Sunday, November 29, 2009

Geronimo! Part 2...

Christmas time came to Geronimo today... well, at least in my booth. Everyone else that was going to decorate for the holidays finished on Friday... me... I was working at my real job... so today was my day for decorating... My little table was filled to the brim with tabletop Christmas trees... all shapes, colors and sizes... See the two trees "under cloche"? I decided to join Marty's Cloche Party to show them off!
One little tree sported a composite baby doll head for a topper... I think she looks pretty good! This ones for you Candy!
After cleaning the panes, I hung mercury glass ornaments in the window to reflect the morning sunlight...

New aprons from my talented sister... Lili Angelique... and a vintage looking "Magnolia Pearl" styled dress snuggled in the corner...

A BIG stack of back issues... I promised Ricky I'd purge some of my stash!

Doesn't my Magnolia painting look wonderful sitting atop a beautiful easel... Wish I had room in the ranch house to hang on to this one!

Frames antiqued just right for a shabby wall of artless art...

Ricky came back just in time to hang the fairy lights to say "Welcome Christmas"...from down here in French Lique... and Blue Hills Antique Mall in Geronimo, Texas.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


Hey! See that picture up there? The one in the header... the one of my booth in Geronimo, Texas... yep... that's the one... Well, tomorrow I'll be redecorating for Christmas.... yes, I know I'm at least a month behind... but it's on the planning board...
My sweet bro-in-law, Don, who loves to read the French Lique, Texas Blog, (shout out to you Don!) asked me on Thanksgivig day, "how in the world do you get it all done? Work, Home, Camping, the Blog, the Booth..." Answer.... Obviously... "not in a very timely manner".... but sooner or later... I (often with Ricky's and Jen's help) get it all done...

down here in French Lique...
So... come back and see me soon... I'll post a new header and some Christmas photos of the booth.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Sitting here, stuffed like a Thanksgiving Turkey... I have to say that today was one of the best Thanksgivings I've enjoyed in French Lique.
Not all of the family made it today, but 23 of us did... We had more desserts than vegetables...turkey... ham... and a few of Grandma's favorite recipes... a perfect Thanksgiving meal! Ricky's dad, now 85-years old, presided over the clan; after a difficult year medically, and we are blessed to have him with us...

Family... The very best part of any holiday... but... We don't pardon the turkey... down here in French Lique...

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving...

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mother's Silver

My sister sent me a little gift today. Half of our mother's silverware. When my mother passed away several years ago, she had very little to leave to her only two children. But then, we didn't expect anything... she didn't raise us, and we hardly knew her. So this gift from my sister comes to me because my sister wanted me to have it... and I will cherish it because it came from her...
The pattern is a Reed Barton pattern, but I don't know it's name... yet.

It is pretty, with roses and an unusual
curl at the base of the handles. Do YOU know this pattern?

Tarnished and uncared for....
Not surprising, all things considered...
down here in French Lique...

update! Thanks to Mimi at In the Middle of Nowhere, I have the pattern name:
Discontinued Pattern: CLASSIC ROSE (STERLING, 1954, MONOGRAMS) by REED & BARTON SILVER, Sterling Pattern #: 1954
My parents were married in 1954 and I was born in December of that same year. Now we know... this was my mother's bridal silver.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"and bring some for the big kids too!"

I was reading through some older posts today, from previous years, and ran across this one from Thanksgiving 2008. We drove to Dallas for Thanksgiving last year; this year we'll be driving 1/2-mile to Ricky's daughter's house. I think I'll still make "the recipe" and take it with me... for the big kids.

The Post from November, 2008...
I had to go to the grocery store this morning. I've decided to make Marshmallow Treats for my grandkiddos, for Thanksgiving. I called all 3 of my adult daughters this morning for various getting it together reasons... and all 3 told me the same thing when I told them of my culinary surprise... "bring enough for the big kiddos too!" So off I went to the store at 7:30am, to beat the crowds (which I did).

I like using the "original brand name" cereal, not the store brand. I've found that the original is crispier and tastier... and heck, I only make the treats once or twice a year. When I found the "brand name" cereal, it didn't have the recipe on the box. (I later found that Rice Krispies puts the recipe on the inside of the box! Go figure?) The store brand did, but I didn't want that cereal. I knew what the ingredients were: puff rice cereal, marshmallows, butter... okay... got those... but no recipe.

Thank the Lord and Al Gore for the internet! I found the recipe and printed it for future use. So here dear friends, is a link to "The Original" recipe for marshmallow treats. Use it in good health!

and yes... Still thinking about food down here in French Lique...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cool Nights... Candle Light...

I love when the time changes and we get that hour back that we lose in the spring... getting the hour back also means... getting cooler weather... leaves falling.... nightfall coming a little earlier each evening... Welcome Autumn... cool nights... candle light...
Down here in French Lique...