Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thrifty Thursday... Polishing the Vintage Silver and Putting it Away...

I'm joining Thrifty Thursdays for the first time... because this is just about the best Thrifty Bargain I've ever gotten... and for more Thrifty Thursdays visit Bloggeritaville Thrifty Thursdays here...

I'd been looking for a container to store some vintage silverware that I'd purchased while shopping Wimberley Trade Days with Candy back in March...

and yes... my favorite Thrifty Shopping Place, Goodwill had this little beauty.

A wonderful "tarnish proof" silverware chest! Yes, the price was right, just $3.99. The interior... perfection!

not a smudge, a tear, a stain... just perfect!

Medallion Guaranteed!

So I polished up my vintage silver, just as Bill at Affordable Accoutrements advised. Then I placed it carefully in my new silverware chest.

and there is plenty of room for more... I just have 4-place settings of this beautiful 1947 Rogers Ancestral Pattern Silver...

The perfect place to use my beautiful vintage silver is on a sunny tablescape on the porch.. with my vintage Syracuse Coralbel Pattern China...
So I'm joining in Susan's Tablescape Thursday...

a close up of the 1947 Rogers Ancestral Pattern... I think it's beautiful. I paid about $50 for the 29 pieces.

and it looks so pretty on the porch...

with all things pink and vintage..

Thanks for the inspiration down here in French Lique...


  1. Lovely table. Love the pink and green, and the silverware is beautiful. :)

  2. Wow you were lucky to find such a great box in that good of shape. Can't beat the price either. The silverware is beautiful.


  3. Hi Dixie! Unbelievable to find it in such great shape! I know you are enjoying that vintage silver! Something about old silver...that beautiful patina! Hope you are enjoying your week!...hugs...Debbie

  4. What a great find! The silver is just beautiful, such a pretty pattern. Was it difficult to polish? And your table looks so fresh and pretty. Did you get any rain yesterday? We got some, not much, but at least it was wet and dropped the temp 21 degrees! Kathy

  5. Dixie, What a Great Find...I could use that box to hold my silver.
    Your table is so inviting and serene looking, makes me want to sit and sip.

    Happy Thursday.

  6. A very pretty table and I love the silver.

  7. A very pretty table -- and love your cutlery. And what a great find to store it in!

  8. What beautiful silver. This reminded me of some organizational things I need to do-

    I love the pattern-
    You did good,

  9. That is a great find. I found 3 chest over the years and all were alot more than that. Plus not as good inside.

  10. Kathy... the easy to follow silver polishing directions have a link in my post... Link at Bill's Affordable Accoutrements... Dixie

  11. Both the case and the silver are lovely. Your silver has a nice vintage look to it with that pattern. Very nice finds!

  12. Ah, a perfect place to store that lovely silver!

  13. Very pretty tablescape, Dixie. That's a great find on the silver box, too☺

  14. Dixie--I bet you danced out of the Goodwill! I love both your silver chest and the silver pattern. I have Rogers First Love! Great post!

  15. Rogers silver is so pretty and the GW bargain price for the chest was a steal! Thanks for sharing.

  16. Your new silverware chest is just gorgeous and what a great find. I also really love our pretty silver, such a fabulous pattern. Your tablesetting is so pretty, just perfect. Hugs, Marty

  17. Beautiful table and great find! I love the look of the silver. So romantic!
    Thanks for sharing ~ /

  18. Your table setting is so lovely, love the lily of the valley plates, very pretty.

  19. Your table is beautiful- love the milk glass and your tablecloth. Amazing find at goodwill!

  20. What a gorgeous table setting! YOu got some lovlies for your table and flatware! You got some fine things! Thanks for linking up today for Thrifty Thursday! I am so appreciative!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  21. Great Goodwill buy! Your table looks so very inviting. What's for dessert? ~Mindy

  22. Oh wow! The silver is gorgeous!

  23. Wow - - - what a BARGAIN on that silverware box. Why, you can't even buy a burger and fries for that!

  24. Pretty table and such a good find at Goodwill!

  25. Hey Sweet Dixie. Thank you so much. That was really sweet of you. I enjoy having you drop by and I sure love your blog. Looks like you've given it a new do. LOVE IT!

  26. Oooooo. I love that silver. And that silver chest was a great find. I know you'll enjoy using it.

  27. Lovely silverware chest. I love the warm glow of old wood. Your tablescape is wonderful as usual!

  28. Hi Dixie...that's an awesome deal on your chest...looks like it was never even used! I love your table's beautiful! The embrodiered napkins are really pretty! I love anything embrodiered. Your silver is gorgeous...what a beautiful pattern! I bet it stays looking great in your chest...they really do help keep silver from tarnishing. :-) Thanks for a lovely Tablescape Thursday!

  29. Oh my goodness, that silverware is gorgeous! (That Bill knows his stuff!) I also love that tablecloth. So pretty. You got a really good deal, girl!

  30. Great flatware - that is one department I am short in.....

  31. That is just a fabulous deal Dixie! I love the flatware and the table is so pretty, vintage, floral and charming. Cindy

  32. Your silver is beautiful! One of the prettiest patterns I've seen, and a great price! Also a great bargain on the chest!
    Lovely table, the colors are so pretty!
    All the best,

  33. That is one of the best thrifty finds ever. Wow, and so pristine inside. Love the silver too. All so pretty and inspiring.

  34. Everything is just lovely - love your silver.

  35. You sure do know how to set an inviting table. I love old silverware especially hotel and I've used that particular silver cream for years. It's great and I don't have to drive the wheels off the truck trying to find it...just go to my neighborhood grocer's.
    Your dishes would make bologna sandwiches look beautiful!

  36. Me again! I came across this blog and thought you might be interested:

    Her post today is her 3rd in a series on junking. It's about how to make all your junk get along in your home and she compares it to seating family members at a wedding. Very fresh!

  37. Hi Dixie, That's a fantastic price on the beautiful silver storage chest! It's often difficult to find the vintage ones in that kind of condition. Often, they look as if someone's been playing shuffleboard with them (what did people DO to those poor boxes?).
    Your silver pattern is very special and looks beautiful on the table you've set.

    You were sweet to mention my blog. I love having you stop by and appreciate your always-kind comments. Hope your weekend goes well.


  38. What a find!! I love silverware and having it in a fabulous box is even better. Congrats!

  39. Dixie, I am so behind on reading blogs. This table is breath taking! Love that silverware. Your dishes are so pretty too. This just softly whispers "summer", and I'm lovin' it. laurie

  40. Dixie, I am so behind on reading blogs. This table is breath taking! Love that silverware. Your dishes are so pretty too. This just softly whispers "summer", and I'm lovin' it. laurie

  41. Dixie, Absolutely beautiful tablescape.
    Vintage silverware is such a delight to use. Yours is so pretty AND those cases are so very useful in keeping the tarnish away.


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