Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tax Day at Wordless Wednesday.... Keep it Wordless!

Wordless Wednesday... want to join?
Link your Wordless post below... today's subject...

Tax Day...



  1. Very clever, Dixie!!! I hope your Tax Day is fun-filled! Dana

  2. This particular day SHOULD be wordless, no telling what words would escape otherwise. I heard today that they are expecting more late pays and defaults this year by people who have never done it before...wonder why? ;D

  3. I'm with SusieQ, you do NOT want to hear my words today lol. Thanks for hosting Dixie, this is always fun. Kathy

  4. Fun! We have to laugh or we'll cry! HA!
    Many blessings, Marsha

  5. Hi Dixie! Love the mouse/hamster hiding among the 1040's!! I hope you are having a good week!!...hugs...Debbie

  6. yep, it has to be wordless, but my little bird said it all, kiss my B***. To the IRS. You can't get blood out of a turnip.....

  7. I know where I would like to file my 1040!

  8. Happy ax Day, Sorry the IRS took my last T!

    Oh my gosh...those pictures at the watering hole are fascinating! Yep, That's Texas - I've seen coyotes running across the street from me and I live right in town.

    Hugs, Nancy

  9. So true. Maybe if we are quiet as a mouse they won't want more.
    Dump the tea! Candy

  10. Love that picture. It's soooo cute.

  11. Okay so how do you not leave words on a day like today ????????

  12. Well, I hope no one is truly feeling like the little girl in my post today..... may you find many reasons to smile instead..

  13. Hi Dixie! Happy WW and Tax day.. uggg!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Thank you Dixie for hosting Wordless Wednesday. It is my favorite meme to do.

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday
    from Roberta Anne--The Raggedy Girl

  15. It's interesting to see all the different ways that people think of tax day.

  16. This day would only be stressful if I hadn't of done it already!

  17. Can you send over that mouse? I really need some help.....
    "Yes Mr. IRS...the mouse ate my taxes!"

  18. I actually have two tax day posts. This is my first time joining in.

  19. My first WW and what fun even it is about tax day. I am going to the tea party in Atlanta tonight and I see your are going to one in your town. Should be interesting.

  20. Great pictures. I loved the little mouse one! Have a wonderful day!

  21. Since today is my daughter's birthday so I had to post that. Our little tax deduction, even though she is now too old to be a tax deduction for us. Darn. Happy Wednesday to you.

  22. your pics are AWESOME.great post,you always have such a good one.keep it up.love ya...ann

  23. Dixie, I love the little mouse. How cute.

  24. Great pictures! Happy Tax Day- an oxymoron for sure:)

    Linda C

  25. How cool that it is also your daughter's birthday today!!

  26. I have throughly enjoyed looking at all the tax day blogs...and I have to say I have enjoyed your "push" in this arena...!
    Once again, you have moved the populace....
    Go girl go!


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