Sunday, April 12, 2009

Joyous Easter

Christ and Two Marys
[The Risen Christ with the Two Marys in the Garden of Joseph of Aramathea]
William Holman Hunt
1847-c. 1900
This is one of my favorite paintings of the risen Christ. What I find the most intriguing about it, is that it's creator, William Holman Hunt, was an atheist when he began painting it at the beginning of his career. He didn't finish the painting until 50-years later, after his conversion to Christianity. The Lord does work in mysterious ways.

Wishing each of you a joyous Easter and the blessings of the Lord.


  1. Such a beautiful picture. I so agree, the Lord does work in mysterious ways. Have a very Blessed and Happy Easter dear friend. Hugs, Marty

  2. Happy Easter to you also, that is a beautiful picture.

  3. At first glance I saw Texas in the background of this beautiful painting.
    The Lord always seems to be in Texas to me :)
    Of course He is everywhere .
    Thank you for sharing this amazing
    information about the Artist.
    Praise God for unending victory ,
    He is Risen
    Happy Easter

  4. Love this photo!!! By the way, your gift should get to you this week. Love Tiina...

  5. Beautiful painting Dixie....Happy Easter.

  6. How interesting to hear about the painter of this marvelous work.

  7. How interesting! Thank you for sharing this story of the artist. Happy Easter!


  8. I do love how all your pictures seem to have a wonderful story. Just adds so much as one observes the artwork.
    Hope you and yours are enjoying this glorious afternoon.
    Peace and Joy, Candy

  9. Hi Dixie, A very beautiful picture indeed, and I so enjoyed the story about the artist. You are right the Lord does work in mysterious ways! Thank you for sharing.

  10. Beautiful painting, and a beautiful story.
    God Bless,

  11. What an interesting painting and even more interesting story behind it. Thank you for sharing.
    Have a great week.

  12. This is a lovely that I had never seen before - thanks for posting it! St. Mary Magdalene is my patroness, so I am ALWAYS thrilled to 'find' her unexpectedly. You have a lovely blog - from one Texan to another!
    -mary in houston

  13. I can see why this is one of your favorites...breathtaking!


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