silver napkin rings... I think the gray shadows in the napkins look nice with the silver and platinum accents...
and decorate with my newly found mercury glass candle holders, bowl & balls, and tree...Bling-Bling...

and now here... with the candles lit and the lights turned low... maybe Ricky will like it better when I get my apron on... Ha! we'll see... Getting ready for a romantic dinner with my sweet hubby (who really is romantic... most of the time)... down here in French Lique...


  1. How BEAUTIFUL and romantic!!! The tablecloth is stunning! My stepmother has one very similar to that.

    Have a wonderful day!


  2. That is just lovely! All the pieces just work together so well.
    Don't forget to enter into the $50 shopping spree at Starting Over

  3. Your silver is just so beautiful, and this tablescape is stunning. I love everything about it and your beautiful lace tablecloth is just gorgeous. What a lovely tablescape. Hugs, Marty

  4. I just love your tablescape it's so romantic! Hope your new years eve was a good one.Thanks for coming today...see you next Sunday!
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  5. OOO la la!
    Tres chic for La French Lique :)

    Silver Pizazz indeed!
    happy blessed Sunday, so glad I had time to stop in and visit a bit :)

  6. You table is so very romatically charming. It is wonderful to know that you set a table and use your grandmother's tablecloth..Now days people eat so much on the run..we all need to get back to simpler eating together at a beautiful table like yours. Thanks for sharing, see you next Sunday!

  7. I love how the pink dogwood napkins look with all the silver & mercury glass!

  8. Hello Miss Dixie!!!

    I thought about you this week on Wednesday when I dressed for the "Australian" themed Homecoming Day. We all did western and called it Australian. Go see if I made the grade - - - - it's my post called "Leaving the Plain by Plane"

  9. Hi Dixie!

    Oh, your table is beautiful! Love all the silver and other pretties!!

  10. I bought a Mercury glass Christmas tree after Christmas for 75% was like $3.00. I was thrilled. It will be a new treat next year...your table is lovely! Happy SS!

  11. Such a beautiful candlelight table! Very romantic, with Valentine's less than a month away cupid looks like he visited you!

    Happy Silver Sunday
    Miss Bloomers

  12. Beautiful, elegant table. Thanks for sharing this one again. I just might follow your example and use your meme mosaic for next Sunday. ~ Sarah

  13. I love your warm, inviting and very romantic table setting. It's all so pretty with lots of bling and sparkle. Love it!

  14. Your table is very romantic indeed, Dixie. Ricky will fall in love all over again....Christine

  15. The tablescape is lovely. I want the napkins.

  16. What a lovely table. I have a cloth similar and just started putting different colors of fabric under it for different effects. Your is so romantic.

    Here's a great giveaway. Nothing to do but comment.

  17. What a lovely table. I have a cloth similar and just started putting different colors of fabric under it for different effects. Your is so romantic.

    Here's a great giveaway. Nothing to do but comment.

  18. Ooooh, that is just SO glam and romantic! Love it!

    Have a great week!

  19. I can see why she loved that Christmas tree...I do too. Everything is lovely and since I missed it the first time around, I'm glad to see it!


  20. My mother had a tablecloth much like yours, Dixie. Have a super day!

  21. Hi Dixie...

    So happy to see you for Sunday Favorites this week, my friend! Love your idea of combining Silver Sunday and Sunday Favorites (and thank you for sharing your meme photo! Hehe!). You chose a beautiful post to revisit this week, Darlin'! Of course, you know that I just adore all of that beautiful display of made for a fabulous tablescape! Your grandmother's lace tablecloth is beautiful...the perfect backdrop for the silver place settings!!! Ohhh...and what gorgeous place settings! You know, I have an entire set of the Fireking dishes and have never used them...your tablescape has inspired me to think about getting them out and doing something pretty with them! Well...enquiring minds want to know...did the apron work? Hehe! Too cute, Darlin'!

    What a sweet treat! Thank you again for joining in with the fun of Sunday Favorites!!! Don't be a stranger and come join us again!

    Have a wonderful week, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design

    PS...I do apologize at being so late to get by for a visit but had to make a trip out of town yesterday!

  22. Hi Dixie, what a gorgeous romantic table you've set. I love all the bling. Wonder what he thought of the apron?? lol.. Thank you for swinging in, loved having you. Pop in any 'ole time. hugs ~lynne~

  23. Nice romantic all your silver. I think I may have a tablecloth with the same pattern tucked away in a cabinet.


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