Thursday, April 16, 2009

Susan Boyle Sings - Audition for Britian's Got Talent - April 11, 2009

If you haven't seen Susan Boyle's audition for Britian's Got Talent... well.. here ya go... tell me what you think...
Unfortunately, all the videos are blocked from posting... but you can link below and view... then come back and see me...

don't know about Britian but... Susan's got TALENT!

livin' the life down here in French Lique.....


  1. OMGosh, Dixie...I heard her and they also had her on Fox News this morning....bwaaaaaaa...I wanna sing just about as 1/2 that great.
    Isn't she magnificent !!!!!!!
    You are so nice to post about this remarkable talent.....
    xo bj

  2. I just saw this on Fox News a few minutes ago. It is so inspiring. Reminds me of Paul Potts being discovered on that show. I'd say that lady has a great career ahead of her.

  3. WOW!!! Go Susan. Her life will never be the same. I hope all her dreams come true.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. I loved her confidence and faith when she stepped out on that stage! What an inspiration to the rest of us to just go for it and believe! I am going to try something new just because of her. The look on Simon's face was priceless. Take that judges! Debbie

  5. Great minds think alike! I posted the SAME video on my blog today! I cry like a baby every single time I watch it.

  6. Hey Dixie, I heard her sing the other night on FOX. They did a spot on it, I couldn't believe how great she was! Fabulous and gifted lady! Hope you are doing well and that your Easter was a blessed one down there in French Lique! ;) ~CC Catherine

  7. I just got through watching it from a link someone posted on another site before I saw your post. Isn't she wonderful! Let's hope she wins the whole thing.

  8. I heard it the other night! She did such an amazing job!

  9. High fives to Susan Boyle*!!! She knocked their socks off*!!!

  10. Oh the eye rolling and cynicism! Ageism seems to be the last acceptable prejudice. Go, Susan, go! Thanks for sharing this, Dixie...always something interesting to read over here in French Lique!!! xoxo Nancy

  11. Is this not the best feel good story. I showed it to my hubby on You Tube and said all you see is how angry everyone is about everything on earth and all the horrible crimes and then here comes this really nice lady with an angel's voice and the best feel good story in ages. Really nice.

    From Roberta Anne- The Raggedy Girl

  12. Everyone is talking about this... I must view it... thank you for reminding moi!

  13. I saw this on the news the other night. What a wonderful story, and what an amazing talent! The look on the Simon's face was priceless. But what I liked even more was Susan's confidence and attitude! What a neat lady. Kathy

  14. Oh DIXIE!!!

    THANK you for sharing that! It made me lovely. She is amazing.


  15. Darn, I missed her on Fox this morning...I wrote about her on my blog a few days ago, but for some reason I cannot get the video to embed...sigh. As of 5PM Mountain Time, there were 18M hits on that youtube video. And Piers was so right...incredibly cheeky! And funny...and when Simon has a real smile on his face, he is VERY handsome...

  16. Oh yeah, I've watched the video several times, Cabinet Man is righttherewithme watching it ;D...she's got millions of sales of CDs if they can get one out...I've cried over songs before, but I've only cried over one other voice and that was my oldest daughter the first time that she sang in public...and I was in tears in seconds...and Rush talked about her this AM and has a link for her on his site too.

  17. Hello~I've just strolled into your blog for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts.
    The voice of Miss Susan touched me just as much as Paul Potts! I've watched both several times. I think it effects me so much, because of their humble stories.

    I enlarged the pics of the *wildlife*...amazing. I'm happy all could find a refreshing drink.

    I look forward to coming by your charming blog again.
    Come for a visit the company would be nice.

    sweet wishes,

  18. Hello Ms. Dixie...

    Girl, I just watched this video last night...and I'm a tellin' brought tears to my eyes!!! Not just because Susan Boyle can really sing but because she was the "underdog" going in! I couldn't believe the snickers and scowls on the faces of the audience as Susan explained that it was her dream to be a singer! Hahahahaha...when that dear lady opened her mouth to sing...sounding like the heavens had just opened up...I wanted to just jump up and down and shout...see, you don't have to be 21 yrs. old and a size 5 to be great! Just being honest here!!! I was rooting for the lady the minute she walked out on the stage!!! I'm so glad that she literally "blew" the audience out of the water! Good for Susan Boyle!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  19. I'm so very unhappy that I missed her...and apparently our IT dept decided that I am not old enough to have a CD drive on my computer as they sent back the 'fixed' one with absolute bare bones and they removed the CD drive.

  20. What an amazing voice--she really did show them, didn't she? She seems so real☺

  21. I kid you not..she brought tears to my eyes...has the voice of an angel! I can't wait to buy her first recordings. I appreciate the happinss and listening enjoyment she will be giving others with that voice...who knows?...she could even reach the worst in this troubled world..her voice is so powerfully moving!

  22. I had heard about this lady on a late-night talk show (radio) but had not seen her video. Thanks for pointing me in her direction. I'm teary eyed now!

  23. Finally saw it... and now I've seen it a FEW times... brings tears to my eyes everytime... She's FAB!!!


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