Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's WORDLESS Wednesday... let's keep it that way...

Wordless Wednesday... want to join? Link your Wordless post below... today's subject.. EASTER...


  1. Great photos! I think my Mom has the photo of Jesus on her blog
    Happy Easter Dixie

  2. What wonderful photos, Dixie! I hope yours is a Blessed Easter. Happy Wordless Wednesday! Dana

  3. Happy Easter and Happy WW. My picture is from a scrapbook, and it has words on the picture. Sorry if that's a no-no.

  4. Such beautiful pictures. I was especially moved by the last displaying the wooden cross.

    Blessings to you this Holy Week,

    P.S. I am a Polish Catholic who attended an Irish Catholic grade school in St. Louis, MO. I think I was the only little "Polish" girl in an Irish dancing costume!

  5. Very nice photos of a very special time of the year ........

  6. Great collection of photos. Love the one of our strong Resurrected Savior.
    Blessings to you all week long, Candy

  7. Hi Dixie - lovely pictures...I especially love the last one of the wind blowing the robe. Wishing you blessings at Easter...down there in French Lique! :)Nancy

  8. What lovely pictures!! Thank you for hosting and sharing!! :)

  9. Now I was the one laughing at your comment that you left me! And yes, I did have an authentic Polish costume to wear that my grandparents purchased for me in Poland when I was a child!

    After landing on your profile I discovered your other blog and fell in love with it! By the way, have you ever visited Anne Marie at Na Da Farm? I think that you might enjoy her blog very much. she lives to wear her faith on her sleeve!

    Blessings to you,

  10. Beautiful Dixie
    I don't get the www you left...it goes no where???
    Love Claudie

  11. Beautiful! I love the one of the Resurrected Christ the best!

  12. Hi Ms. Dixie...

    Just wanted to thank you again for hosting "Wordless Wednesday"! I sure have enjoyed posting this Wednesday event!!!

    Lovely Easter photos, my friend!!!

    Happy Easter to you and yours!!!
    Warmest wishes,

  13. Dixie,Happy Easter to you and yours!

  14. Wonderful pictures! They cover everything I think of when I think about Easter, and then some!

    Have a lovely Easter,
    Margie :)

  15. Great pics!

    I hope you have a Happy Easter! :)

  16. Wonderful photos here need no words.

  17. Wonderful pictures,

    Have A Wonderful Wednesday
    from Roberta Anne

  18. Oh, I love the resurrection picture the best!

  19. Happy to be participating in my first Wordless Wednesday! what a wonderful idea!! thanks so much for doing this~

  20. I love your selection of pictures. Beautiful. The ones of Easter Island are great! Have a wonderful Wednesday and thanks for hosting this fun event! Elena

  21. i know you were kidding.but i did talk too much ans i really don't like that.i think it takes away from the pics.but..............i felt it necessary.i wasn't sure people would connect with what i was trying to do.these things really don't look "that"different do they???????????i won't do it again.///smiles...ann

  22. These photos are just delightful..especially loved the
    Easter Bonnets...my momma ALWAYS bought me a bonnet for Easter as a little girl...wish I had pictures but they didn't take that many pics back then, I guess...
    Thanks for showing these...
    Oh..and I made mention of you on my tomorrow's post (Thurs)....
    Hope all is well down there on your front porch in French Lique, Texas...
    xo bj

  23. I like the hats and the cute little bunny. That is a nice picture of Jesus and very affective the rolling a way of the stone. Hope you have a nice Easter.

  24. i completely forgot about easter hats when searching for my pictures! :o)

    have a wonderful easter!

  25. VERY NICE! I especially loved the Easter Island pics and the beautiful Easter bonnets!

  26. Just had to tell you...I just won Olive Rue's giveaway--56--was the number. The year I was born!

    Hope you Thurs is going well.

  27. Wonderful pictures, Dixie. Love that Easter bonnet! Have a blessed Easter...Kathy


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