Friday, June 5, 2009

Pink Saturday... Visiting Adam... and Adam's Mom...

Thank you to Miss Beverly at How Sweet the Sound, who sponsors Pink Saturday every week. Please visit her blog and link to over 100 other participants who love pink and post it every Pink Saturday.

Each year... I try to find Peonies in June...

I have to order them... because I live in South Texas... We can't grow the beautiful Peony Flower here... it's too hot and too dry in July and August... So, I buy and have them shipped... They're my favorite flower... When you get flowers FedEx'd to you... mail order... they never look grand when you open the box... But after just a few days in fresh water... they begin to look like this... Now, if I could just get that scratch n' sniff button working again...

Stay tuned... more blooming to come next week...
and now... Part 2
This will be a little bit different Pink Saturday post for most of you... but Beverly knows me... and she knows I prefer the odd and obscure... today we'll be visiting Please Don't Eat Sushi, Love Mom...
Adam is the keeper of this blog... and each week he posts a letter written to him by his mom... he also posts a photo of the letter... with a few little side notes if Mom mentions anyone in particular... like Uncle Michael... who has become one of my favorites...

I know, that on the face of it, the premise doesn't really sound that interesting... but... well... you judge for yourself... all I know is I have laughed so hard I've cried... and been touched by the sentiment that his mom expresses in what one would only have to call... her own little special way... Here's the pink... this post was titled "Over"...

and this one... one of my favorites... titled "Waiting..."

Now.. I know you're busy today, looking at all the wonderful pink... but take a moment to bookmark Please Don't Eat Sushi... and go back and visit... you will love what Adam... and his wonderful Mom have to say... If you visit Adam, leave him a comment... he needs them... and tell him Dixie sent ya!

Living the Pink life and enjoying a little Sushi, down here in French Lique...


  1. You're right, Dixie. That is just too funny! I wonder is mom still living? I'll have to go back and read more. Thanks for sharing that. xxoo Nancy

  2. Oh, I really do love peonies too. They smell so very yummy. I am blessed in my part of Texas because I can grow them but they have a very short bloom period.

  3. I like thinking outside the box a little also but your the master. I'll check sushi out and let you know how it hit me.

    Now I'm going back to the hammock.

  4. So that's where that pretty peonie came from. It is beautiful. Enjoyed this pink post.


  5. I really enjoy your pink post.

    Have a great pink saturday
    Lots of luv

  6. Oh, those pink peonies are gorgeous!...Christine

  7. Miss Dixie- I have never seen a real life peony.
    Next- Your list of books you have read was next to the post box and it made me wonder- with gardening and blogging, when are you reading?

    I love to read and have always been an avid reader- but blogging is moving in on that!Help-


  8. You simply MUST tell me where you order the peonies!!! You can tell from my blog that I am addicted!!! I run around all over town trying to find them...all spring!!! I can't believe I never thought to order them!!! I am the QUEEN of internet shopping;)!!! I really woul appreciate the info..if you don't mind.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  9. That makes me want to plant some peonies! Those are really gorgeous!
    And thanks for the tip on that Please Don't Eat the Sushi blog. I'm heading over there now! It sound hilarious!

  10. What a wonderful way to pamper yourself...the gift of flowers.
    You are a woman after my own heart...I buy myself birthday cake even when it's not my birthday.
    I truly would never have thought of ordering my favorite flowers, though.

  11. Oh Dixie, I just went and looked at that site for a second, and I saw that you could watch the don't eat the sushi video on youtube. Have you watched it? HILARIOUS!

  12. ♥´¨)
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

  13. I grow peonies in my yard. Love them. Years ago I bought several and put them by the side of the house.They grew like crazy.

    A few years I decided to divide them and put them in other places of the yard.

    Well,they did not like that. They did not grow much at all, so this year I put them back to where they had been growing.

    Even though they are now small, they all have blooms on them this year. Hopefully next year they will be big again.


  14. yes, your scratch and sniff module is not working (dang it)! LOL....
    what a glorious delight~the beautiful sight of peonies!

    now, i'm off to check out your links :)

    (thank goodness i did not have to wait THAT long!)

  15. I will definitely visit over and those peonies are beautiful! Oh, lovin' that tablescape on your header!

  16. Dixie-if my mother actually knew WHAT a computer was, she'd be typing this! Maybe I'll ask her to send you a letter! Yeah. That's what I'll do! Let me know where she can mail it.
    And seriously, Thank you for asking people to check out my blog.
    You help me spread the neurosis better than anyone I've ever known! My Uncle Michael would be proud.
    All my best-

  17. I love that waiting joke. Happy Pink Saturday.

  18. Wonderful! And I love peonies, too - my favorite flower. Happy Pink Saturday!

  19. What lovely flowers and Adam does have a very unique blog. Nice post today.

    The Raggedy Girl

  20. Ah, more peony pictures. Is it really too hot for them in Texas. It would be hard to live without them..I have peonies on my blog, too. Love your pics and blog. xo Joan

  21. One day of the week I can count on for self-indulgence, Beverly's Pink Saturday. My l♥ve for the color is fed over and over and over by the generosity of everyone who participates. This week is no exception.

    Thank you for sharing such great eye-candy. It was an absolute pleasure to visit your blog. Hoping this weekend finds you surrounded by l♥ve and happiness.

  22. Great post, Dixie...I love those flowers, too.
    Have a good weekend...down there in FRENCH LIQUE....:o)

  23. peonies are one of my favorite! Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

  24. Hello sweet lady*! I just wanted to pop in to say thank you for the sweet comment you left for me. I hope you are having a great weekend*! _Ashley ~

  25. Oh Dixie!

    Your peonies are yummy! And, the color??....delish....

    I did go to Adam's blog. Those letters are hysterical. What a character his mom is.


  26. Peonies are beautiful- do yours come with the little ants that eat away at the bud so they open?

    I'm off to read Please Don't eat Sushi........

    Happy PS!

  27. Very pretty flowers!.. I will have to check sushi-site soon!.. It sounds like a fun read! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you're having a wonderful week!

  28. Happy Reallllllly Late Pink Sat., Dixie!! My life has been filled to the brim with stuff I have to do and places I have to be over the last couple of weeks. My bloggy visits have been so awful!! However, I am so glad I finally got to read your Pink Sat. post. I did not know about being able to order those wonderful peonies---and how beautiful they would become over a few days! Also, I so enjoyed the visit to the link you shared!! I think he has a book or movie in the making!! I do have him book marked!! L, Dana

  29. Peonies are just one of the prettiest flowers. Thank you for sharing that and for sharing the addy for a really interesting sounding blog. I'll check it out for sure. laurie


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