Friday, October 30, 2009

These boots are made for walkin'... ropin'... ridin'...

I'm joining Deb, the Ladybug from Texas, for her Friday boot party... All Deb wants is for you to post a photo(s) of your favorite boots... so here's mine... well worn, broken-in cowgirl boots...

it's hard to live in Texas and not own a pair or two...

just like this great photo from Pioneer Woman...

and this will be my new pair of boots... I'm givin' them to myself for Christmas from Crow's Nest Trading Company... I love these boots!
So put on your boots gals... and join in with Deb's Boot Party.. just like me, down here in French Lique!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Repost and Credit Where Credit is Due...

Metamorphosis Monday is hosted by one of my favorite decorating bloggers, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch... If you'd like to see more of Metamorphosis Monday participants, link here to visit Between Naps on the Porch...
If you think you've seen this post before... you have. Yesterday while searching on the internet for another inspiration... I ran across the inspriation for my book Metamorphosis and wanted to give credit where the credit is due... read on...
Original Post
In the beginning, my books were crammed into this little flimsy bookcase and one other similar in my office... the books also resided on the floor, stacked in piles around the room, in the closet... well, you get the idea... though they were loved, they were certainly not cared for...

So, the first step... get the books to the dining room table and sort them... first by subject matter and then by size... and here they stayed for a couple of weeks...
until Ricky put my two large bookcases together... purchased at Target on sale for $80 each... a good buy considering the alternatives... Then I put the books on the bookcase in similar order as they were on the dining table... awaiting their next transformation...
I found a lovely idea in one of the many decorating and organizing magazines I consume each month. For the life of me I can't find the original inspiration; but when I do I will certainly give them credit here... In the meantime, just know that I was inspired by someone else's work...

UPDATE: I found my original inspiration... FLN Sarah Richardson's Room Service in an episode titled Moment's Notice... Now you can see what I saw... and give credit where credit is due... thanks Sarah... you're an inspiration!

I have found that in decorating, like the rest of my life, I'm very eclectic. In the bedroom, I like the serenity of Traditional; but in my pink bedroom, I like Shabby French...
In my office, I tend to lean more toward Traditional with a little French flair, lots of clean lines and organization... and so...

The book project.

You're going to need one of those craft cutting sheets made for a rotary cutter, a rotary cutter, a long straight edge... mine is a metal yardstick... and vellum by the roll. Oh, and of course, some books... lots and lots of books...
I found it easiest to measure the book's dust jacket, and then stick with the same size book when cutting the vellum...
be careful cutting... those rotary cutters are sharp!
I managed to get a little less than half of the books covered before I ran out of the two rolls of vellum. This is going to be a little more expensive than I had originally thought... but look!
Pretty books, all covered in vellum... I can still read most of the titles, but the books... they look so pretty and organized... I like this... I really really like this!
Hobby Lobby is closed on Sunday... good thing.. that means I don't feel compelled to run into town and buy more rolls of vellum! It can wait a few days... There is much more to be done in getting my office redecorate/declutter project finished... down here in French Lique!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's Time... Again...

I spent most of the afternoon today, straightening and re-organizing my home office. I started my office redo back in February... but then things got in the way... I got sidetracked... I think Candy calls it EDG...
Easily Distracted Gal... Yep, I'm one too.

I realized today that it's time for a Blogging Break... I know I just got off one... but it's a lot like a diet... easy to start... hard to continue...

All three of the clocks in my office are set at different times... and not on purpose. This is telling me something... time for a break... time to focus...

So, while I've pre-written a couple of posts for upcoming Blog parties...
Today I begin a Blog Break... Another one...

Time to reset... relax... recharge...
Down here in French Lique...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jumping on the Bandwagon

When a book or series of books becomes so popular as to cause a virtual frenzy, I try to stay away... think Harry Potter... but peer pressure (every one discussing the book they've read) eventually draws me in... I admit to having read the entire Harry Potter Series to date...

