Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Winning a Giveaway, A New Favorite Blogger and a Tea Party for One Tablescape to Boot!

As soon as I found out, I had to join in Jan's Teaparty at Rose Haven, because she's the sweetest blogger around... Thanks Jan for inviting me! Have a wonderful bloggy gardening break! I can hardly wait to see how your garden grows!

What? A package for Dixie! I love surprises!
Hey, who's that peeking out there?
Why.... A little vintage angel man... with a message... for moi?
"Congratulations Dixie!"
Hey! That's me!
Now, what could this be... could it be... why... I think it is...
a blogger giveaway win!

It looks so pretty all tied up in tea stained notion...
and a lovely French Laundry Lady tag... Hello there... so thoughtfully packaged... I hate to untie...
okay... well I don't hate it that much... so here I go...
A book... I love books.. and this one...
French Home..
They'll be wonders to view inside... must be time for an afternoon break... why yes! It's 3 o'clock and time for tea...
I'll take this tea outdoors on this sunny April afternoon...
and use the Herend I've been promising Susan to show...
and one of those pretty chargers I found when shopping Wimberley with Candy and Barbara this month... yes... that's just the thing...
some relaxing green tea and
a cupcake or two
left over from the Easter Bunny.
a pretty embroidered green linen napkin... one of my favorites...
in the Herend Rothschild Napkin Ring... I love the birds, don't you?
and my beautiful little teapot... I love the rose on the lid...
with a pretty (coffee) teacup all the way from Australia...
In Australia, they call it a "can" not a "cup"... My front porch is a serene, quiet place to have an impromptu teaparty for one... as long as the one has a beautiful book... and isn't that the pretty vintage silver I found in Wimberley too? Why yes... it is! I just love it... Oh the stories it could tell...

Look at the book!
A French bottle drying rack...
I wonder if Ricky could make one like this?
and now... that last cup of tea...
ahhhhh... delightfully delicious!
Oh how the time goes by so quickly... Is my little tea party break for one already over? Well... the tea is gone... so it must be time... To gather my treasures back into the house...
for there are still "wifely chores" to complete... and maybe later this evening I'll show Ricky the photo...
the one of the French bottle drying rack...
and we'll see.... he does always say...
"If it's made from metal I can fix it"...
and I just bet that he can...

What a delight... to win a wonderful blog giveaway from a beautiful Texas blog... Tina at Dream in Cream Blog began blogging in January, 2009. Since her very first post about trying to figure out how to get her photos loaded... to now... she has truly found the art of blogging... If you dream of decorating in cream... please do yourself a favor and visit... just wait until you see how she decorated her new booth... I hope to get by the shop, Lone Star Antiques, and to her dreamy space, the next time I'm in the Dallas area...

Just livin' the life down here in French Lique...


  1. Oh Dixie..I just felt like I was out on your porch with you, leafing through that wonderful book!! Be sure to show us if Ricky makes that bottle rack for you! I fell in love with a French egg holder I saw in Monet's kitchen! Don't the French just have a way of making the most utilitarian things look elegant? Congrats on the win and thanks for inviting us for the tea break! Love that tea pot, by the way...hugs...Debbie

  2. Afternoon tea on the porch... So pretty and inviting...
    ~Really Rainey~

  3. What a lovely, relaxing post and the music...just my favorite instrumental of all time!!!
    Lucky you to win such wonderful things to brighten anyone's day.

  4. What a lovely afternoon tea service on a beautiful Texas aftersoon. (I'm probably close enough to drop by if you get tired of "Tea for One"!!!LOL) Your china service is sooo pretty and what a great book to go with it. :) Nancy

  5. Well, those pictures were just so beautiful, I felt relaxed just looking at your tea party for one. That book looks wonderful. Congratulations on the win! I want that napkin ring! laurie

  6. Dixie - it looks like you had a perfectly relaxing afternoon. And what a great book that you won. I might have to check that one out for myself. I love a good Frenchie book. The china is just lovely, and I heart that teapot. Darling!!!! Thx for inviting us in to your quiet afternoon. Blessings, Barb

  7. Looks so warm and inviting on your porch. I can't wait to sit on ours, but it's been a cold April for us. Congrats on your win!
    Warm spring blessings, Marsha

  8. I am a tea drinker, so I loved that tea setting! Your white lacey dishes are gorgeous! Linda

  9. I saw one of those bottle thingies in a friend's yard today. She had all blue wine bottles on it, and it looked so pretty.

