Sunday, September 20, 2009

Too Much Work... Not Enough Weekend...

When I was younger, I kept house like a woman on a mission. Every Saturday was a housework marathon... Before the sun set, the house would be spotless (not that it was ever very messy)... Every bed freshly made, every dirty sheet washed; floors vacuumed, swept, mopped and waxed... Laundry washed, folded and put away... everything organized... no clutter... no dust bunnies... but then...
I turned 50 years old a few years back... the youngest daughter flew the coop... I married Ricky and life changed.

Nowadays Ricky and I can manage to find something fun to do with every spare moment. We like to travel, so we do. We like to go out to dinner, so we do. We like to go to auctions and junk sales.. and you guessed it... so we do. Heck, we even went out this week just to celebrate the fact that it's raining again!

This weekend I told him that it was housework weekend... to which Ricky replied "Huh?"... Ricky doesn't get housework weekend... we don't have them very often... and I realized that I really don't much care for them myself anymore. What use to take me two hours, now takes me a day. I get sidetracked too easy... I take breaks... I stop to make a nice chicken salad... and then I have to eat a sandwich...

I mean... a girls got to keep up her strength doesn't she? So this weekend, there was just too much work and simply not enough weekend. I may have to bring in recruits... Merry Maid sounds good... what do you think...? How about a chicken salad sandwich and a glass of iced tea... we'll sit out on the porch and talk about it... down here in French Lique...


  1. Hi Dixie! What a refreshing post today ... sounds like the perfect life to me. Cowgirl Up!

  2. I'm tellin' ya, Dixie..this is SO me!! Same way about the house, yard, car...everything. It ALL had to be as near perfect as I could get it...then...GRANDKIDS came along..I was 50 about that time and had already learned there was a LOT more fun things to do than to worry about any stinkin' ole house!!
    Fishing at the park, going to the movies, renting movies and popping corn and eating candy, trying on clothes and getting so tickled, we wet our pants...hey, that house cleaning WILL get done...eventually!! I got waaaay more memories to make.....:O)
    xo bj

  3. I'm for chicken salad on the porch and TALKING about housework all day long. I love that you and Ricky are going and doing fun things together. Even singing and dancing in the rain. Love the cooler, wetter time and all the grass is turning green again.

    Market Days here in Wim. is the first Saturday and will be fun if you change your mind.Is Round Top the second weekend? I have not done that one...yet. For Oct 3rd I have invited a friend who lives in Dripping Springs. Not sure Terry will make it, her son is planning on coming in from TAMU. Woop! Giggim' Aggies!!!

    And blonde...I'm dingy enough to be blonde ;-)

  4. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one. Between work and wanting to do fun things when I'm not working, the house has definitely suffered. But you know what? It's not that big a deal. And I'm not sure now why I used to think it was lol. Thanks for letting me know I'm not just getting lazy! Kathy

  5. Dixie, it sounds like you and Ricky are living life to the fullest. I was the same way about the house. In my twenties and thirties everything had to be spic and span, cars washed, garage vaccumed and hosed out, lawn cut, etc. Just went at it all day long and still had energy. Now, well, everything is still in it's place but as far as the cars and spic and span, I say "whatever!". Keep makin the chicken salad sandwich and drinking your ice tea and doing what you want when you want! So happy to hear you got "rain"!!!! Finally!!! It rained here for days and days and days! Misquitos are as big as Texas! :)

  6. And the older you get the longer it takes to do the simple things.
    I used to have a house cleaning Sat, now it is Monday thru Sunday and start again. I decided if I want to go or do, then I do cause it will be here to do all over again the next week.
    Merry Maids sounds like a great idea.
    And I'll have a peach tea with that chicken sandwich, thank you.

  7. I think that hiring help is a great idea!

  8. You go girl...enjoy life to it's fullest...housework will always be there...let's face it when you reflect back on the past what has the most fondest memories...a clean house...or the day you went out fishing with your hubby...or sitting on your swing drinking iced tea watching the sun rise or the maid will boost the economy...LOL

  9. Hi Dixie! Isn't it funny how whatever job you have to do fills however much time you have? I said that when I retired, I would give the house a good to bottom. Instead, I partied for two years...traveling, having lunch with friends, Goodwill hunting...anything but cleaning! I LOVE to clean when it rains, and with a three year drought, I didn't do much cleaning!! lol we have flooding here (unbelievable, but true!) and I am cleaning like a mad woman!!! Maybe I'd better consider a cleaning service, too, since my cleaning is so dependant on the weather!!! lol I say...enjoy your life!! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  10. Since I've been staying in Dad's 500 square foot apartment the past few weeks, housework's a breeze!

  11. Oh Dixie....that post made me smile...I'm so glad you'd rather travel and have fun times than spend your time cleaning. Your routine sounds exactly like mine...I'm trying hard to find time to ENJOY LIFE, but things are ever so busy!


  12. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to keep this place clean. As long as my dust bunnies have not turned into dust bears I'm good!

    It's so nice that you and Ricky enjoy so much together.


  13. Back in my 20's my friends and I used to help each other spring clean. Wonder if anyone ever does that anymore? Merry Maids sounds like a wonderful idea but I'm alway spending the $$$ at sales that just mess my house up more! So glad Blue Hills is going good. :) Nancy

  14. Merry Maids! Thats the ticket :-)
    The rain was so great!

  15. Can I ever relate. As a stay at home Mom I worked from sun up to sun down everyday...clean clean clean but now it is almost my 65st Birthday and I am really slacking off. Sometimes I am shocked by the amount of dust bunnies and pray the do not organize. I loved this post.

    The Raggedy Girl

  16. I vote for Merry Maids while you enjoy your iced tea and chicken salad sandwich :)


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