Thursday, June 4, 2009

More Pink from the Porch...

Here are a couple of photos that didn't make the final Porch Party cut...
My little porch wine rack... at real parties... it holds full bottles... but just for fun... it holds the empties... This planter got a little of that white spray paint last weekend... I think I like it! Everyone seems to like this little pink hobnail vase... the secret is... I just got it for Mother's Day, filled with roses from daughters #2 and #3... FTD delivered it to me... (weren't they nice?)... #3 daughter placed the order... She really knows what her mother likes!

Debbie at Confessions of a Plate Addict praised the fact that I cut my lemons correctly... never...never... wedge lemon for tea... neither hot nor iced... nice thin slices are the only way to go... thanks for noticing Deb... Remember the little gnome that was stolen and traveled around all over the world... then was returned to his original porch along with a photo album, (which was eventually posted on the internet)? Well.. this is not him... but it's his close cousin... I've been thinking about creating a blog just for this little guy and then taking him on my travels... what do you think? He wouldn't even have to wake up!

and then this... a little tease for Beverly's Pink Saturday... See you then... down here in French Lique...


  1. First of all I absolutely fell in love with your gorgeous header! Then came the dishes..that adorable little vase which made me immediately want to call FTD and see if they had any more..LOL I'm kidding..NO..actually the thought did pass my silly mind! It is just SO cute!
    Everything is just so sweet and pretty and inviting! I adore you chargers and am looking for some that are similar! So luck! I looked at some at Penny's but they had terrible reviews...darn the luck!
    Wonderful post!!

  2. I love all your pretty things you're showing today, but I especially love that wine rack*!
    ((hugs)) _Ashley ~

  3. Oh Dixie! I am enjoying having a look at more of your porch party! I also LOVE that pink hobnail vase! It really does look like an pretty! And those chargers are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing more of your lovely porch! I'd sit out there every day!! Have a great weekend...hugs...Debbie

  4. Very pretty, Dixie. I'm envious because we only have a deck. I want a porch with screens.

  5. Hi Dixie, what a feast for the eyes! Everything looks so fresh and lovely. That rose is gorgeous I can almost catch it's fragrance!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  6. I love your new look! So bright and airy, just like your pretty porch! How come you don't wedge lemons for tea...? I never knew that!

  7. I'm not a lemon aficionado, so I don't know how to slice them - - - but I DO KNOW that I LOVE the little dish upon which they are sitting!!!!! That is a gem and a half!

    I think the "Gnome Who Saw the World" blog would be LOADS of fun.

  8. The little gnome rocks! Hope all is well.

  9. I LOVED this post, Dixie...and your header is so so pretty.
    I have a post prescheduled for a future Foodie Friday and I hope you will notice that I, too, slice my lemons the same way!! We can't help it if we know how to slice lemons right, can we? *winking here..
    and, I want some chargers like yours...they are stunning...down there in French Lique, Texas....

  10. I love how your flowers are all pink, right down to the tablecloth. It's very pretty.

  11. You did an absolutely great job on your porch Miss Dixie-

    I love all of your dishes, and you know how I feel about white spray paint...

  12. Dixie, I love all the pink color, very dainty and feminine. Beautiful dishes....Christine

  13. Only if we enjoyed them together!
    And thanks for the little lemon lessons, I am really not one that's up on all the 'right' stuff to do.
    That would be my sweet Mother.

    Love the idea of your little sleeping guy. I bit he could have a great sleep walkin' adventures.

    Looking forward to some more of that awesome blossom on Saturday.

    Just about to go crazy...two more days...and then I can rest.

    Thanks for being a bright spot in my day;-)

  14. Love your new look and LOVE the porch! What a cute wine rack! It's hard for me to say which is my favorite because I loved it all....

  15. Dixie...thanks for sharing more with the knome...

  16. So it is a peony! They're such beautiful flowers. A recent Victoria Magazine featured an article about peonies ~ I've fallen head over heels for them! Is this one from your garden? How blessed you are!
    Have a great weekend,

  17. Beautiful table. I am going to have to add more pink to my home. My Granddaughter loves pink, so it will make her happy too.


  18. Pink is lovely. I love all you pink stuffs, they are stunning.

    Have a nice day
    Lots of luv,

  19. Dixie, I am a lover of peonies, and that is a beauty! Your planter looks so pretty painted white. Was it just a natural wood? I have a similar one, and now I'm wanting to get out the white spray paint. I can't get enough of that beautiful feminine tablescape. I can't believe that pink vase came from the florist. It looks vintage. laurie

  20. It's too bad Dixie you didn't have about 100 of those pink vases because they would all be sold.....I love it because it looks like pink milk glass...your daughter has excellent taste and a beautiful eye....I think her mama had some to do with it.
    Your tablescape is so very elegant.

  21. Love the vase so much. I have a little milk pot that was from FTD and it is a favorite in my kitchen.

    The Raggedy Girl

  22. Dixie, I love your porch. It looks like a great place to sit and watch the world go by.

    Your sleeping gnome reminds me of my mom's garden. She always has a nice bunch of flowers blooming next to the street. One day she found a lady wearing a hat sitting on one of the rocks there. She looked like she was sleeping. It turned out she was from a group home down the road. She made it part of her daily routine to sit there everyday on her walk. We affectionately referred to her as mom's garden gnome!

    And don't fret, now that I've got the linking thing down I'll be here every Wednesday!

  23. What a pretty post! LOVE your pink! And I learned something...I didn't know about lemons and slices. I guess I've been totally tasteless by putting wedges on ice tea...who knew!?!! :)
    And I like the idea about a blog just for your sweeet little gnome. That would be fun.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  24. Hey Dixie, thanks for letting me know about Bunny Bungalow. That is weird we'd both do a post on Blackmail.

  25. I love your porch. And now that I'm, umm, of a certain age, I can wear pink again just like I did when I was five.

    I think that sweet gnome looks like he is a traveler.

  26. Dare I say it? I like wedge lemons for my tea!

  27. New to your blog. Love the header. Is that Rachel Ashwell on your table? And yes, I love the hobnail vase too. I'll bet FTD gets a ton of calls from your blog readers, looking for one just like it. And I did and out loud giggle when I read your post about the basket of daisys on your door, "Well, thar ya go" is what I always say! I'm a former Houstonian! Have a great summer there in French Lique!

  28. Kathy... thanks for stopping by... yes, that's a Rachel Ashwell tablecloth... bought on closeout at Target about 3-years ago for $5... one of my best bargain buys ever! I love it!


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