Now enter Twilight. I know... I know... I have fought the raging river of popularity for 3-years...but was finally pulled under... I found the first book in the series at a thrift store... I have difficulty passing up a good bargain on a book...

 Now, perhaps, you're wondering what I think about this book. I understand the fervor over Twilight. It's a good story, well told by an author, Stephenie Meyer, that knows how to write. Writing in a first person narrative, Ms. Meyer does a wonderful job describing and defining her characters. Now, while some of the story is way out there (it is a fantasy love story about a vampire), it's spirits you along with the characters... mainly Bella (from whose perspective we read) and Edward, her vampire Romeo.

A good fairytale fantasy for sophisticated (mature) readers...
Enjoying the fairytale, down here in French Lique...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Butterflies Are Free...

I've been trying, for a week, to get a good photo of the butterflies migrating to Mexico via south Texas... It's hard to show you what a butterfly migration looks like and feels like. Since I've been unsuccessful at my photography venture, I'll show you this...

This map shows the migration north and south of the Monarch Butterfly... and there ya go... right through south Texas and back...

and this is one photographers view, not mine, because I don't have the kind of camera it takes to get a photo like this...

There are literally millions of butterflies of all species that take this route... but how does it feel? It feels like Oz... when I walk outside butterflies are everywhere: in the trees, on the sidewalks, in the grass... and when you walk, they flutter around you... all around you. Butterflies land on your clothes, your face, your hair... It makes you feel like you're in a fantasy, and I love it.

I wish I could share the butterfly fantasy with you... down here in French Lique...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Pink Birthday Party, Happy Birthday Panda

It's time for Pink Saturday at Miss Beverly's How Sweet the Sound. When you finish reading here... pop back over and read more Pink Saturday Posts! A girl has got to have her PINK!

Last weekend was the Panda's 7th Birthday! Her super Mommy, my oldest daughter, took the Panda and her 3 very best gal pals for a pee-wee spa day... and boy did they have fun being all grown up!

The before treatment photo... they're so cute!

The toes... how cute... you may remember another Pink Saturday Post where the Panda did her own Mani-Pedi here...
and pink ponies... with glitter of course!
Then you must have some pink stars on the cheeks... (please note the Hello Kitty tee...of course!)
Once all the girls were done... there had to be a pink runway show.. right!
oh the little Divas!
and then there was birthday cake with all the Pink trimmings...
Then back home in the Panda's Pink room... all this from a Mommy who once told me... I'll never let a daughter of mine wear pink! (I always knew she would!)

Happy Birthday sweet Panda. Grandma and Grandpa love you very much, down here in French Lique!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Climate Change... Blog Action Day...

I decided to join in Blog Action Day today, because I think there is much to say about today's subject... Climate Change.

If you check my reading list, you might find a few odd books on that list. These books might seem to indicate, somewhat, that I'm a little bit of a science nerd... well, I have to admit that I am. Being a pseudo science nerd, I like doing my own research about things like climate change. I like to make up my own mind, and not just jump on the political left or right bandwagon...
Some of my research led me to this site... Climate Debate Daily. I like this site because it offers both sides of the proverbial debate.

Another site I like is Facts About Climate Change. This site is described as "Unbiased climate change information-an impact assessment scientist separates climate change facts from fiction".

Now here is what I know...

The current public concern regarding Climate Change is scientific theory. To understand the debate, you must first understand scientific theory... that is to say, do your homework.
People, especially those financially (and or politically) motivated, like to use scare tactics and/or aggressive arguments to get their point of view across and make you a believer.
and I also know...
Far too many of us are willing to listen and believe the side we want to believe. We often "drink the koolaide" without spending some of our own time and reading opposing sides of a debate.
There is no such thing as a "carbon offset". Don't be that gullible. If you sell something to someone that you didn't use, and then they use it... you haven't saved a dog-gone thing...

