Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sunday Favorites... Father's Day 2008... Revisited...

This post was originally published on 06/15/08. This was such a touching tribute from my hubby to his dad... who this year will celebrate his 60th Father's Day... I thought today would be a good day to share it again...
Please visit Chari at Happy to Design for more Sunday Favorites... my new favorite Meme!

Happy 59th Father's Day Dad

Every year as I understand more about life...

As I learn more about myself,

As I see more of the world around me...

I realize, and I am grateful for, what a great Dad I've always had in you.

Happy Father's Day,

Love, your son, Ricky

My hubby's dad is 83. He asked me to make his dad a card for Father's Day this year, wishing him a Happy 59th Father's Day. He said he didn't know why he started thinking about how many Father's Days his Dad had celebrated, but when he realized it was 59, he was in awe. So I made the above card for my Father-In-Law from his second son; my husband, Ricky.


  1. I was at a service today where the question was asked "What makes a giant out of a man?". Obviously Ricky and his dad know the answer.

  2. Dixie, that is so nice... Lots of dads deserve such great praises and glad to know your is one of them!

  3. Isn't that sooooo special? I'm sure his dad treasured it too!

    Have a wonderful Sunday, Dixie!


  4. The picture you found to go with this post is simply precious.

  5. How beautiful, Dixie! How wonderful that Ricky still has his dad. I miss mine so much! Beautiful photo! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  6. What a precious post and what a fun meme, I just bookmarked it for the future.

    The Raggedy Girl

  7. Dixie girl..this is so sweet, it made me cry.
    It also made ME realize that my husband will have his 45th Father's Day this year. GOOD GRIEF!!

  8. Dixie, I'm so glad you reposted this. I missed it before. So much attention is paid to Mother's that some kids forget the importance of their Fathers.
    This was such a sweet tribute.

  9. Oh Dixie
    As soon as I can get the tears wiped from my eyes ,I would like to say thank you for this touching post.God Bless you sweetie.

  10. What a great gift to give. I love things are personal and from the heart. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Very touching and what a great photo.
    Good idea Ricky. I might use it to make my dad one.(the idea not the photo)

    Hope you day was restful,

    I just looked over at the side bar and saw my yellow&blue lady and thought someone else found the same pic...but it was me!

  12. Hi Dixie...

    So glad that you're enjoying Sunday Favorites! That's so sweet of you to say!

    This is really a sweet and endearing post that you decided to republish especially with Father's Day right around the corner. Wow...59 Father's Days...I had never quite thought of it like that! Such a beautiful card...I love that photo!

    Warmest wishes,

  13. What a special and touching card, Dixie! It must have brought tears to your hubby's dad....Christine

  14. Dixie, that is so sweet it makes me want to cry (in a good way). I'm glad you did this, and your FIL no doubt was very grateful for it. What a sweet card! Happy 60th Father's Day to your sweet FIL. I wish my dad and my FIL were still with us.


    Sheila :-)

  15. This is so touching and sweet! Thank you for sharing! Laura

  16. Oh Dixie, that is just so beautiful, and I love the photo too. laurie


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