Monday, September 21, 2009

The Etsy Shoppe is Now Open for Business!

My crafty sister has made a beautiful apron for my booth in Geronimo... but while I'm waiting for it to arrive in person... I'm listing it in my new Etsy Shoppe...

The fabric is Robyn Pandolph Wild Rose Farm Pink Roses on Jadeite... a beautiful fabric from my favorite ebay fabric seller, Susan at Urbangardens.

I buy the fabric, my sweet sis does all the work, and then I sell it! Not a bad deal for 2-sisters living nearly 600-miles apart.
This is a photo of the back... a big bow sash... I love it!
So if you'd like to buy a beautiful handmade fancy bib apron...
just link right here...
and visit Dixie's Etsy Shoppe...
with handmades by Lili Angelique... aka Dixie's Little Sis...
and that's what's happenin' today down here in French Lique...
Thanks Sis!


  1. Oh Dixie, this is exciting! Congratulations! The apron is wonderful. I'm going over to check out the shop. laurie

  2. What a great pair to draw to. Love the apron and the print is so sweet.
    Hope you had a nice day round town. I spend 5 hours cleaning down at my MIL's house. The whole time I was thinking about the chicken salad on your porch. Kept me going and with a smile on my face to boot ;-)

  3. I had no idea you were going to open a shop, Dixie and I am on my way now!


    PS Good luck!!

  4. Dixie, that apron is just Gorgeous...and very well handcrafted (hence the closeup)!!!! Great Job Sis!!!!! Looking forward to see other items in your store. How fun! Good Luck Girl! Hugs, ~C

  5. The BEST of luck in your new endeavor!
    I see you read a lot! I do to. And I have read the escapades of Ms. Milhone from a to t.
    Jump over to my house and see what I'm reading and a short review.
    I LOVE this guy!!!

  6. Hey Auntie J,
    I love the song on your blog. It made me cry listening to it and looking at my mom's lil' apron. Her crafts reveal the innocence of her spirit. A weird thing to say, but if you get it, you do.

  7. yes they do sweet Syble... your mom, my sis, is a very special person... yes she is.

  8. Dixie, I'm not sure where French Lique is. I will be flying in to Austin on Saturday, the 3rd of Oct. and having lunch somewhere close to the airport. I didn't know if you were close to Austin, but if you didn't have anything to do that day, I'd love to meet you and any other bloggers in the area. Let me know. laurie

  9. So pretty a beautiful job well done. I'm gonna check out the shop.
    As we say in the Ozarks,"ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!"

  10. Hey Dixie!

    The apron your sister made is just gorgeous! It would make a beautiful dress! I had a dress similar to it back in the early 90's. I think I still have it! lol

    I wanted to let you know that I have just finished my post about the globe zucchini complete with pictures! You will get a chuckle out of it I'm sure! hehehe


  11. Dixie! Congratulations, I know you will have so much fun and success with your new shop. :)

    xoxo Lidy

  12. Very pretty. I will have to go visit your shoppe!

    Stay Cozy, Carrie

  13. So sweet! I hearted your etsy shop. Best to you there.

  14. That is the prettiest, sweetest apron I've ever seen.(and i've seen a lot of them!) The fabric is scrumptious and it looks like your sis is quite the seamstress.

  15. what a beautiful apron...your sis did a great job...

  16. What a lovely apron, I wish it was mine. As a maid I wear a uniform everyday but my apron is not nearly as pretty. I think an apron like that, even if it was plain white it would be lovely to wear.


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