Friday, August 7, 2009

Dreaming of a Mountain Top and a Cool Lake... Ah... Vacation...

It's been a really really hot summer here in South Texas... In fact, officially the hottest summer on record... more days at 100+ degrees than any year, (46 so far and still counting). We usually have 5-10 days like the 46 we've had so far this summer. It's hot. Have I mentioned how much I dislike the heat?

Donner Lake, Truckee, California

So, thank goodness for my wonderful nephew (my sister's next to youngest), who lives in Truckee, California. He and his lovely fiance decided to plan their wedding to occur in August... near Truckee... at Webber Lake... ahhhhhhh... vacation.... cool weather.... visiting California Wine Country.... only 2-weeks away...

Dreaming of a mountain top and a cool lake... Wedding... Vacation.... departing soon from down here in French Lique!


  1. Hi Dixie! That sounds wonderful! I know you'll enjoy the cool weather and the beutiful scenery!...hugs...Debbie

  2. Congrats to your Nephew. I know how you feel about hot weather. I don't like it either. This year we had cooler temps, but sad for me is that I am starting to have hot flashes.

    Hope you have a good time at the wedding.


  3. Looks like a wonderful place for a wedding! AND a great place for Ms. Dixie to cool off and relax!!!


    P.S. Are you taking a laptop so you can keep in touch with us? Or is this going to be vacation from everything? ;)

  4. West Virginia has been colder than usual for the month of July. We actually tied a record for the coldest month in July! We have had soooooo much rain.

    I hate the heat too! You are going to love it at Donner Lake. We drove up to the Donner Pass a few years back and it was just gorgeous. I'm not sure how far Lake Tahoe is from there but if you have time you might want to visit the Pondarosa Ranch! That was something to see also when we were there!

    Hope it cools down in Texas!

    Have a Great Weekend!

  5. Bill.. I think it's likely to be a computer-less vacation... my sister and I have lots of family in Northern CA to visit during the 6-days we'll be there... not to mention taking care of our hubbys' need for adventure!(fishing) But rest assured that I'll be blogging about our adventure as soon as we get back to TX.

  6. What a wonderful place, I hope you have a cool time with all the celebrating. Starting a new life together...happy blessings to the couple.
    Just wish I could dip my feet in the refreshing mountain water. I know you'll take lots of pictures.
    Safe and happy travel blessings. I'll miss ya.

  7. Dixie, this sounds wonderful right now. I didn't realize we had hit 46 days of over 100 - I lost count (or quit listening) at about 35. Maybe some of that cooler weather will follow you back to Texas! Have a great trip and enjoy the wedding. Kathy

  8. Fabulous! Enjoy your visit to my fair state!
    I was just up in No Cal about 5 weeks ago.

  9. Miss Dixie- you just pack your bag while I FAN myself!

    How wonderful for you.


  10. It looks like a lovely place to vacation at and enjoy the family all at the same time☺

  11. I do love it when someone gives me a great excuse to take a wonderful trip. Lucky you. I'd be dreaming about that too. That photo is gorgeous. laurie

  12. Bring some home, Dixie! Cool weather that is! Have a wonderful time at the wedding. xoxo Nancy

  13. Dixie, Boy am I weather...ahhhhh. Yes it is already 84 with a heat index of
    90, so it will be another hot one today.

    Wondering how your little dream shop is doing. I hope you do great.

    Happy Saturday.


  14. You wouldn't mind if I traveled with you to that lake spot in CA, would you? We've been hitting the upper 90s in KC and I'm roasting!!! Actually, our summer has been very nice--until LAST week!!

    Hope you're having a great Saturday! L, Dana

  15. Think I could squeeze into one of your suitcases? I promise I won't make a sound!

  16. ahhhh, me, too...heading for the mountains of Colorado, fly fishing, shopping in all kind of quaint little shops, taking long sleeves, jackets, hiking boots, fishing rods...Ummmm UM!! Can't wait!! O...and am NOT taking lap top!!
    xo bj

  17. Dixie, I am so happy for your escape to cooler weather. Enjoy the wedding, wine country and your whole California get away.

  18. If you get a chance got to Nevada City for a visit. My best friend lives there and owns a little shop/salon called Sandy B's. I Love this beautiful town with GREAT food and cute shops.

    Warm Wishes,

  19. Bring a big empty suitcase Dixie, the Sierra's and foothills are full of quaint little antiques shops and galleries. I'm sure you'll find lots of great stuff. You'll be a bit north of us but honk when you head into wine country and we'll send good junkin' vibes your way!

  20. Gorgeous scenery! Enjoy!...Christine

  21. Hi Dixie,
    It look just beautiful and serene.

    If you get a chance come by my Blog for a visit and say hi. I have put up quite a few new posts and will be putting more up this week from the San Francisco International Gift Fair where my Pillow Collection was featured and Romantic Homes who has featured my Pillows in their beautiful magazine.

    Have a great week,


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