Monday, September 14, 2009

When I Think of You...

It rained all weekend while we were in Dallas. The sunshine didn't peek through, not even once. It reminded me of when I first moved to Dallas in 1983. It was late July... it was hot... it never rained. I had moved from the southeast, where it seemed to rain every week, year round. To move to a place where it never rained caused me to fall into a deep depression. I was a young mother then, with two young daughters and a husband that worked too many hours. I was alone in a city where I knew no one... and no one knew me; a city that never rained...

Then late September came, and with it... the rain. It began to rain the last week of September 1983 and didn't stop until mid-October. It rained buckets and buckets of rain. I finally came to understand why there were so many parks in "flood plains"... when it rains in Dallas, those flood plains become creeks and rivers. Everyone that I had come to know in the previous few weeks, became moody and depressed... too much rain. Me... I was happy! I felt joy! Ahhhhh... Rain!

Mark Graham for The New York Times

This weekend, it began to rain in Dallas. It came down in buckets. The roads flooded, lawns flooded... flood plains became creeks and rivers. The rain flooded me with memories of being a 20-something mom, with two little girls at home and a husband that worked too many hours... The girls are all grown up, and now the 2 are 3... the husband is married to someone else but still works too many hours, or so they say... and me... the Rain still makes me smile... and feel joy and happiness...

so Dallas, when I think of you, I think of Rain...

and yes... the Rain has even come to us... Down here in French Lique...


  1. I couldn't agree more. We've been blessed with rain all this week, and it has been sorely needed. I'm originally a Dallas girl, so I know what a good Dallas downpour looks like.
    Nice to "meet" you!
    All the best,
    ~ Anne

  2. I'm just outside of Dallas and you wrote about the city beautifully. I, too, love rain. Great writing. ~Mindy

  3. I remember when I was 14 we moved to Fort Worth, I too was used to the rain and at that time in 1958 Fort Worth -Dallas area was in a drought, they said it hadn't rained in months, right after we moved there it started raining and rained day and night for weeks, they said it was the worst flooding in that part of TX in years. We lived in a Neighborhood called Diamond Hill, on the highest hill in town and it almost came to our door, I saw my first tarantula on our back porch that fall, that thing was as big as a tea cup, snakes and all kind of wild life came to our yard to avoid the water. I was so glad when we moved in Jan....we moved to Lawton,OK. Hot and dry there also.
    Great description of Dallas.

  4. Oh, those memories. When I first moved to Houston, it rained 3 straight weeks. I thought I was going to die coming from OK which was arid in comparison. Isn't if strange how weather affects us? I love how you share. I find it very hard to get personal. Maybe, soon...

  5. Oh the rain has been wonderful and the cooler temps are heaven.
    I can do Market Days in Oct. So as it gets closer just let me know.
    Today's weather would have been a great strolling day.
    Glad you enjoyed your Big D visit and made it home safely.

  6. Dixie, We are singing in the rain at the Bar H, except we need a small break this afternoon to pick up feed and get it in the feeder.

    I was born and grew up and old in Texas, but I always lived on the coast, so we always had rain, nothing like has happened this summer. We only got about 2-3 inches, so we are still in need, but happy for what we got.

    The Wet Purple Goat Lady.....

  7. Ah, the Texas rains! When we lived in Ft. Worth, there was a flash flood from all that rain. A friend's child died in the flood. Very sad times.

  8. We live in one of the "100 year" flood plain areas...actually our street is the only one in the neighborhood that isn't considered in the flood plain. I've seen the Trinity come out in a flash flood many a time onto the streets around us. I love the rain...just not so much of it at one time, but's that's Dallas and Texas!

  9. yea.
    I heard about the Dallas rain all the way out here in California!
    Must have been quite soggy!
    Loved your post!

  10. Well, The WJ is 40 miles south of Dallas and we got so much rain! 13 plus inches! Yea!!!!!!!!!
    we had cracks in the ground big enough to swallow a child!!! Sunny and 80 here today :-)
    Glad to hear ya got rain and I bet we will get another hay cutting this year

  11. Well, The WJ is 40 miles south of Dallas and we got so much rain! 13 plus inches! Yea!!!!!!!!!
    we had cracks in the ground big enough to swallow a child!!! Sunny and 80 here today :-)
    Glad to hear ya got rain and I bet we will get another hay cutting this year

  12. Dixie, if you have a minute and if you aren't already sending a card, can you please stop by my blog and get information and send a card to Amy as soon as possible? Thanks so much. laurie

  13. Nothing like a good Sept. rain to freshen up this dusty California valley. We finally got some here. I went out and did the happy dance in it then tracked mud all the way up to the front door. We're back to hot and dry again already.

    Lovely heartfelt post Dixie. Fall of 83 was my first semester in college. You sure know how to stir up the memories!

  14. What a lovely post. I live in the desert and I covet every drop of rain that falls here, darn few of them!

    You memories of the past are so touching to my heart. I have been thinking of past days too.

    The Raggedy Girl

  15. you know what they say about Texas weather...if you don't like it..stick around a little while and it will change...ready for the change back to sunshine and warm temperatures...rain is nice a little at a time..but we had alot..for too long...might need to rent a hay baller to mow the lawn...

  16. Ms. Dixie ... when it rains here on the high desert .... we all give thanks. I also love rain, its sound, its smell, its mystery.


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