    Looks like a good book.

  10. Oh, what a perfect spot to sit with a good book! Your Herend napkin holders are divine! I don't have any Herend yet, although I drool over that brand regularly. What a pretty tablescape this week!

  11. Hey Dixie! loved your Giveaway gift. Aren't they so much fun?

    Your table is lovely.

    Deanna :D

  12. Glad it finally arrived!!! Enjoy it !!! Loved your post and thank you for the kind, kind words.....Love..Tiina.....

  13. OOO, the joy of a good book, your favorite china and yummy food and drink! Can't be beat for a quiet moment!

  14. It would be such a treat having tea out on your porch using your gorgeous Herend dishes! How pretty and relaxing!...Christine

  15. What a wonderful tea set with the beautiful birds. I would love to sit on your porch with that book and just while away the day.

  16. What a lovely tea party for one. You have great taste in dishes and books and set such a beautiful table. We should all do this more often. Okay, now I have to tell you I have the same Herend dishes and the same book ~twins separated at birth?


  17. It would be my favorite way to spend an afternoon. Love the dishes -- they are perfect for a porch! I have coveted the French bottle drying rack "forever" -- and unfortunately, have passed up a couple (can't remember the reason now) --

  18. So dreamy ! and outside ! We still
    have snow in the backyard, here
    in Colorado ! Thanks for sharing ! HUgs ~ Kammy



  20. Congrats on your delightful giveaway prize--I loved your tea party for one table scape!!

    Did you go to San Antonio for a TEA party yesterday? I watched the Fox broadcast from the Alamo and wondered if you were in the crowd. We had four in the KC area--one was going on right down the street from where I got my hair cut yesterday. There were lots of folks gathered at that spot---not as many as at the Alamo!! I didn't have time to stop--I wanted to snap a few photos. I hope our Government gets the message before our country/future generations suffer the consequences of this insane overspending to "bail us out"!!!

    Tah-tah!!! L, Dana

  21. Just the perfect afternoon tea and what a fabulous treat to have such a wonderful book to read. Congratulations on the win and I know you will enjoy many more hours of pleasure looking through your wonderful treasure. I love your tea pot and the beautiful chargers you found. They are just stunning. Hugs, Marty

  22. GM Dixie, what tea was just lovely..congrats on your win..and I am a follower of dream in cream...just love her blog and her booth is wonderful..may you have a great day..oh and I watched the Susan Boyle video on Tuesday and again last night..and simon was shocked..he looked like the cat that ate the canary with his grin...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  23. Hi Dixie!
    I am so glad I stopped by for tea! What a lovely setting! I am a real bird-lover. And the French Home book looks wonderful!
    Hope you're having a wonderful day!

  24. Thanks for joining the TEA PARTY today...with your lovely post!!

    Perhaps after summer, there will be MORE TEA PARTIES...but not anytime soon!


    ps...the stacking cup rack was something I found at a friend's antique shop...before she closed for good

  25. Beautiful tea vignette and congratulations!

  26. what a pretty setting and a beautiful tablescape!

  27. Oh you lucky girl.....I'm still waiting for the weather here to get warm enough to take tea out on the porch......still though, I've set my kettle on and will have my tea here at the keyboard. :-)

    Oh....congratulations on your winnings.

    Hope your day has been beautiful

  28. I love your tea party for one, the birds are soooo pretty! Conratulations on winning the book. :O)

  29. Dixie, what a beautiful post! Congrats on your win from Dream in Cream....isn't her blog a beauty???

    Your tea on the patio looks so lovely..... wish I were sitting there with you chatting!!


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