Monday, April 13, 2009

The Lenten Lesson...

We had a family dinner on Easter Sunday... about 25 local family members attended... my sweet father-in-law arranged to have the dinner at a local restaurant... nothing to cook... nothing to clean...

While we were ordering, a little niece asked her daddy... "Is Lent over? Can I have a soda!?"... to which he replied "yes." to her... then looked at me and said, "she gave up soda for Lent"...

I couldn't help but think of my own "Lenten Fasts" of the past... one in particular, that I anxiously awaited the end, so the "fast" would be over... Once it was done... I realized I'd spent all my time thinking about the end, never having taken the journey... I vowed never to make that mistake again. Thankfully, so far, I have not. Which brings me to today's thoughts... of the Lenten lesson...

I spent more time reading during the season of Lent this year... I read several books; numerous magazine articles; found and read many new blogs (though I didn't always leave a comment); read my Bible more; read daily posts of my favorite Catholic blog... I even read the church bulletin cover to cover every week...

I spent more time talking to my husband... I am always delightfully surprised by his funny wit and sense of humor... and by his wonderful way of thinking before speaking... a trait we seldom share... Ricky is the strong silent type... so I suppose during our long talks, I did most of the talking... but I did a good bit of the listening too...

I spent more time outdoors... we're fortunate to live in south Texas... spring comes early... and the weather is unbelievably beautiful for weeks at a time...

I spent time thinking, pondering, evaluating, wondering...

I didn't finish my office redo... but I made progress...

I cooked a few new dishes... and copied some wonderful recipes to cook later...

I made a new friend... Candy... who is a delight... I think we are kindred spirits... I..the dark... she.. the light...

I made some decisions... righted a wrong... found a painter... and a photo of a cowgirl... framed a photo... bought two little french mice... and a bunch of books... baked a few cakes for a church celebration... attended a wedding and... a funeral...

I think this has been a good Lenten season for me... I feel renewed...

and so... life continues... down here in French Lique...


  1. What a beautiful story and lesson learned. Life is such a wonderful journey when one takes the time to do it on purpose. And such kind words for your new friend.
    Have a great day, Candy

  2. Thanks for the inspirational musings of your lenten season.

  3. Thanks for sharing your little journey through Lenten Season with us. Sounds like you put your time to good use. You convers with DH sounded great, A little lady friend of mine celebrated her, 74th wedding Annivesary a couple of month's ago and when asked the secret of their long and happy marrige, she said "we talked, we knew what the other was thinking and always shared every problem, we never set in front of the TV alnight, as entertainment, we simply talked and laughed together" .

  4. Beautiful post and lovin' your new header too!!!

  5. What a lovely thoughtful post. I really appreciated it.

    Have A Marvelous Monday
    from Roberta Anne
    "The Raggedy Girl"

  6. You spent your Lent reflecting on what HE HAS DONE instead of what you are NOT DOING.

  7. It seems you've been in a beautiful place recently...thank you for taking us there with you by writing this lovely made me smile.

  8. Dixie, I love this post... We had an eye-opening Easter,too... I think it's a miracle when at some point in time, you understand what it all meant... Even if it's just for a day to those you love...

  9. Sounds like your life is going well. I like your new header picture and I always like it when Rush is quoted.
    Have a wonderful week.

  10. Hello Dixie, your beautiful post made me smile too, have a wonderful week, Kathy.

  11. Makes me think Lenten shouldn't be a season but a way of life.
    Beautiful post.

  12. Honest, simple, transparent thoughts...viewed through misty heartwarmed gave us a glimpse of treasures rarely discovered, lost in the shuffle...I am glad you took the time to reflect your faith and thoughts, a good reminder to keep on keeping on.

  13. You have left me hopeful and peaceful!


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