Take a little time today to do your own research if you're interested in the Climate Change Debate. I've given you a couple of resources... but there are hundreds, even thousands, out there... so Google till your hearts content!
Then go do something to make this world a better place for the generations to come, and have a beautiful Blog Action Day! I know we will, down here in French Lique.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Birthday to a Special Gal!

The first time I met Candy, we had decided to meet in San Marcos, Texas for lunch. I work for a credit union that has a branch there... we had already planned to meet at Wimberley Market Days in a couple of weeks, but I thought it might be nice to meet, face to face, before our junkin trip. This was Candy the first time I saw her. She had brought along her friend Terry, for moral support... Candy is very shy when meeting new people.

but not too shy to wear a funky hat so I'd be able to find her... no kidding!

We had lunch at a little diner in downtown San Marcos; and talked for an hour like old friends... I instantly felt a kinship to both of these sweet ladies... Note Candy's sunglasses on head and reading glasses on eyes... the little pin on her shirt is what she wears to hold her reading glasses close at hand...
After visiting Wimberley in March (I think), our next adventure was to Geronimo... where I introduced Candy to my favorite little shop, Glory B's... and my favorite little shop keeper, Miss Beverly. Terry came along too... by this time, they were both my new friends. We also visited Blue Hills Antique Mall, where I now have a booth. We do love to shop those junk, thrift and antique shops! and here we are... two old gals in their 50's... new friends...
Today, Ricky and I had a dozen errands to run... I wore my pretty purple and white scarf... the one that Candy gave me... a gift of friendship...

The best gift of friendship is Candy herself. You only have to read her blog to experience what a wonderful person she is. She is exactly who she seems to be. Delightful!

Happy Birthday Dear Friend... and wishing you many, many more... from down here in French Lique...

Friday, October 9, 2009

A River Runs Through It...

About 100 yards west of our house, our little country road runs through a dry creek bed. It's usually dry... but as you'll see here... when it rains, a river runs though it...

Ricky took these photos after a 6-inch rain on Saturday...
We've been in a drought for the past 2-years... In the past 2-weeks, we've had about 10-inches of rain... So tonight, at Mass, instead of praying for rain... we said a prayer of thanksgiving for all the rain we've received... Rain, welcome in south Texas... especially down here in French Lique...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

One Ton Dually

Ricky's new Chevy One Ton Dually Pick-up... proof positive that "the only difference between men and boys... is the price of their toys..." Now all together girls, let's make that Tim the Toolman Taylor grunt and do a virtual chest bump...

Livin' Large down here in French Lique...

ps... I have to be honest and tell you that he bought it so he could pull my camper up to Weber Lake Ranch, California next summer! Mountain Vacation here we come!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wimberley Finds... for Thrifty Thursday...

I thought Thrifty Thursday would be the perfect place to show you what I found while shopping Wimberley Market Days with Candy on Saturday.

Candy and I seldom desire the same treasure... it's not that our tastes are that different... we just always seem to be looking for different items when we're together... however, this Saturday... I beat her to these vintage silk millinery violets... just $2 a bunch! Sorry Candy!

Then I found these adorable S & P shakers. Funny thing was, Candy already owns them, though the slightly taller version... along with the complete set of stoneware... Good thing we don't go for the same treasures huh? I probably won't use them for S & P... just to decorate... they're so cute!
I also found these candle sticks... $5 for the set... boy were they heavy. I couldn't believe the price. The lady told me she bought them at an estate sale and she wasn't sure whether or not they were silver... hummmm...
A little Wright's Silver Polish and volia'!
Yep... they are silver... beautiful vintage silver candlesticks... a very good thing!
Then last but not least... I fell in love with this...
A beautiful pillow made from vintage silks and adorned with vintage pearls.
A thrifty treasure for sure... handmade... vintage silk... only $20.

So there you have it, as promised. My beautiful vintage, thrifty finds... found while shopping Saturday at Wimberley Market Days with Candy... Wish ya'll were there.

Come on over and visit, down here in French Lique...