Monday, August 10, 2009

Second Time Around... A Tricycle Gets New Life!

Secondhand treasures are my favorite kind. Diane, at A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, likes to blog about secondhand treasures every Tuesday in her Second Time Around Meme... Today, I'm joining in and sharing one of my favorite "seconds"... Join Diane and see more found treasures...

Several years ago I found this little rusty tricycle at a garage sale for only $5. I bought it because it reminded me of my grandson, Little Einstein. Then, a few weeks ago, I found this pretty little basket at Goodwill for 49-cents. I spray painted the basket white and then decided... to add some daises left over from another project... and some ribbon so I could tie it to the handlebars of my little rusty tricycle...
It's now in my booth at Blue Hills... and if someone doesn't buy it soon, my daughter says she has "dibs" on it... I think I'm feelin' a house warming present comin' on!
a little tricycle... now a piece of art... on it's second time around...
down here in French Lique...


  1. The trike is too cute and it probably won't last long...your girl will be so disappointed. You might want to pull it.
    Speaking of too cute...look at you Miss Fancy Schmancy with her new look! I like it. I was just thinking I needed to do something about my blog roll. It's just getting too long and I worry that blogs get pushed down too fast. I really like the way yours looks!

  2. My daughters are always putting dibs on something! I am so happy for you and your new venture in Geronimo.

    You go girl!


  3. What a great idea you had it looks great. I think all Daughters are the same, mine would have said the exact same thing.


  4. You did that little trike proud. If daughter loves it...what the heck! Right? :)

  5. What a cute idea! This really turned out well, your daughter may want to snatch this up now before it sells! So glad that your new shop is up and running, good luck to you! Kathy

  6. So cute and I love the little tag you put on it...To Grandma's house!
    AC all fixed and blowin' cold. Although I don't think we need it today, heading to Schlitterbahn for a cool day of floating. Hope you have a cool one too ;-)

  7. Hey Dixie!

    What a cute idea! Your tricycle sure is an old looking one. Not from my era! lol My 5 yr old still rides his. I think he would just die if when he gets older and came home to find that I had done that to his bike! lol He looks like Dennis the Mennace riding it! hehehe He hooks his wagon up to it and everything! He's a sight!

    It has been raining soooo much this Summer. There was some serious road flooding last night and we are supposed to get more soaking rains again today, tomorrow, the next day! Rain Rain Go Away! Our garden didn't like the globe zucchini. sigh..... I did plant one in a large flower pot by the front porch! It is doing pretty good considering all of the rain and lack of sun. It is in full bloom and my daughter said that it is getting a ball on it! Yeah! My son almost picked it! Yikes! He didn't and he knows now that it should get the size of a basketball and that I will pick it! hehehe Thanks again for this gem!



  8. The daisies did the trick. Thanks for sharing this.

  9. Well Lady, You become a business woman, get a pretty new blog...what next. I love the little tricycle with its basket of flowers.
    Wishing you all the best in your new venture. May just hop up there up day to see your booth.

    Purple Hugs

  10. Hi Dixie!
    It's lovely! Love your new header.
    Have a nice day

  11. Oh your little tricycle is too adorable, that basket with daisies totally makes it. Thanks for sharing such a sweet treasure!

  12. I totally love the trike! Really missed crashed...looks like I'll be here scrolling back a while! Great project!

  13. Dixie, you have a mind for the unusual and I love it. It is a great addition to some fun decor.


  14. Hi Dixie:
    Due to family commitments and a home redecorate that was way beyond our abilities I had to step back from blogging for awhile but finally things are calming down and I am starting to visit all my really wonderful bloggy friends and then hopefully start posting.

    I love the bike and would it look perfect in my not quit finished living room.

    The Raggedy Girl

  15. Howdy Dixie
    The trike is oh so adorable and than you addded those sweet daisy's in a wicker basket now it is perfectly complete just waiting to be delivered and put on display like any awesome work of art.
    Great job Dixie.
    Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos.
    Best of the best to you sweet lady.
    Happy Trails

  16. I remember my lil' brother terrorizing the neighborhood on his lil' red trike...everyones flower beds suffered when Mikey was out and about...too cute, thanks for the memories!


  17. Now that is the cutest thing! Love everything about it!

  18. Oh how cute is that! I just love it. I have to find one for my grandson and then use it to decorate. Thanks for sharing.
    How cute it is...

  19. This little trike is fabulous. Just charming. If I lived close I would buy it myself. They are a rare find indeed.

    I scrolled down and read your post about starting your booth after years and years of wanting...

    You are giving those wings of yours the very breath they need to soar...

    Blessings to you Dixie. Where is Geronimo? We are coming to TX in September for our anniversary trip...I'd LOVE to visit your dreamy space.


  20. Dixie, that is as cute as can be!


    Sheila :-)

  21. I love this! The tricycle is so precious and the basket is a super find. I love the bright white, fresh daisies, and the "well loved" child's treasure!

  22. Can you just imagine the dress those shoes would go with?
    Just posted White Wednesday and will return on Sun. Didn't do the Glory B week. Be good and have fun. ;-)

  23. What a WONDERFUL tricycle and basket! I'll bet someone snatches that combo right out of your new booth! It's perfect for year round decorating.....can't you just see it with fall leaves and pumpkins and neat black crow?

    Hope you're having a great week! L, Dana

  24. Are we doing wordless Wed today? Just wondering.

  25. Dixie, are you not doing the WW anymore? I like all of your 2nd hand treasures and the new blog dress!

    Haven't been by... Computer problems...

  26. That so takes me back.
    My sisters would always take my trike from me:-(
    I'm the youngest of five and by the time it was handed down to me it had two and half wheels :-(
    Those were good days

  27. That's just too darn cute! I want dibs after your daughter has dibs in case she changes her dibs for something else to dib... Follow that?

  28. Adding that basket of daisies simply MADE that little trike a conversation piece! Your new blog look is cute, too.
    :-) Sue

  29. This is just TOO cute! I may have to hang onto Mr. B's tricycle and try this myself!


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