Thursday, September 24, 2009

Share a Book, or Two, or Three...

Earlier this week, I did a portfolio review with one of my clients... the only client whose home I go to, to meet with her. Mrs. W is 79 years old and she is handicapped. Her husband became my client first. A robust cowboy, "born and raised" right here in south Texas. Two years ago, Mr. W passed away from cancer, leaving Mrs. to fend for herself. She has a couple of adult children, but they both live out of town so she doesn't see them except weekends. I think she spends a significant amount of her time alone. I see her about every 6-months. Each time I arrive at her home, she's already unlocked the door; so I knock and walk in. She always has an opera or a symphony playing one of the great composers... her favorite (and mine) is Debussy. I think she plays Debussy when she knows I will be there.
This week, she was complaining that she hadn't been to the library in several weeks because her children didn't come on Saturday... they came Sunday instead and the library isn't open on Sunday in her small town. I asked her what kind of books she likes to read, and whether she prefers the written page or an audio version... "Oh I like to read everything, especially if it's full of murder and mystery!"

Lucky for Mrs. W, that's just my kind of book too! I've got stacks of books that I've finished... stacks in the living room, stacks in my office, stacks in the bedroom... Ricky frequently makes suggestions on what to do with the stacks of books, "Why don't you take those to the Goodwill?" or "Why don't you sell those on eBay?" Both of those are fine ideas... but for some reason, I could just never bring myself to part with my treasures in either of those fashions...

Tonight I told Ricky... "I've decided what to do with those books... I'm going to give them, a box at a time, to one of my clients who likes to read but doesn't have the money to buy, nor transportation to get to the library"... Ricky thinks that's a great idea! (I didn't have the heart to tell him that Mrs. W promised to get them back to me as soon as she finished reading them...).
Looking for ideas on sharing a book, or two, or three... down here in French Lique...


  1. You're really sweet, Dixie Doodle!

  2. Ahhh...that's the Sweet Dixie we all know and love! How thoughtful. It must be so frustrating to be stuck and unable to hop about. Good for'll give her many wonderful hours of pleasure.

    Love the apron too......that is ADORABLE!


  3. how sweet of you to share your treasures with you have a nursing home or senior citizen center in your area? that would be a great place to share your treasures...most of them are on limited incomes...and have limited ability to get out....

  4. What a great idea. I think it's so cute the she like books full of "murder and mystery"! I've got stacks too - if you run out, let me know! But I've been perusing your reading list and I'm afraid we'd have lots and lots of duplicates! Hope you have a great weekend. Kathy

  5. What a sweet idea and even more of a bright spot in Mrs. W's life you are becoming.
    Aren't you guys lovin' all these rain. Has Ricky got the mower out yet? The grass is growing like a weed. Well most of my 'grass' are weeds ;-) I take green anyway I can get it.
    Still looking forward to Oct 3 Market Days. We should have put a shout-out for the other Texas gals.
    See ya later Ms. P.
    p4platinum in all different ways just likt U!

  6. I have two bookcases of books in my living room. Each year I take some down to give to a charity. I keep buying new books all the time and just do not have the room for them, so I agree what better way to get rid of some books than to someone that really would enjoy them.


  7. Dixie-This will be such a blessing to this lady. I know what a gift the joy of reading is. I never really feel alone when I am into a good book. I just finished Greg Iles newest -The Devil's Punch Bowl--haven't had one keep me awake in a long time, but this one did! I sometimes give my old books to the library where they sell them for a nominal price.

  8. That is so sweet, I love books and I think to get or give a book, even used books is awesome.

  9. Dixie, what a sweet little story. You will make Dear Mrs. W very very happy!!!! Let us know how her eyes smile when you arrive with the first box. hugs.

  10. Hello there, Miss Dixie! You are such a sweetie to share your books like that! And I love it that she is a fan of murder mysteries! Sorry I have been scarce lately! I am just waiting for the first frost so I can stop mowing! lol I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!...hugs...debbie

  11. Nancy Atherton, Susan Wittig Albert (takes place in Tx), Maggie Sefton (takes place in my town here in CO & it's fun to figure out the places) are some of my favs & I send to my mom. Lilian Jackson Braun for cat msyteries/murder/mayhem, Monica Ferris. All ones that I let my mom read. Oh yeah, Jill Churchill, Leann Sweeney (another Tx writer)...

  12. Such a sweet and thoughtful idea to share your books with this dear lady. Your post reminds me that I am well overdue on donating my books to the retirement homes in my area. I also donate my old magazines. They seem to have a little more time to devote to reading than those of us who are still caught up in the race. I am going to get a box together right now. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. What a sweet, sweet idea ~
    I enjoyed catching up on your posts... lovely apron... yummy croissant sandwich! ... my house requires more than a day of catch-up cleaning!!!
    All the best, Maria

  14. Howdy Dixie
    I grew up in a rural area of Texas and we did not have a public library and I remember so well all the neighbor ladies passing books around to one another one stack at a time.
    So needless to say all my cousins and I grew up fighting for public and private library funding and volunteering for story time and friends of the library etc...
    Sometimes it's good to stop and realize that not everyone has the luxury of going to the library.
    On behalf of all the sweet people who loaned me books when I was younger thank you and may God help you to keep the books going forward .
    Big hugs
    Happy Trails

  15. You are such a sweetheart. Do you think Ricky will noitce when they start filtering back in?

  16. Dixie, You are this lady's guardian angel! Your gift will be repaid multi-fold, just you wait an see...
    hugs, Sue

  17. What a wonderful way to show you care...action! I love to "peek" in on your life in the "Southern" end of our state!

  18. What a sweet thing to do. I too hate to see my books go but I usually donate them to someone, somewhere, some place and try to move on.

    The Raggedy Girl

  19. I can imagine how pleased your client will be to receive your books and what a wonderful gesture on your part. Like you, I enjoy Steinbeck and Grisham. I'm not familiar with Whetty, but since you like her, I imagine I probably will also and I'm looking forward to reading her books. Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote for them. No entry fee.

  20. What a wonderful idea, Dixie!
    I love the bride pic on your sidebar from the square in Crawford, TX...what a lovely sunrise or sunset. :-)


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