Friday, September 11, 2009

Random Thoughts...

Today is 9-11. Eight years ago today, most of us remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news of the twin towers... first that an aircraft had stuck one of the towers... then, a little later, another plane. I remember that I was in my office listening to my radio and working when the news broke in. I thought "a second plane, that couldn't have been an accident"... Then the news that the U.S. was under terrorist attack... My first thought was of my own family; if they'd heard the news; if they were okay. I will never forget that day, and where I was, what I thought, how I felt. Remembering is a good thing...
and now... the random chatter...
Since the end of my summer bloggy break... I've really not had much to talk about. My work schedule has become quite hectic thanks to some stock market improvement and positive economic news... so days previously spent lolly-gagging (is that a word?) at home, are now spent in the company of clients and potential clients. My enthusiasm for my work has returned, and I've been very, very busy.
Things at my booth at Blue Hills are going well too. Last month I made almost enough in sales to pay my rent... not bad for a first month. This month, not only will I be able to pay rent, but I'll even have some extra take home money... now that's what I call S-U-C-C-E-S-S... (I'm channeling my inner cheerleader...).

My middle daughter and her hubby purchased their first home last month, and this weekend Ricky and I will travel to Dallas for the "Blessing of the Home" and an open house party. While neither Ricky nor I like Dallas that much, it should be a quick and fun trip. I can hardly wait to see the new house, and of course my daughters and grandchildren...

Rain.... yes... we're getting some significant rain in south Texas right now.... The weatherman said that we were behind 40-inches for the past two years. This week we were blessed with about 3-inches... only 37 more to go! The rain makes the temperatures drop... today's high was 82... but next week we'll be back to the low 90's... and all those temps better than the 60+days of 100-degrees or more this past summer... Ahhhhhh.... Autumn.

I can't leave without sharing a photo can I? Here are a couple of Teacup Chandys for sale in my booth. (thanks for the inspiration Sally.)

Vintage Rose Teacup Chandelier

Vintage Franciscan Desert Rose Teacup Chandelier

So now you'll all caught up with what going on, down here in French Lique...


  1. Well hello Miss Dixie. I doubt that anyone could ever forget exactly where they were when they heard the news. One of those world changing, heart stopping moments. Have fun this weekend visiting family (even if you have to go to Dallas lol). And congrats on your success with the new store! Have a great weekend. Kathy

  2. Miss Dixie-

    Congratulations about the success of your booth, the return of your business excitement, and your family plans this weekend.

    I have hit a wall with blogging. I am trying to figure that one out.

    It was good to hear from you,


  3. Love the chantys and good news on the booth adventure. WOW you are a hopping bunny down the money trail! Good for you and your clients.
    Travel blessings for you and Ricky as you travel to Big D. First house, what an exciting time. Makes me think of the house blessing from 'Its a Wonderful Life' what were those items...Bread - that this house may never know hunger.
    Salt - that life may always have flavor.
    Wine - that joy and prosperity may reign forever.

  4. I am liking your chandys! Nice. Well, I am not far from Dallas and it is raining here, too. Should be a cooler, although it seems sticky, weekend. Enjoy your family! ~Mindy

  5. How cute the creations. Have a great weekend. TTFN ~Marydon

  6. Good to hear from you and so glad your business is doing so good, both businesses. Really love the little tea cup chandys they are so cute.
    Have fun in Dallas.

  7. Dixie, sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders.

  8. Dixie, Glad to see you and happy to hear about both of your business enterpirses.

    I was in Dallas yesterday, picking up some chairs I had ordered and before we got out the traffic was really picking up. Have a safe trip and Happy New Home to your daughter and her family.


  9. Dixie, glad to hear that you are keeping busy, having fun and making money all at the same time!

    I hope you have a fun trip to Dallas and a good visit!

    I remember 9/11 and that whole unsettled feeling and shock. Oldest dd was already at school, youngest dd was watching Sesame Street and my mom called to inform me. I ran into oldest dd's room to turn on her tv to see what was unfolding as to not upset my 3 yr old. It doesn't seem possible it was 8 years ago.

  10. Miss Dixie, your chandeliers are beautiful. Don't know when we are getting back to Texas, but am definitely going to put Blue Hills on my antique haunt.
    I so enjoyed your posts on your California trip - such gorgeous scenery.
    On 9/11, 2001, I was in the classroom. We immediately turned on the TV and saw the second tower hit. My first reaction was "so this is was their plan". I am a political junkie and have been concerned about terrorism since the hijackings of the 1980's. I was angry that people were shocked. I also remember the eerie silence of NOT hearing flights take off or land(we lived near the SA airport).
    May we always remember that horrible day which changed our nation's innocence.

  11. Great post...Having a fun rainy afternoon blog hopping....enjoyed my visit here.....hope you will visit my new Christmas blog.. There is a great giveaway that I will be drawing for on Oct 1

  12. Good to hear that work and the antiques booth are both in high gear.


  13. Hi Dixie!

    Now, aren't those chandeliers just toooooo darn cute! LOVE them!...

    I've never REALLY been to Dallas (just a quick stopover on the plane)...but I'd love to see what it's like down that way....maybe one of these days.

    Have a wonderful week!


  14. Thank you Dixie
    Much appreciated, but sending that from Texas to Ontario, Canada would cost more than that beauty.


To those dear readers that come by to look and read the musings of a farm woman, thank you for stopping by.

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I've recently had to exclude "Anonymous Users" due to all the spam I've been getting... so sorry...

Welcome to French Lique, Texas...